In-App Events provide insight on what is happening in your app. It is recommended to take the time and define the events you want to measure to allow you to measure ROI (Return on Investment) and LTV (Lifetime Value).
Recording in-app events is performed by calling sendEvent with event name and value parameters. See In-App Events documentation for more details.
Find more info about recording events here.
- Event name: The unique event identifier. It is usually how marketers see the event in the dashboard.
- Event values: An object that consists of key-value pairs called event parameters. Event parameters provide additional context and information about the occurring event.
const data: AFEvent = {
eventName: 'test',
eventValue: { af_revenue: 956,
af_receipt_id: 'id536',
af_currency: 'USD'}
.then(r => alert('logEvent ~~>' + r.res))
.catch(err => alert('logEvent err ~~>' + err));
For In-App Purchase Receipt Validation, follow the instructions according to your operating system.
Notes Calling validateReceipt automatically generates an af_purchase in-app event, so you don't need to send this event yourself.
- Android only
validateAndLogInAppPurchaseAndroid(purchaseData: AFAndroidInAppPurchase) => Promise<void>
API for server verification of in-app purchases. An af_purchase event with the relevant values will be automatically logged if the validation is successful.
Param | Type |
purchaseData |
AFAndroidInAppPurchase |
Returns: Promise<
additionalParameters: {aa: 'cc'},
currency: 'usd',
price: '20',
signature: 'the_signature',
publicKey: 'your_public_key',
purchaseData: 'the_purchase_data'
.then(r => alert('validateAndLogInAppPurchase success: ' + r.res))
.catch(e => alert('validateAndLogInAppPurchase error: ' + e));
- iOS only
validateAndLogInAppPurchaseIos(purchaseData: AFIosInAppPurchase) => Promise<void>
Param | Type |
purchaseData |
AFIosInAppPurchase |
Returns: Promise<
additionalParameters: {aa: 'cc'},
currency: 'usd',
price: '20',
inAppPurchase: 'productIdentifier',
transactionId: 'transactionId'
.then(r => alert('validateAndLogInAppPurchase success: ' + r.res))
.catch(e => alert('validateAndLogInAppPurchase error: ' + JSON.stringify(e)));