A simple URL Shortener API
I wrote a simple API for short your links. With this API you can create your own link shortening service.
Install Python 3.10 [REQUIRED]
Create a new virtual environment
python3.10 -m venv venv
Switch to virtual enironvment that was created before
Install depedencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Configure config.py
Instruction how to configure config below
Run your application
uvicorn main:app
Set mongo_link
to your MongoDB connection link and add at the end "/{your_database}"
Set domain
to your URL shortening service
Redirecting from short link to main link:
This repository is public, the developer allows the use of this code for commercial and private purposes. But it is forbidden for the user to impersonate the author of the code if he is not. It is allowed to impersonate the author of the code only after a complete rewrite of the code. But the developer urges to specify it in the line of authors. Respect the efforts of others, thank you
Created by pro0xy