All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- movable header widgets
- moving indicators on widgets
- prevent moving widgets outside of the header
- configurable widgets
- mui 5
- persisted user settings
- show selected month for statistics
- empty text for category statistics
- updated dependencies
- material ui 4
- accept zero as number for statistics
- update monthly category on date change
- option to filter statistics for specific month
- separation of dashboard widgets
- invalidate statistics data on record mutations
- refactor RecordForm to use formik
- refactored record dialogs to be containers
- added MonthStatus widget
- non intrusive loading (use isLoading instead of isFetching)
- added eslint
- implemented quick actions
- update dependencies
- quick actions widget on dashboard
- closable widgets