The certificate-init-container
generates TLS certificates for pods using the
Kubernetes certificate API.
- Kubernetes 1.6.0+
Create a deployment that uses the certificate-init-container
kubectl create -f deployments/tls-app.yaml
The certificate-init-container
will generate a private key, certificate
signing request (csr), and submit a certificate signing request to the
Kubernetes certificate API, then wait for the certificate to be approved.
For handling approval of certificate requests we recommend using proofpoint/kapprover.
Once the certificate signing request has been approved the
will fetch the signed certificate and write it in
both PEM and Java keystore (password "keystore") format to a shared filesystem.
Next the certificate-init-container
will exit and the pod will start the
remaining containers, which will have access to the certificate and private key.
See the example deployment for more details.