The frontend for the emeis user management service
- Ember.js v3.20 or above
- Ember CLI v3.20 or above
- Node.js v10 or above
$ ember install ember-emeis
Then add the following lines to your app/styles/app.scss
@import "ember-uikit";
@import "ember-emeis";
Register the engine in app/app.js
export default class App extends Application {
// ...
this.engines = {
"ember-emeis": {
dependencies: {
services: ["store", "intl", "notification", "router"],
Basic configuration of ember-emeis can be done via the emeis-options
service. To generate it, run ember g service emeis-options
and add it to the dependencies in app/app.js
export default class App extends Application {
// ...
this.engines = {
"ember-emeis": {
dependencies: {
services: ["store", "intl", "notification", "router", "emeis-options"],
The config service supports the following options:
import Service from "@ember/service";
export default class EmeisOptionsService extends Service {
// number of items in list views
pageSize = 10;
// hide "username" field
emailAsUsername = false;
// show only a subset of the "additional" fields on the user model
additionalUserFields = {
"phone": "required",
"language": "required",
"address": "optional",
"city": "optional",
"zip": "optional"
// show only a subset of the main navigation entries
navigationEntries = ["users", "scopes"];
// define custom fields for a given context (user, scope, role or permission)
metaFields = {
user: [],
scope: [
slug: "test-input",
label: "translation.key",
type: "text",
visible: true,
readOnly: false
slug: "test-input-2",
label: "translation.key-2",
type: "choice",
visible: () => true,
readOnly: false
Watch out - the translation key has to be present in your local translation files.
There are special options available for type
and visible
Defines the type of the output component and can either be a text or a choice.
Accepts a boolean value for static visibility or a function which evaluates to a boolean value. Submitted functions will evaluate live while rendering.
The evaluation function will receive the current model as argument. For instance if you are on the scope route, you will receive the scope model as first argument. Same for user | role | permission
So the function signature looks like this for visible
and readOnly
type visible = (model:scope|user|role|permission) => boolean;
And an actual implementation example, which makes use of the
visible: (model) => === "test-scope"
For a complete emeis-options
configuration open the test config.
If you need to customize your store service passed to emeis, use:
ember g emeis-store <your_name>
This will generate a store service and an adapter for you. In those two files you can then configure custom api endpoints or hosts and/or custom authentication.
See the Contributing guide for details.
This project is licensed under the LGPL-3.0-or-later license.