Back in the day, every single Geocities page had an "Under Contstruction" image at the top (I think it was required by law, usually they were wrapped in <blink> tags). I won't place one here, but keep it in the back of your mind ...
The two most popular of my projects are: AppLister and ilua.
AppLister is an iOS program that lists all the apps installed on your iPhone. Sadly, it hasn't worked in quite some time. Apple changed an API call from public to private, and RIP AppLister. I really ought to make the repo less prominent since it's pointless now, but I can't bring myself to do it. I had been working on some variations that would, for example, launch a randonly chosen game from all the ones you had installed.
Ilua, somewhat out of date, but the gist is there, was an example of how to make use of Lua from an iOS app. There are a number of reasons why you might want to do this such as providing built-in debugging or scripting tools, a "tweaks" mechanism, or feature toggles.
luablink is a library, written in Lua (ok, that's a little obvious) to control Blink(1) display lights from ThingM. Although not limited to use with a Blink(1), colorswatches, morse, luartttl all are useful for working with them.
Troll is an implementation of a language for describing dice rolls; the related project, troll-tools, is an alternate implementation using a bespoke virtual machine along with a byte compiler and a decompiler.
Just a couple of items at the moment: WanaKanaSwift, a Swift wrapper for a Javascript library that converts romaji into 平仮名 and 片仮名; and komapainter - generate PNGs of Shogi pieces (inspired by some Go code I stumbled across).
A few miscellaneous projects using Arduino, ESP8266 and ohter microcontrollers include cryptoticker, microlife, and nodelife.