The repo contains two scripts to:
- Create a certificate authority (CA) certificate
- Create a server certificate and a certificate sign request for this server certificate
- Sign the server's certificate with the CA's certificate
- Convert the server certificate and server key to DER format
- Create a C-style file containing the servers certificate and key in bytes
One script creates the CA certificate (step 1), the other script executed the other steps (2-5).
Use these scripts if you i.e., want to setup a dev HTTPS server. Call these scripts, assign the server's certificate and private key to you HTTPS server and import the CA certificate to your device/ browser, to validate and trust the HTTPS requests.
The server certificate uses Subject Alternative Names (SAN), to be used for DNS names or IP-Adresses. To sign a certificate for specific DNS entry or IP Adress, please change the related fields in the certs.ext
These certificates are not encrypted nor securited for production usage! Only use the generated certificates for development use cases!