Nature of issue?
- Found a bug
Details about the bug:
- Web browser and version: 88.0.1 (64-bit)
- Operating System: Windows 10
Steps to reproduce:
- In the Find window, change the input field and the search options so that the number of occurrences in the editor varies.
Actual result: The label with the number of occurrences does not get updated.
Expected result: The label should be consistent with the number of highights in the editor. - Still in the Find window, press Enter in the input field, or click the previous/next arrows
Resuts: Now, but only now, the result count gets updated.
Extra confusion comes from the fact that some clickable controls in Find make the count update (the previous/next arrows), but other clickable controls do no (search options like case sensitivity or "only whole words").
Attaching a screen grab to illustrate.