Install the following software dependencies:
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get -y -q install git clang doxygen hugepages build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r` libmnl0 libmnl-dev libnuma-dev autoconf flex bison libncurses5-dev libreadline-dev
Note: Both libmnl0
and libmnl-dev
are needed to compile and run gatekeeper
, but only libmnl0
is needed for simply running gatekeeper
is needed to compile the latest DPDK and/or support NUMA system. The autoconf
, flex
, bison
, libncurses5-dev
and libreadline-dev
packages are for BIRD.
To use DPDK, make sure you have all of the environmental requirements:
Note that DPDK requires the use of hugepages; instructions for mounting hugepages are available in the link above.
Once the software dependencies have been installed and the hugepages have been configured, you are ready to build gatekeeper
Upon cloning the gatekeeper
repository, you need to obtain the sources of
the dependencies:
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
(Note: these initialization steps are not needed if you clone the gatekeeper
repository using git clone --recursive ...
While in the gatekeeper
directory, run the setup script:
$ .
This script compiles DPDK and LuaJIT, and loads the needed kernel modules.
Additionally, it saves the interface names and their respective PCI addresses
in the file lua/if_map.lua
, so that interface names can be used in
the Gatekeeper configuration files.
It also sets two environmental variables: RTE_SDK
They must be set before gatekeeper
will compile.
After running the setup script, you may want to save the environmental variables in your shell's preferences file. For example, in Bash, you can do:
$ echo "export RTE_SDK=${RTE_SDK}" >> ${HOME}/.profile
$ echo "export RTE_TARGET=${RTE_TARGET}" >> ${HOME}/.profile
Otherwise, each time you login you will need to set these environmental variables again.
Once DPDK is compiled and the variables are set, gatekeeper
can be compiled:
$ make
Before gatekeeper
can be used, the network adapters must be bound to DPDK. For this, you can use the script dependencies/dpdk/usertools/
. For example:
$ sudo dependencies/dpdk/usertools/ --bind=uio_pci_generic enp131s0f0
This command binds the interface enp131s0f0
to the uio_pci_generic
driver so that frames can be passed directly to DPDK instead of the kernel.
Once gatekeeper
is compiled and the environment is configured correctly, run:
$ sudo build/gatekeeper