- What is a good use case for ngrx/store?
Here is a great talk that goes into detail of the problems ngrx solving to manage state in applications by Victor Savkin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brCGZ8Lk-HY&t=1245s
- Can you talk about a bug related to a race condition, how to solve it and how to test it?
You can find the answer of this question in detail in this article: https://blog.nrwl.io/rxjs-advanced-techniques-testing-race-conditions-using-rxjs-marbles-53e7e789fba5
- What is the difference between a smart/container component and dumb/presentational component? What is a good use case example? What are the advantages?
You can find the answer of this question in the great article from Dan Abramov: https://goo.gl/GnoSAa