Another Awesome for those who are searching for a "study guide" for mobile development. You can find interesting posts, tools, plugins, open source apps, everything that may help to develop more and better mobile software.
- Network Bands for each country: shows which band is available on each country.
- Adobe color: helps to define colors pallete for our apps.
- Material Design Color Generator: let you create the full pallete from a single color in hexa, rgb, etc...
- Futurice - best practices: Cool updated list of great practices to follow.
- Android Demo mode: change status bar items for screenshots like wifi at full level.
- Vysor beta: Mirror (clickable) the device screen into chrome, helpful for meetings on hangout/hero or something.
- Adb-Idea: Helps you to reset app data, uninstall app, and others from android studio and other
- Material design icon generator: helps you to import drawables for each size from the material icon source into android studio with defined size and color.
Android Parcelable code generator
from charmas guy: generate all the needed code for a class to be parcelable.- Idea Multimarkdown: see md/markdown files beautiful, helpful for the project readme.
- QAPlug: integration with findbugs, PMD and checkstyle inside android studio.
- Google Play: Google play dashboard.
- AppBrain: AppBrain dashboard.
- Free/paid - OFFICIAL GOOGLE - Udacity: Google android official courses and nanodegree.
- Free - OFFICIAL free google courses: Base site for android training.
- Free - OFFICIAL Google Analytics for Mobile apps - Google FREE: Google analytics academy.
- Free - Google Developers Channel: youtube list of videos from google.
- Free - Android Developers: youtube list of cool videos.
- Free - Ray Wenderlich: they do android tutorials too :O.
- Free - Codepath Android Wiki: guides for android dev from codepath guys.
- Free - New Circle Courses: New circle courses for android.
- Paid - Udemy - Android Lollipop complete development: Tim Buchalka android course.
- danielgomezrico youtube android list: selected list of videos to learn android from a lot of places.
- Material Design Tutorial Playlist: material design youtube list.
- Android Study Group conferences list: list of upcoming and old conferences. WOW!
- Google IO Conference: Google IO.
- Big Android BBQ: Google Big Android BBQ.
- DroidCon Conference: DroidCon.
- NYC DroidCon 2014 Videos: NYC DroidCon 2014.
- NYC DroidCon 2015 Videos: NYC DroidCon 2015.
- Devoxx Conference: Devoxx.
- BigNerdRanch Bootcamp: BigNerdRach bootcamp.
- AnDevCon Conference: AnDevCon.
- Mobile Web Dev Conference: Mobile Web Dev (node js?).
- New Circle Android Bootmap: new circle bootcamp.
- GDG DevFests
- Android-Development-Patterns-Professional-Developers: list of patterns for android development.
- The big nerd ranch guide v1: Cool guide to learn the basics of every spec on android.
- JavaRX Essentials: Cool book to learn the cool javaRX.
- Async Android: Async usages for Android.
- Retrofit love working with apis on android: Learn all about Retrofit.
- Understanding Android Naming Conventions: explains the idea behind each basic class of android framework to avoid confusions.
- Clean Architecture: one way to architect your apps.
- Enable Lollipop colors/icon for chrome: you can add colors and icon to chrome bar to make you site beautiful and theme based on mobile.
- Install Google Apps into Genymotion Emulator: how to install google services into genymotion emulators.
- Design for Pre lollipop -compat: guide to setup project to use app compat.
- Material design checklist: are you using all material design things?.
- Materialize your app - Antonio Leiva: Antonio leiva post about how to materialize your app.
- Material Design Colors Explanation: learn how to use colors with material design ideas in youtube.
- Material animations shared elements AppCompat - Antonio Leiva: how animate views between activities!.
- CodePath - Lollipop Animations: add lollipop animations to your app.
- Why use volley: cool explanation volley (wow).
- Make Apps Beautiful: Video to make the apps see beatiful.
- Image load - Glide vs Picasso?: Comparation from image loading images.
- Which android http library to use: cool explanation for http requests and libraries.
- Activity launch modes: launch modes explanation.
- AutocompleteTextView examples (including address autocomplete): autotomplete address, accounts and more to copy and paste.
- 6 Things I wish I knew before I wrote my first app: base concepts to learn and avoid performance problems.
- Android performance - Omertsimsek: because performance matterns there are cool slides about.
- Elminating code overhead - Square 2015: Android performance ideas to use from Jacke Warthon.
- Espresso 2.0 presentation: Testing with espresso 2.0.idcon-whats-new-in-android-testing-2015-jos-alcrreca): how to test!.
- Espresso tests "architecture": give ideas about how to write tests in a clean and structured way (tests are code at the end... someone will maintain them).
- Improving UX through performance: explain which libraries they use to get images, improve performance on networking and memory management :).
- Task and document api: explains how android manage activities and tasks.
- GCM to optimize battery: clear explanation for GCM use to do requests and save battery.
- DuckDuckGo: The DuckDuckGo Android App.
- Google IO 2014 compat example: Google IO app from 2014!.
- Open libra - Material Design Showcase: Cool material design example.
- WallSplash - Material Design Showcase: wallpaper app but don´t have the last code. :(.
- Material Animation Samples: some material design examples.
- Sunshine: app developed on the Udacity course Developing Android Apps
- Wireless debug: how to develop without connect your device through USB.
- Image optim: Make your assets smaller.
#brew cask install imageoptim
. - Density Converter: helps to see values for each density.
- Android Asset Studio: Assets management.
- Material Palette: helps to define colors on material design interfaces.
- Material Design Icons: list of cool icons.
- Device sizes: check screen size for each device.
- Alfi: Dependencies version with terminal.
- Vysor: Cast the screen of any device to computer.
- Android - Material: see the material palette on your device.
- Android - Clean Status Bar put a fake clean status bar for google play screenshots.
- Mac - Android Tool: easy take iOS and Android screenshots.
- Release android library plugin for bintray: gradle plugin to release your libraries to bintray (and jcenter).
- Bluestacks: android on desktop. parse, google services (Already installed) and fabric works on it.
- app that let you see and change device configurations.
- Pixocolor: see any color pixel on your screen.
- Texpand: text shortcuts, helpful to add users and pwd or other text you write always into there.
- Android community: list of videos.
- android-blogs: List with blogs about Android.
- Android libs: simple list of avialable libs.
- Libtastic: Discover top Android libraries based on their popularity in high-ranking apps.
- Android Arsenal: list of available open libs with GUI, comments and so on.
- Github - snowdream awesome: Categorized awesome.
- Github - wasabeef awesome ui: Categorized awesome.
- Github - JStumpp awesome: Categorized awesome.
- Codepath - Must have libraries: Cool guide about base libs for every project.
- Android performance: help you to learn about how to add performance boost.
- iOS Console: cool console outside of xcode to see logs:D.
- LeetCode Solutions: list of cool swift examples.
- DuckDuckGo: The DuckDuckGo iOS app.
- iOS: Official apple stats.
- Wikipedia devices and versions: wikipedia stats.
- Pragma Conference: iOS & OS X Developers Conference.
- Screen mirror iOS: mirror your device wireless to any computer (can be windows).
- NSScreencast: cool list of videos to learn iOS development.
- Raywenderlich: BEST resource to learn iOS.
- NSHipster: another cool list of videos from AFNetworking guys.
- Tutorials 1
- Codepath ios Wiki: codepath guys have iOS guides too.
- Swift guard statement: shows how to use guard in a cool way to have a cleaner code than if else.
- Route 85 - Google developers teach iOS: learn from google guys cool iOS tips.
- Functional swift: youtube video to learn cool things about functional swift.
- OHHTTPStubs: mock/stub every url response to your http library for testing (dont need to add code to alamofire or afnetworking).
- AFNetworking: obj-c http client for requests.
- RBStoryboardLink: decompose into multiple storyboards the application and avoid merge problems.
- SwiftyJSON: json parser. (default JSON parser is ultra hiper verbose).
- MBProgressHUD: used to show loading messages.
- PonyDebugger: use web developer console to track HTTP requests.
A cool plugin manager is Alcatraz. From it you can install:
- Blacklight: highlight actual line.
- Fuzzy Autocomplete: improve Xcode autocomplete!.
- XToDo: TODO and FIX list helper.
- SuggestedColors: it helps with app colors in storyboard, define the app colors inside a plist and then see them by name on storyboard color picker.
- Wolg - Awesome swift: Cool awesome for iOS and swift.
- Matteocrippa - Awesome swift: Cool awesome for iOS and swift.
- Vzousa - awesome-ios: Cool awesome for iOS and swift.
To the extent possible under law, Daniel Gomez has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.