Create a pull request originated from a fork and execute a Public-PPE (3PE) attack against the Wonderland/Caterpillar repository to elevate your privileges and steal the flag2 secret.
Fork the Wonderland/Caterpillar repository.
Modify the Jenkinsfile in the fork to print the environment variables into the console output, or send it to a server you control.
stage ('Install_Requirements') { steps { sh 'env' } }
Create a pull request based on the fork into the main branch of the original repository. The wonderland-caterpillar-test Jenkins pipeline, originally intended to run tests against the repository code, will be executed.
Access the console output of the executed job to get the gitea_token. This token has Write permission on the repository, which effectively allows you to elevate your privileges against the repo.
Clone the repository using the token.
git clone http://5d3ed5564341d5060c8524c41fe03507e296ca46@localhost:3000/Wonderland/caterpillar.git
Modify the Jenkinsfile to load the flag2 secret as an environment variable and print it to the console output (or to send it to a remote host).
stage('deploy') { steps { withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'flag2', usernameVariable: 'flag2', passwordVariable: 'TOKEN')]) { sh 'echo $TOKEN | base64' } } }
Push the modified Jenkinsfile to the main branch in the repository. The wonderland-caterpillar-prod pipeline will be triggered automatically.
Access the console output of the executed job to get the encoded secret.