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This library supports uploading of multiple images using OKHTTP3.


  • Customizable Image Picker.
  • Share images from gallery.
  • Upload status on Notification bar.
  • Progress Dialog while uploading.
  • Specify compression rate for photos before uploading and local storage of compressed photos.
  • Check for necessary permissions.
  • Set Folder name for local storage of compressed photos.

Sample Project

For more information how to use the library in Java checkout Sample App in repository.

Add this to your project's build.gradle

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url "" }        
        maven { url "" }

And add this to your module's build.gradle

dependencies {
	implementation 'com.github.prajwal:MUPLibrary:x.y.z'

change x.y.z to version in the release page


For uploading multiple images by passing an ArrayList of URI of images.

Request for permissions:

private final int PERMISSION_ALL = 1;

final String[] PERMISSIONS = {Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, Manifest.permission.CAMERA};

        if (MUP.doesNotHavePermissions(this, PERMISSIONS)) {
            ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, PERMISSIONS, PERMISSION_ALL);

For using image picker

		.pickImages(Activity ctx,String toolbarFolderTitleName,String toolbarImageTitleName,int maxNoImages,int theme)

Get the intent that starts this activity, in this case: gallery intent

Intent data = getIntent();

if (data != null && data.getExtras() != null) {

            Object something = data.getExtras().get("android.intent.extra.STREAM");
            if (something instanceof Uri) {
                ArrayList<Uri> images = new ArrayList<>();
                Uri i = (Uri) something;

                Options options=new Options();                  // To use additional features
                options.enableNotification(true);		// To show notifications
                options.setFolderName("/folderName");		// Set FolderName to store compressed images before uploading
                options.setCompressionRate(50);			// Specify the compression rate for images. Eg: 50
				// Set the drawable for notification and the color for notification bar.

                        .setProgressTitle(this, "Uploading Test")		// Set text to show on Progress Dialog
                        .upload(this, "", images, new ResponseListener() {
                            public void onResponse(String response) {
                                Log.i("MUP", "Response: " + response);

                            public void onError(String error) {


            } else {
                ArrayList<Uri> images = (ArrayList<Uri>) something;

                Options options=new Options();                 		// To use additional features
                options.enableNotification(true);			// To show notifications
                options.setFolderName("/folderName");			// Set FolderName to store compressed images before uploading
                options.setCompressionRate(50);				// Specify the compression rate for images. Eg: 50
				// Set the drawable for notification and the color for notification bar.

                        .setProgressTitle(this, "Uploading")		// Set text to show on Progress Dialog
                        .upload(this, "", images,  new ResponseListener() {
                            public void onResponse(String response) {
                                Log.i("MUP", "Response: " + response);

                            public void onError(String error) {



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