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Breaking changes

Dean Herbert edited this page Jan 21, 2024 · 168 revisions

Occasionally we will make changes which require consumers of the framework to make amendments to maintain compatibility. Wherever possible, we maintain compatibility via [Obsolete] attributes, but it is encouraged that you leave obsolete warnings turned on, and deal with them sooner rather than later. Generally we aim to leave obsolete methods around for 3-6 months after obsoletion.

This page serves to give a list of all breaking/major changes.

DrawablePool.Get() wil now throw if the DrawablePool did not begin load

Previously the pool would return drawables correctly before load, but it would not initialise the pool to correct default size, causing overheads on drawable retrieval (usually on update thread).

HostOptions.BindIPC has been superseded by HostOptions.IPCPort

Previously, the IPC port used for multiple instances of a single osu!framework app was hardcoded in the IPC host itself, effectively making it so that all osu!framework apps would share the same IPC port, which obviously cannot work.

To allow multiple osu!framework apps to utilise IPC concurrently, BindIPC has thus been replaced by IPCPort.

  • Setting IPCPort = null is equivalent to BindIPC = false.
  • Setting IPCPort to a non-null value is equivalent to BindIPC = true and will force the use the specific port provided.

Note that it is advised to use a "user port" (in the range of 1024-49151) as per RFC 6335.

IParseable.Parse() has received an IFormatProvider argument

This is provided to better treat input when typed by end users, by allowing the ability to respect their regional number settings.

Existing usages of IParseable.Parse() should pass CultureInfo.InvariantCulture to preserve behaviour, including usages of IBindable.Parse():

  Bindable<int> bindable = new Bindable<int>();
- bindable.Parse(5);
+ bindable.Parse(5, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

DrawNode.Draw() is no longer exposed publicly

Draw() is now protected to match the signature of DrawOpaqueInternal(). DrawNodes which draw others no need to do so via a separate (provided) method.

- public override void Draw(IRenderer renderer)
+ protected override void Draw(IRenderer renderer)

-     other.Draw(renderer);
+     DrawOther(other, renderer);

Dropdown requires a search bar to be implemented

All Dropdowns may now be searched, which requires them to implement a search bar component. Sample implementation:

public partial class MyDropdownHeader : DropdownHeader
    protected override DropdownSearchBar CreateSearchBar() => new MyDropdownSearchBar();

    public partial class MyDropdownSearchBar : DropdownSearchBar
        protected override void PopIn() => this.FadeIn();

        protected override void PopOut() => this.FadeOut();

        protected override TextBox CreateTextBox() => new MyTextBox
            PlaceholderText = "type to search"

DecoupleableInterpolatingFramedClock is obsoleted. Use DecouplingClock instead

See this PR for more details on a migration path.

Masking-related breaking changes from 2023.822.0 have been reverted

After pushing the SSBO masking changes to users, it turned out that the change was not an unambiguous performance win as originally hoped, and as such has been reverted for now in order to avoid diverting focus further away from more important concerns.

In response, framework consumers need to revert any and all changes incurred by the aforementioned release. It is advised to keep the changes somewhere around, however, as the SSBO concept may be revisited at a later date.

Storage.Move() will overwrite file at target destination if present

Previously it would fail if a file already existed at the target destination. Overwriting is usually the preferred outcome.

Maskable vertex input layout has changed

Vertices which want to use the built-in VertexShaderDescriptor.TEXTURE fragment shader, or the sh_Masking.h particle, will need to adjust the vertex input slightly:

+ #include "Internal/sh_MaskingInfo.h"

layout(location = 0) in vec2 m_Position;
+ layout(location = 1) in int m_MaskingIndex;

+ layout(location = 5) flat out int v_MaskingIndex;
+ layout(location = 6) out highp vec2 v_ScissorPosition;

void main(void)
+   InitMasking(m_MaskingIndex);

    // Transform from screen space to masking space.
-   highp vec3 maskingPos = g_ToMaskingSpace * vec3(m_Position, 1.0);
+   highp vec4 maskingPos = g_MaskingInfo.ToMaskingSpace * vec4(m_Position, 1.0, 0.0);
    v_MaskingPosition = maskingPos.xy / maskingPos.z;

+   // Transform from screen space to scissor space.
+   highp vec4 scissorPos = g_MaskingInfo.ToScissorSpace * vec4(m_Position, 1.0, 0.0);
+   v_ScissorPosition = scissorPos.xy / scissorPos.z;

+   v_MaskingIndex = m_MaskingIndex;

    gl_Position = g_ProjMatrix * vec4(m_Position, 1.0, 1.0);

Likewise, the C# definition must also be updated to write the m_MaskingIndex input, and be constructed with an IRenderer:

public struct MyCustomVertex : IEquatable<MyCustomVertex>, IVertex
    [VertexMember(2, VertexAttribPointerType.Float)]
    public Vector2 Position;

+   [VertexMember(1, VertexAttribPointerType.Int)]
+   private readonly int maskingIndex;

+   public MyCustomVertex(IRenderer renderer)
+   {
+       this = default;
+       maskingIndex = renderer.CurrentMaskingIndex;
+   }

    public readonly bool Equals(MyCustomVertex other) =>
+       && maskingIndex == other.maskingIndex;

Non-masking fragment shaders must use non-masking vertex shaders

Any usages of VertexShaderDescriptor.TEXTURE_2 as a vertex shader in-combination with a non-masking fragment shader (i.e. one that does not use the built-in sh_Masking.h particle), should be updated to use VertexShaderDescriptor.TEXTURE_2_NO_MASKING instead.

IRenderer.PushScissorOffset()/IRenderer.PopScissorOffset() have been removed

The way masking applies scissor has changed such that this no longer has any use.

MaskingInfo layout has changed

  • ScreenSpaceAABB renamed to ScreenSpaceScissorArea.
  • MaskingRect renamed to MaskingArea
  • ToScissorSpace added. If ScreenSpaceScissorArea truly represents a screen-space area, set this to Matrix3.Identity, otherwise set it to convert vertex coordinate inputs to the appropriate coordinate space of ScreenSpaceScissorArea.

TexturedVertex2D must be initialised with an IRenderer.

The default constructor for this type has been obsoleted and will now generate a compiler error.

Source generators will now only run on release builds

As we continue to add more source generators, we've seen increases in compile-time overheads, with local testing showing over 2x compile times with source generators turned on.

osu!framework source generators are made to optimise builds at runtime (mostly by removing reflection overhead). As such, it doesn't make sense to run these for debug releases as they are basically custom release-targeting optimisations.

This should not result in a noticeable change in runtime performance during debug, but will reduce compilation times by over 50% in most cases. This is valuable during debug as the most common case is frequently building / hot reloading for quick iteration.

GameHost.GetClipboard() is obsolete

The new way to retrieve a Clipboard instance is to resolve it via dependency injection directly. This does not require resolving the GameHost anymore:

-private void load(GameHost host)
+private void load(Clipboard clipboard)
-    host?.Clipboard.SetText("example");
+    clipboard.SetText("example");

AddDropdownItem(LocalisableString text, T value) has been removed

If you were using this, refactor your code to use LocalisableString GenerateItemText(T value) instead.

Easiest way is to add LocalisableString? CustomDropdownText to your T, or wrap T in a class that has one. Then simply change GenerateItemText() to use that:

public partial class MyDropdown : Dropdown<T>
    protected override LocalisableString GenerateItemText(T value)
        => value.CustomDropdownText ?? base.GenerateItemText(value);

Subclasses of FocusedOverlayContainer must now implement Pop{In,Out}()

Previously, subclasses of FocusedOverlayContainer were not forced to implement Pop{In,Out} themselves, despite actually needing to do so for the overlay to actually play transitions out correctly. This has now been changed and inheritors of the class must always implement Pop{In,Out}.

In practice this should not break any reasonable consumers of the class, except for the need to remove any base.Pop{In,Out}() calls in classes that directly inherit FocusedOverlayContainer and call base in Pop{In,Out}().

iOS project structure has been revamped

In efforts to migrate the framework to SDL on iOS, the project structure required major changes. For consumers, you're required to remove the AppDelegate class attached in the game project as GameAppDelegate no longer exists, and change the Application.Main method to call GameApplication.Main as such:

-        public static void Main(string[] args) => UIApplication.Main(args, null, typeof(AppDelegate));
+        public static void Main(string[] args) => GameApplication.Main(new MyGameIOS());

TexturedShaderDrawNode.TextureShader is made private

This is partially done to force consumers into binding uniform blocks in the newly defined TexturedShaderDrawNode.BindUniformResources method, such that uniform blocks are always bound whenever the corresponding shader is used for drawing in the framework.

For binding/unbinding shaders, use TexturedShaderDrawNode.BindTextureShader/TexturedShaderDrawNode.UnbindTextureShader instead.

The OpenGL Core profile is now used

Shaders now follow "Vulkan GLSL", which is mostly documented in the spec: GL_KHR_vulkan_glsl. The primary differences are documented below:

Vertex shader members

old new
attribute lowp int In_Value;
varying lowp int Out_Value;
layout(location = 0) in lowp int InValue;
layout(location = 0) out lowp int OutValue;

The location increases for each additional member in the respective in/out lists.

Fragment shader members

old new
varying lowp int In_Value;
layout(location = 0) in lowp int InValue;

The location increases for each additional member, and must match the location of the respective member in the vertex shader.

Fragment shader outputs

Fragment shaders are required to define an output variable.

old new
void main(void)
    gl_FragColor = vec4(0.0);
layout(location = 0) out vec4 colour;

void main(void)
    colour = vec4(0.0);

Uniform members

Free-floating "global" uniforms are not supported. They must be placed in "uniform blocks".

old new
uniform lowp int Uniform_Value;
layout(std140, set = 0, binding = 0) uniform MyUniforms
    lowp int Uniform_Value;


  • std140 should always be used.
  • The set increases for each unique uniform block.
  • binding is a special required value which indicates where in the program the block should be bound. osu!framework manages this for you and should be 0 for uniform blocks.
  • Both shader stages can use the same uniform block from the same set, provided that the physical layout matches.

Furthermore, this means that uniform blocks have become a first-class citizen in osu!framework. The code to make use of the above looks like this:

class MyDrawNode : DrawNode
    private IUniformBuffer<MyBufferData>? bufferData;

    public override void Draw(IRenderer renderer)

        // Create the uniform buffer.
        bufferData ??= renderer.CreateUniformBuffer<MyBufferData>();

        // Update the uniform buffer.
        bufferData.Data = bufferData.Data with
            UniformValue = 5

        // Bind the buffer to the shader.
        shader.BindUniformBuffer("MyUniforms", bufferData);

        // Draw...

    protected override void Dispose(bool isDisposing)

        // Ensure that the buffer is disposed.

// Pack = 1 is required.
[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
// Record structs automatically implement IEquatable<>
public record struct MyBufferData
    // Use types provided in the osu.Framework.Graphics.Shaders.Types namespace.
    public UniformInt UniformValue;

    // The struct must be a multiple of 16 bytes.
    private readonly UniformPadding12 pad2;

Runtime validation is present to notify of incorrect alignment/packing.

Uniform textures/samplers

The combined sampler of GLSL is not supported.

old new
uniform lowp sampler2D Sampler;
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) uniform lowp texture2D Texture;
layout(set = 0, binding = 1) uniform lowp sampler Sampler;


  • std140 cannot be applied here unlike for uniform blocks.
  • The set increases along with all other uniform blocks/textures.
  • The texture and sampler are bound to different points. The texture being bound to 0 and sampler to 1 will be standard for osu!framework going forward.

Sampling textures

old new
vec4 col = texture2D(my_Sampler, ...);
vec4 col = texture(sampler2D(my_Texture, my_Sampler), ...);

IHasFilterableChildren has been removed; use IFilterable instead (

Rather than rely on IHasFilterableChildren to descend down complex hierarchies for filtering purposes, IContainerEnumerable<T>.Children is used, which results in less boilerplate as you don't need to remember to implement it whenever needed.

IConditionalFilterable is introduced (

By implementing IConditionalFilterable, you get one extra bindable to play with. If the value of said bindable is true, then the item is included in textual search as usual. If it is false, however, it - and its entire subtree - is excluded from further search on the premise that the item does not meet external criteria. In practical terms, you would set it to false when you want to hide some items inside a SearchContainer because they're unavailable due to other settings.

Classes used in dependency injection need to implement the IDependencyInjectionCandidate interface (

This does not affect Drawable subclasses.

Add source generator for dependency injection (

This one's been brewing for a long time while I tried to figure out the best way to do things. It provides a structural foundation on top of which we can build other source generators.

For source generators to work at all for us, we unfortunately need to make every Drawable class partial. This can be done as a graceful upgrade – previous reflection pathways are still supported so no immediate changes should be required to your project to compile.

Analyser + codefix

I've created a pretty "basic" analyser for warning against non-partial classes when required. It attempts to discover:

  • Types used as the argument to calls of DependencyContainer.Inject().
  • Types used as type arguments of CachedModelDependencyContainer<T>.
  • Types implementing ITransformable, IDrawable or ISourceGeneratedDependencyActivator.

This covers all current cases while being as least invasive as possible (i.e. not analysing every member of every class ever).

A code fix has been provided for the diagnostic, however if you're planning to codefix the whole solution I suggest the running the following command until it outputs 0 changes:

dotnet format analyzers osu.Desktop.slnf --verbosity d

The code fix seems to not fix all issues on the first attempt. This is potentially caused by my implementation, however I've tried everything that I could find and nothing's worked. I'll look into fixing this as a future effort, however for the most part it's a one-time thing.

The analyser and code fixer don't have tests at the moment. These are also planned in a future effort and will be structured similarly to the source generator tests and the osu-localisation-analyser project.


  • Member accessor validation is not supported yet. I think these will probably be added to an analyser in a future effort, but I've disabled the relevant tests in for now.
  • Build time has increased. This can probably be improved further, however I don't want to drag on this PR much longer.
  • Going to definitions of classes is a +1 process now, with every single definition now giving you two locations.
  • I eventually want to update the source generator to make use of IIncrementalGenerator, but there's a bit more reading to do for that.
  • The class is generated via AST rather than raw code. This is a personal/stylistic choice because I originally implemented it using raw code and couldn't bear it.
  • The SG code quality is not quite where I want it to be at the moment - it's lacking documentation (compared to something like osu-localisation-analyser) and the tests are lacking structure. This will be improved in a future effort.

I have not tested VSCode compatibility, but I have no reason to believe it won't work, unlike osu-localisation-analyser where there's differences in how IDEs add files to workspaces from analysers/codefixes.


Check the pull request thread for CPU and memory profiling, but the short of this is that framework allocations required for dependency injection are down 50% or more; overall allocations at runtime are down 50% (by object count) and also substantially by memory; CPU overhead for DI activation (ie. creating a new Drawable) is down magnitudes on first usage, and also marginally on subsequent usages.

Put simply, it's a win all-round.

Bindable<T>.CopyTo should be implemented for any custom bindables (

To improve the performance of creating clones of bindables (ie. via GetUnboundCopy()), the copy portion of BindTo() has been split out into its own method. If you have any custom bindable types which were copying values across within a BindTo() override, please move the copy operation to CopyTo() instead. Pay special attention to the direction of assignment, which will reverse from what it was in BindTo.

A fix should look something like this:

diff --git a/osu.Framework/Bindables/BindableNumber.cs b/osu.Framework/Bindables/BindableNumber.cs
index 6d605667f..430da79d0 100644
--- a/osu.Framework/Bindables/BindableNumber.cs
+++ b/osu.Framework/Bindables/BindableNumber.cs
@@ -199,12 +199,12 @@ protected void TriggerPrecisionChange(BindableNumber<T> source = null, bool prop
-        public override void BindTo(Bindable<T> them)
+        public override void CopyTo(Bindable<T> them)
             if (them is BindableNumber<T> other)
-                Precision = other.Precision;
+                other.Precision = Precision;
-            base.BindTo(them);
+            base.CopyTo(them);
         public override void UnbindEvents()

DepthStencilFunction renamed to BufferTestFunction

The new naming should better fit future usages outside of depth and stencil tests.

CompositeDrawable.RemoveInternal, IContainer.Remove, IContainer.RemoveRange and IContainer.RemoveAll now require a bool parameter

A common mistake we've seen made osu!-side is where drawables are Removed from the hierarchy with the intention of never using them again. In such cases, disposal is not guaranteed – nor is unbinding of Bindable fields/properties – which can lead to event and object leakage.

To prevent this from happening, a new disposeImmediately parameter has been added.

Generally this should be set to true unless you intend to reuse the removed drawable (ie. by adding back to the hierarchy at a different location).

Depth test function is now typed to DepthStencilFunction

In places where the DepthInfo struct is used with a custom depth function, the following changes are required.

- new DepthInfo(function: DepthFunction.Never)
+ new DepthInfo(function: DepthStencilFunction.Never)

- new DepthInfo(function: DepthFunction.Less)
+ new DepthInfo(function: DepthStencilFunction.LessThan)

- new DepthInfo(function: DepthFunction.Lequal)
+ new DepthInfo(function: DepthStencilFunction.LessThanOrEqual)

- new DepthInfo(function: DepthFunction.Equal)
+ new DepthInfo(function: DepthStencilFunction.Equal)

- new DepthInfo(function: DepthFunction.Gequal)
+ new DepthInfo(function: DepthStencilFunction.GreaterThanOrEqual)

- new DepthInfo(function: DepthFunction.Greater)
+ new DepthInfo(function: DepthStencilFunction.GreaterThan)

- new DepthInfo(function: DepthFunction.Notequal)
+ new DepthInfo(function: DepthStencilFunction.NotEqual)

- new DepthInfo(function: DepthFunction.Always)
+ new DepthInfo(function: DepthStencilFunction.Always)

IRenderer added as parameter to DrawNode

In order to allow the framework to interoperate with different rendering backends, all rendering functions are now performed through a new IRenderer interface and parameter.

- DrawNode.Draw(Action<TexturedVertex2D> vertexAction);
+ DrawNode.Draw(IRenderer renderer);
- DrawNode.DrawOpaqueInterior(Action<TexturedVertex2D> vertexAction);
+ DrawNode.DrawOpaqueInterior(IRenderer renderer);

In places where the vertexAction parameter was previously used (e.g. to draw textures), null can be given as a parameter instead.

GLWrapper removed, replaced by calls through IRenderer

The static GLWrapper class has been removed, and all drawing functions should be performed via the new DrawNode parameter instead. There is a 1-1 API correlation between the classes.

public class MyDrawNode : DrawNode
    public override void Draw(IRenderer renderer)

-       GLWrapper.PushDepthInfo(...);
+       renderer.PushDepthInfo(...);

-       GLWrapper.SetBlend(...);
+       renderer.SetBlend(...);

-       GLWrapper.PopDepthInfo();
+       renderer.PopDepthInfo();

Texture.WhitePixel has moved to IRenderer

For cases where it's used as a fallback texture, it can be retrieved by resolving an IRenderer into the Drawable class and accessing IRenderer.WhitePixel.

public class MyDrawable : Drawable
+   [BackgroundDependencyLoader]
+   private void load(IRenderer renderer)
+   {
+       texture ??= renderer.WhitePixel;
+   }

    private Texture texture;

    public Texture Texture
-       get => texture ?? Texture.WhitePixel;
+       get => texture;
        set => texture = value;

Texture drawing methods moved from DrawNode to IRenderer extension methods

Appearing alongside IRenderer is the new RendererExtensions class providing helper methods for common drawing procedures.

public class MyDrawNode : DrawNode
    public override void Draw(IRenderer renderer)

-       DrawQuad(renderer.WhitePixel, ...);
+       renderer.DrawQuad(renderer.WhitePixel, ...);

All of the following methods have been moved to this class:


Textures must be created through the IRenderer

Resolve an IRenderer into the Drawable class and use IRenderer.CreateTexture() method to create textures.

public class MyDrawable : Drawable
-   private readonly Texture texture;

-   public MyDrawable()
-   {
-       texture = new Texture(100, 100);
-       texture.SetData(...);
-   }
+   private Texture texture;

+   [BackgroundDependencyLoader]
+   private void load(IRenderer renderer)
+   {
+       texture = renderer.CreateTexture(100, 100);
+       texture.SetData(...);
+   }

DummyRenderer may be used for cases where textures need to be created and neither an IRenderer nor GameHost is accessible:

public class MyTestFixture
    public void CreateATexture()
-       Texture texture = new Texture(1, 1);
+       Texture texture = new DummyRenderer().CreateTexture(1, 1);

TextureGL is no longer accessible

Properties such as TextureGL.BypassTextureUploadQueueing have been moved to Texture itself, and Texture can be used for all rendering procedures. When rendering, textures are now bound to different sampling units via an integer value.

public class MyDrawable : Drawable
    private Texture texture;

    private void load(IRenderer renderer)
        texture = renderer.CreateTexture(100, 100);
-       texture.TextureGL.BypassUploadQueueing = true;
+       texture.BypassUploadQueueing = true;

public class MyDrawNode : DrawNode
    private Texture texture;

    public override void Draw(IRenderer renderer)

-       texture.TextureGL.Bind();
-       texture.TextureGL.Bind(TextureUnit.Texture1);
+       texture.Bind();
+       texture.Bind(1);

        // Note: The texture binding above isn't required in either case for the call below.
-       DrawQuad(texture.TextureGL, ...);
+       renderer.DrawQuad(texture, ...);

The QuadBatch<T> and LinearBatch<T> classes are no longer accessible

Create vertex batches via the IRenderer and store as an IVertexBatch<T> instead:

public class MyDrawNode : DrawNode
-   private readonly QuadBatch<TexturedVertex2D> quadBatch = new QuadBatch<TexturedVertex2D>(1, 1);
-   private readonly LinearBatch<TexturedVertex2D> linearBatch = new LinearBatch<TexturedVertex2D>(1, 1, PrimitiveType.Triangles);
+   private IVertexBatch<TexturedVertex2D> quadBatch;
+   private IVertexBatch<TexturedVertex2D> linearBatch;

    public override void Draw(IRenderer renderer)

+       quadBatch ??= renderer.CreateQuadBatch<TexturedVertex2D>(1, 1);
+       linearBatch ??= renderer.CreateLinearBatch<TexturedVertex2D>(1, 1, PrimitiveTopology.Triangles);

    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)

Beware that when creating linear batches, the type parameter has changed from PrimitiveType to PrimitiveTopology!

The FrameBuffer class is no longer accessible

Create frame buffers via the IRenderer and store as an IFrameBuffer.

public class MyDrawNode : DrawNode
-   private readonly FrameBuffer myFrameBuffer = new FrameBuffer(new[] { RenderbufferInternalFormat.DepthComponent16 }, All.Nearest);
+   private IFrameBuffer myFrameBuffer;

    public override void Draw(IRenderer renderer)

+       myFrameBuffer ??= renderer.CreateFrameBuffer(new[] { RenderBufferFormat.D16 }, TextureFilteringMode.Nearest);

    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)

Beware that the render buffer type parameter has changed from RenderbufferInternalFormat to RenderBufferFormat!

The Shader class is no longer accessible

Shaders are still created via the ShaderManager, but are now returned as IShaders.

public class MyDrawable : Drawable
-   private Shader shader;
+   private IShader shader;

    private void load(ShaderManager shaders)
        shader = shaders.Load("a", "b");

TextureStore, FontStore and LargeTextureStore require an IRenderer constructor parameter

One common use case is to provide a new texture store from inside a derived Game, for which the following change is required:

public class TestGame : osu.Framework.Game
    private DependencyContainer dependencies;

    protected override IReadOnlyDependencyContainer CreateChildDependencies(IReadOnlyDependencyContainer parent) =>
        dependencies = new DependencyContainer(base.CreateChildDependencies(parent));

    private void load()
-       var largeStore = new LargeTextureStore(Host.CreateTextureLoaderStore(new NamespacedResourceStore<byte[]>(Resources, @"Textures")), All.Nearest);
+       var largeStore = new LargeTextureStore(Host.Renderer, Host.CreateTextureLoaderStore(new NamespacedResourceStore<byte[]>(Resources, @"Textures")), TextureFilteringMode.Nearest);
        largeStore.AddTextureSource(Host.CreateTextureLoaderStore(new OnlineStore()));

Beware that the filter mode parameter has changed from All to TextureFilteringMode!

Some TexturedShaderDrawNode members now take an IRenderer parameter

public class MyDrawNode : TexturedShaderDrawNode
    public override void Draw(IRenderer renderer)

-       Shader.Bind();
+       var shader = GetAppropriateShader(renderer);
+       shader.Bind();

        // ...

-       Shader.Unbind();
+       shader.Unbind();

-   protected override bool RequiresRoundedShader => ...;
+   protected override bool RequiresRoundedShader(IRenderer renderer) => ...;

IVertex, TexturedVertex2D, et al. have been re-namespaced

They are now placed under the osu.Framework.Graphics.Rendering.Vertices namespace

Several enums have been re-namespaced

WrapMode    -> osu.Framework.Graphics.Textures.WrapMode
Opacity     -> osu.Framework.Graphics.Textures.Opacity
ClearInfo   -> osu.Framework.Graphics.Rendering.ClearInfo
MaskingInfo -> osu.Framework.Graphics.Rendering.MaskingInfo
DepthInfo   -> osu.Framework.Graphics.Rendering.DepthInfo

TextureStore.AddStore/RemoveStore have been split into "store" and "texture source" methods

In an effort to make the texture API easier to comprehend, the AddStore/RemoveStore methods have been split into two pairs:

  • AddTextureSource/RemoveTextureSource, for adding/removing texture data lookup sources (i.e. TextureLoaderStores)
  • AddStore/RemoveStore, for adding/removing TextureStores.

Any existing usages of AddStore for adding lookup sources must be changed to use AddTextureSource instead.

"Unlimited" frame limiter is no longer completely unlimited #5235

Games using osu!framework can generally run at very high frame rates when not much is going on.

This can be counter-productive due to the induced allocation and GPU overhead.

  • Allocation overhead can lead to excess garbage collection
  • GPU overhead can lead to unexpected pipeline blocking (and stutters as a result). Also, in general graphics card manufacturers do not test their hardware at insane frame rates and therefore drivers are not optimised to handle this kind of throughput.
  • We only harvest input at 1000hz, so running any higher has zero benefits.

If you think you know better for your specific application (or more correctly need to remove the limit for benchmarking), set GameHost.AllowBenchmarkUnlimitedFrames to true.

IHasFilterTerms.FilterTerms is now an array of LocalisableStrings

Supports filtering by either the original text or the localised form according to the currently selected language. Migration:

- public IEnumerable<string> FilterTerms => new string[] { ... };
+ public IEnumerable<LocalisableString> FilterTerms => new LocalisableString[] { ... };

ScrollEvent.ScrollDelta.X (horizontal scrolling) is now consistent across platforms.

Previously, Windows, Linux and Android were inverted. Delta is positive when mouse wheel scrolled to the up or left, in non-"natural" scroll mode (ie. the classic way).

IScreen navigation interface methods now receive an "event args" structure

To allow adding more data to IScreen navigation interface methods in the future without further API breakage, their signatures have been changed to include an "event args" structure in the following manner:

- void OnEntering(IScreen last);
+ void OnEntering(ScreenTransitionEvent e);

- void OnExiting(IScreen next);
+ void OnExiting(ScreenExitEvent e);

- void OnResuming(IScreen last);
+ void OnResuming(ScreenTransitionEvent e);

- void OnSuspending(IScreen next);
+ void OnSuspending(ScreenTransitionEvent e);

The last and next arguments from the old signatures can now be accessed via e.Last and e.Next respectively.

Additionally, ScreenExitEvent contains a new Destination member, that allows to specify which screen is the "destination" screen of an exit operation spanning multiple screens.

Visual test projects now use native .NET 6 "Hot reload"

Over the years we have maintained our own version of hot reload, affectionately named "dynamic compilation". Even after multiple complete rewrites of the system, there are still edge cases where it will unexpectedly fall over due to being too greedy in including what it considers required for the recompile.

The startup cost when running in debug was considerable (around 10-30s initialisation) and the first-compile overhead could also be high (5-60s). In addition, the dependencies required to make it work increased the final assembly size of osu!framework, even for release deploys.

With the introduction of cross-platform support for hot reload in .NET 6 we have made the decision to switch to the natively supported version.

To use this new version:

  • From Rider, you'll get a popup that you have to click "Apply Changes" when a change is made to code while running. You can bind a key to Apply Hot Reload Changes in Rider (defaults to Alt+F10) to make it quicker to apply changes.
  • Running dotnet watch from CLI on your test project will automatically watch files and recompile when a hange is seen.

New limitations:

  • The limitations of hot reload are listed here.
  • Notably, adding new override methods or classes are not supported. You can workaround this for the common scenario of prototyping new components by creating subclasses and adding the override methods before the initial hot reload.

We are interested in hearing feedback on this change, especially troubling cases where the previous behaviour worked better for you. Hope is that the limitations of the new method are outweighed by the leaner assembly, better performance, and (in general) up-front error when a change can't be applied, rather than an error that can be delayed longer than it would take to run a full recompile/restart.

InputManager.ChangeFocus() will no longer switch focus to drawables that are not alive, not present or do not have a parent

To avoid unusual scenarios concerning ChangeFocus(), wherein a drawable could potentially request focus and have focus automatically taken away from it every frame, ChangeFocus() now checks whether the target drawable is alive, present and has a parent before switching focus to it.

This potentially breaks scenarios such as calling ChangeFocus() in LoadComplete() on a child drawable with the expectation that the child drawable should receive focus as soon as its ancestor is added to the draw hierarchy. In such scenarios, the suggested fix is to schedule the ChangeFocus() operation after children so that it is performed only when the child is fully prepared to receive focus.

In general it is recommended to check the return value of ChangeFocus() to determine as to whether focus was actually changed.

CompositeDrawable.BorderColour has changed type from SRGBColour to ColourInfo

To facilitate gradiented border support, the type of CompositeDrawable.BorderColour has changed from SRGBColour to ColourInfo. While some implicit conversions from SRGBColour to ColourInfo exist, some properties of SRGBColour are not available on ColourInfo, as the latter does not always represent a single colour, and may require appropriate adjustments.

KeyBindingContainer now sends key repeat events by default

KeyBindingContainers are commonly used in UI, where we expect to be able to receive key repeats. Historically this was controlled by the SendRepeats flag, but now that all events send KeyBindingPressEvent with a repeat argument, handling this legacy mode of operation was causing more issues that it was worth. The default expectation should be that repeats arrive.

For cases where key repeat may not be wanted (ie. gameplay, where your code is in complete control of user input and doesn't want to receive arbitrary key repeat events), you may opt out of receiving them by creating a subclass of KeyBindingContainer:

public class NoRepeatKeyBindingContainer : KeyBindingContainer<T>
    protected override bool HandleRepeats => false;

Alternatively, if you have only certain cases which you wish to opt out of, you can early return in your OnPressed implementation:

public bool OnPressed(KeyBindingPressEvent<MyAction> e)
    if (e.Repeat)
        return false;

    if (e.Action == MyAction.Action)

BufferedContainer.CacheDrawnFrameBuffer has been moved to a constructor argument

// old code:
var bufferedContainer = new BufferedContainer() { CacheDrawnFrameBuffer = true };

// new code:
var bufferedContainer = new BufferedContainer(cachedFrameBuffer: true);

IEffect.CacheDrawnEffect has been removed

We had no usages of this. If you were using it, nest the effected content in a BufferedContainer with cachedFrameBuffer set to true.

TextFlowContainer no longer returns raw SpriteTexts, returning ITextParts instead

In preparation for adding localisation support to TextFlowContainers, the various AddText()/AddLine() overloads will no longer return raw SpriteTexts. Instead, an ITextPart structure will be returned.

Via ITextPart, the consumer can both access all Drawables associated with a given piece of text, as well as react to any future changes in representation of the text by subscribing to DrawablePartsRecreated. In the future, with more localisation changes, this event will be invoked once a LocalisableString's displayable content changes, which will trigger a recreation of all parts' drawables, upon which any manual adjustments applied to Drawables can be re-applied again.

For consumers wanting to implement their own ITextParts to extend the functionality of TextFlowContainer, an abstract TextPart is also provided which implements the typical flow of handling Drawables and DrawablePartsRecreated. The only thing that a consumer has to do when inheriting that class is to implement CreateDrawablesFor(TextFlowContainer).

IKeyBindingHandler<T> and IScrollBindingHandler<T> now provide UIEvents

To allow for more arguments without changing the signature of the handling methods, and also for consistency with the input flow in general, both interfaces now provide UIEvents rather than placing each parameter directly on the methods.

- public bool OnPressed(T action) { }
- public bool OnScroll(T action, float amount, bool isPrecise) { }
- public void OnReleased(T action) { }
+ public bool OnPressed(KeyBindingPressEvent<T> e) { }
+ public bool OnScroll(KeyBindingScrollEvent<T> e) { }
+ public void OnReleased(KeyBindingReleaseEvent<T> e) { }

The following regex replacements can be used to simplify migration:

Find: bool OnPressed\((\w+)\s+(\w+)\)
Replace: bool OnPressed(KeyBindingPressEvent<$1> e)

Find: void OnReleased\((\w+)\s+(\w+)\)
Replace: void OnReleased(KeyBindingReleaseEvent<$1> e)

Find: bool OnScroll\((\w+) (\w+), float \w+, bool \w+\)
Replace: bool OnScroll(KeyBindingScrollEvent<$1> e)

AnimationClockComposite.PlaybackPosition can no longer go below 0

This is not a change to actual playback behaviour - it only affects the return value of the playback position, which now matches the underlying playback behaviour.

ITooltip.SetContent no longer require returning bool value

Until now, the method of reusing tooltip instances was problematic (two tooltips handling the same data type could not exist). Instance sharing is now based on the constructed tooltip's Type, rather than the data type.

An example of how you should update your code follows.


public override bool SetContent(object content)
    if (!(content is CustomContent custom))
        return false;

    text.Text = content.ToString(); // whatever you need to do here.
    return true;


public override void SetContent(object content)
    text.Text = content.ToString(); // whatever you need to do here.

All custom implementations of IBindable must implement CreateInstance()

Bindables previously used Activator.CreateInstance() to implement the GetBoundCopy() call. In profiling this has turned out to be a bottleneck in some scenarios, so in order to reduce the associated runtime overhead to about half, all implementors of IBindable now must implement CreateInstance().

This also applies to all inheritors of framework-provided bindable types, who must instead override CreateInstance() from their base types.

For a given leaf bindable type in the inheritance hierarchy, the method should return a new constructed instance of the leaf type. The recommended pattern to use is as follows:

public class BaseBindable : IBindable
    IBindable IBindable.CreateInstance() => CreateInstance();
    protected virtual BaseBindable CreateInstance() => new BaseBindable();

    IBindable IBindable.GetBoundCopy() => GetBoundCopy();
    public BaseBindable GetBoundCopy()
        => IBindable.GetBoundCopyImplementation(this); // automatically calls CreateInstance()

public sealed class CustomBindable : BaseBindable
    protected override BaseBindable CreateInstance() => new CustomBindable();

EnumLocalisationMapper for enum localisation has been replaced with per-member LocalisableDescription attributes

As the current way for localising enums require a side-class for the mapping, it became a tedious procedure to localise enums and lengthens a lot of files for supporting such.

Therefore a new LocalisableDescription attribute has been added allowing for localisation in a more performant and single-lined way.

-    [LocalisableEnum(typeof(SearchEnumLocalisationMapper))]
     public enum Search
+        [LocalisableDescription(typeof(Strings), nameof(Strings.SearchHide))]
-        Show
-    }
-    public class SearchEnumLocalisationMapper : EnumLocalisationMapper<Search>
-    {
-        public override LocalisableString Map(Search value)
-        {
-            switch (value)
-            {
-                case Search.Hide:
-                    return Strings.SearchHide;
-                case Search.Show:
-                    return Strings.SearchShow;

-                default:
-                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value), value, null);
-            }
-        }
+        [LocalisableDescription(typeof(Strings), nameof(Strings.SearchShow))]
+        Show

This however require from all consumers to store the LocalisableStrings in static providing classes, similar to osu!'s Strings classes.


  • EnumLocalisationMapper:

    Method Times Mean Error StdDev Median
    GetLocalisableDescription 1 6.866 us 0.5021 us 1.383 us 6.316 us
    GetLocalisableDescription 10 93.360 us 4.9223 us 13.883 us 92.744 us
    GetLocalisableDescription 100 817.775 us 31.0268 us 90.996 us 812.132 us
    GetLocalisableDescription 1000 10,794.319 us 820.1783 us 2,392.498 us 10,718.182 us
  • LocalisableDescription:

    Method Times Mean Error StdDev Median
    GetLocalisableDescription 1 4.631 us 0.1148 us 0.3331 us 4.514 us
    GetLocalisableDescription 10 54.555 us 1.3511 us 3.9412 us 54.440 us
    GetLocalisableDescription 100 540.643 us 15.9231 us 45.6864 us 539.138 us
    GetLocalisableDescription 1000 7,218.708 us 270.7659 us 768.1179 us 7,192.596 us

PlatformAction type is changed to an enum type

If PlatformAction.ActionType was matched, change to a matching of PlatformAction itself like:

bool OnPressed(PlatformAction action) {
-    switch (action.ActionType)
+    switch (action)
-        case PlatformActionType.Cut:
+        case PlatformAction.Cut:

For PlatformActionMethod.Delete, and if only the Delete key should be handled (not Backspace etc.), change to PlatformAction.Delete:

-    switch (action.ActionMethod)
+    switch (action)
-        case PlatformActionMethod.Delete:
+        case PlatformAction.Delete:

IHasTooltip.Text is now a LocalisableString

IHasTooltip.Text now takes a LocalisableString instead of regular string. Users of custom tooltip containers may also have to change checks in the SetContent() method of their tooltip type to check if content is a LocalisableString instead of a regular string.

Recently added GameThread.ThreadPausing has been removed

This was only added in the previous release, but has since been replaced with the bindable GameThread.State, which gives more detail about the current state of the thread.

MarkdownHeading.GetFontSizeByLevel now specifies absolute sizes

The result of this method is now more correctly applied to headers via FontSize rather than Scale. If you were overriding this method, please multiply your returned values by 20 to maintain sizing compatibility.

"OpenSans" is no longer provided, with the default font now being "Roboto"

We were already using Roboto in the visual tests contexts, but fallback to OpenSans could be seen for tool windows in both framework and consumer projects. In an effort to consolidate this visually, all framework components now use Roboto, the chosen font for osu!framework design logic.

This means that if you were previously relying on the presence of OpenSans and do not want to switch to Roboto, you will need to re-add the font resources in your project. Instructions on doing this can be found here.

RotationDirection.CounterClockwise has been renamed to Counterclockwise

As it appears to be often one word, the enum member CounterClockwise has been renamed to Counterclockwise.

IBindable, IBindable<T>, and IBindableList<> are no longer IParseable

IParseable is only implemented on the Bindable<> and BindableList<> classes. Code that relied on this functionality should instead cast to IParseable.

InputHandler no longer has a Priority property

Priority is now decided by the construction order of InputHandlers in CreateAvailableInputHandlers.

ConfigManager.Set is now protected and renamed to SetDefault

Previously this method was public for convenience, but as it implicitly set the Default value of bindables it touched, could cause unexpected behaviour.

  • For initialising defaults, switch to using SetDefault from InitialiseDefaults
  • For changing configuration values externally, use SetValue instead of Set
// previously
config.Set(ConfigType.Name, true);

// now
config.SetValue(ConfigType.Name, true);

osuTK support has been removed in most places

If you were supporting it via GameHost initialisation, you may need to remove a parameter. Internally, we still support it in a minimal way for Xamarin platforms.

The regular weight of OpenSans has been renamed to OpenSans-Regular

Until now this font wasn't following the convention we use everywhere else. If you are referencing it directly, please update your strings to point to the new name.

LocalisedString no longer exists

For strings which have romanisable content, RomanisableString should be used instead.

Multiple UI Components now use LocalisableString in place of string

If you have custom implementations, you will need to update the overridden signatures.

Explicit ToString may be required where previous not

Getting the current value of some strings (ie. on UI Components) will now require an explicit call to .ToString().

Games will now throw (and crash) immediately on performing cross-thread transform operations

This may mean that as a framework consumer you need to re-think how you are performing operations between drawables. The easiest way to avoid issue is to use Schedule to force the target code to be on the correct thread.

WaveformGraph.BaseColour should be used instead of Colour for the default frequency colour

Colour now uniformly affects the entire graph as expected.

IAggregateAudioAdjustment.GetAggregate() has been made an extension method

To avoid aggregate adjustment implementations from having to implement both Aggregate{Volume,Balance,Frequency,Tempo} and GetAggregate(), the latter has been made an extension method returning one of the aforementioned four values for the appropriate property of the adjustment.

Possible compilation failures related to GetAggregate() should be resolved by adding a using statement for the osu.Framework.Audio namespace to the files affected.

TextBox events only trigger on user input

The events were specifically exposed to provide feedback on user input, but were triggering on programmatic manipulation of the textbox's text. See

TextBox will no longer trigger sound effects

This is a fringe use-case, as the samples were never included with the framework, but if you happened to be providing them in your game resources, you will need to update your TextBox implementation to trigger them again. Check the osu!-side changes for an example of how to do this.

CachedModelDependencyContainer models must now only contain read-only fields

Mutating bindables of models attached to a CachedModelDependencyContainer can lead to crashes or otherwise unexpected behaviour, and is now disallowed.

FrameworkDebugConfig no longer exposes PerformanceLogging

Performance logging is now toggled by opening "Global Statistics" overlay via Ctrl+F2. To manually toggle it, you may access GameHost.PerformanceLogging, but note that a change to this bindable will be overridden by toggling the statistics overlay.

Layout validation and invalidation has been reworked

To better cover edge-case scenarios where layout wasn't properly refreshed, the process of layout invalidation has changed.

In cases where Invalidate() affected a Cached member, the following adjustment is necessary:

public class MyDrawable : Drawable
-    private readonly Cached myLayoutValue = new Cached();
-    protected override bool OnInvalidate(Invalidation invalidation, Drawable source, bool shallPropagate)
-    {
-        var result = base.OnInvalidate(invalidation, source, shallPropagate);
-        if ((invalidation & (Invalidation.DrawSize | Invalidation.Presence)) > 0) /* any invalidation type of your choice */
-            result &= !myLayoutValue.Invalidate();
-        return result;
-    }

+    /* can also be a LayoutValue<T> */
+    private readonly LayoutValue myLayoutValue = new LayoutValue(Invalidation.DrawSize | Invalidation.Presence);
+    public MyDrawable()
+    {
+        AddLayout(myLayoutValue);
+    }

In cases where InvalidateFromChild() affected a Cached member, the following adjustment is necessary:

public class MyDrawable : Drawable
-    private readonly Cached myLayoutValue = new Cached();
-    protected override void InvalidateFromChild(Invalidation invalidation, Drawable source)
-    {
-        if ((invalidation & (Invalidation.DrawSize | Invalidation.Presence)) > 0) /* any invalidation type of your choice */
-            myLayoutValue.Invalidate();
-    }

+    /* can also be a LayoutValue<T> */
+    private readonly LayoutValue myLayoutValue = new LayoutValue(Invalidation.DrawSize | Invalidation.Presence, InvalidationSource.Child);
+    public MyDrawable()
+    {
+        AddLayout(myLayoutValue);
+    }

In cases where both Invalidate() and InvalidateFromChild() affected the same Cached member, the following adjustment is required:

public class MyDrawable : Drawable
-    private readonly Cached myLayoutValue = new Cached();
-    protected override bool OnInvalidate(Invalidation invalidation, Drawable source, bool shallPropagate)
-    {
-        var result = base.OnInvalidate(invalidation, source, shallPropagate);
-        if ((invalidation & Invalidation.DrawSize) > 0) /* any invalidation type of your choice */
-            result &= !myLayoutValue.Invalidate();
-        return result;
-    }
-    protected override void InvalidateFromChild(Invalidation invalidation, Drawable source)
-    {
-        if ((invalidation & Invalidation.Presence) > 0) /* any invalidation type of your choice */
-            myLayoutValue.Invalidate();
-    }

+    /* can also be a LayoutValue<T> */
+    private readonly LayoutValue myLocalLayoutValue = new LayoutValue(Invalidation.DrawSize);
+    private readonly LayoutValue myChildLayoutValue = new LayoutValue(Invalidation.Presence, InvalidationSource.Child);
+    public MyDrawable()
+    {
+        AddLayout(myLocalLayoutValue);
+        AddLayout(myChildLayoutValue);
+    }
+    protected override void Update()
+    {
+        base.Update();
+        /* wherever your re-validation was previously done */
+        if (!myChildLayoutValue.IsValid)
+        {
+            myLocalLayoutValue.Invalidate();
+            myChildLayoutValue.Validate();
+        }
+        if (!myLocalLayoutValue.IsValid)
+        {
+            /* your custom validation */
+            myLocalLayoutValue.Validate();
+        }
+    }

In cases where custom logic that can't be described as layout was done in Invalidate(), the following adjustment is necessary:

public class MyDrawable : Drawable
-    protected override bool OnInvalidate(Invalidation invalidation, Drawable source, bool shallPropagate)
-    {
-        var result = base.OnInvalidate(invalidation, source, shallPropagate);
-        if ((invalidation & (Invalidation.DrawSize | Invalidation.Presence)) > 0) /* any invalidation type of your choice */
-        {
-            performCustomAction();
-            result = true;
-        }
-        return result;
-    }

+    protected override bool OnInvalidate(Invalidation invalidation, InvalidationSource source)
+    {
+        var result = base.OnInvalidate(invalidation, source);
+        if ((invalidation & (Invalidation.DrawSize | Invalidation.Presence)) > 0) /* any invalidation type of your choice */
+        {
+            performCustomAction();
+            result = true;
+        }
+        return result;
+    }

    private void performCustomAction()
        /* custom invalidation logic here */

BindableList<T>.ItemsAdded is now obsolete

The ItemsAdded event failed to provide enough context when items are moved around or inserted into the list.

It has been replaced by the CollectionChanged NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler, which provides context such as the newly-added items and the indices at which the addition took place.

This event is triggered by the following methods with Action = NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:

BindableList<T>.Add(T item)
BindableList<T>.Insert(int index, T item)
BindableList<T>.AddRange(IEnumerable<T> items)

The following is an example migration utilising the new CollectionChanged event:

BindableList<int> list = new BindableList<int>();

- list.ItemsAdded += items =>
- {
-     foreach (var item in items)
-         Console.WriteLine($"Added: {item}");
- }

+ list.CollectionChanged += (_, args) =>
+ {
+     switch (args.Action)
+     {
+         case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
+             foreach (var item in args.NewItems.Cast<int>())
+                 Console.WriteLine($"Added: {item});
+             break;
+     }
+ }

Note that CollectionChanged should not be used in conjunction with the ItemsAdded event.

BindableList<T>.ItemsRemoved is now obsolete

As above, the ItemsRemoved revent has also been replaced by the CollectionChanged NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler.

This event is triggered by the following methods with Action = NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:

BindableList<T>.Remove(T item)
BindableList<T>.RemoveRange(int index, int count)
BindableList<T>.RemoveAt(int index)
BindableList<T>.RemoveAll(Predicate<T> match)

The following is an example migration utilising the new CollectionChanged event:

BindableList<int> list = new BindableList<int>();

- list.ItemsRemoved += items =>
- {
-     foreach (var item in items)
-         Console.WriteLine($"Removed: {item}");
- }

+ list.CollectionChanged += (_, args) =>
+ {
+     switch (args.Action)
+     {
+         // Handles both clear and remove events
+         case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
+             foreach (var item in args.OldItems.Cast<int>())
+                 Console.WriteLine($"Removed: {item});
+             break;
+     }
+ }

InputManager.CreateButtonManagerFor was renamed to InputManager.CreateButtonEventManagerFor

Changed to match other methods and the class name it was creating.

Various input "end" events now return void and can no longer block propagation

Events affected:


A drawable may return false for an input "begin" event to allow the event to propagate further through the hierarchy. Previously, such a drawable could then return true for the input "end" event and prevent the event from propagating to the drawables which the input "begin" event was propagated to.
This could lead to incorrect implementations where drawables are left in weird states after handling input events.

By returning void, the input "end" events can no longer be blocked by other drawables in the hierarchy and are guaranteed to be invoked if their respective input "begin" event was previously invoked.

The following table illustrates the events for which the relationship is satisfied:

begin event end event(s)
OnDragStart() OnDrag(), OnDragEnd()
OnMouseDown() OnMouseUp()
OnKeyDown() OnKeyUp()
OnJoystickPress() OnJoystickRelease()
OnPressed() OnReleased()

The namespace osu.Framework.MathUtils has been removed

All existing utility classes have been moved to the namespace osu.Framework.Utils.

TextBox and all related components are now abstract

BasicTextBox is provided as a drop-in replacement that comes with the framework design language.

PasswordTextBox has been renamed

Renamed to BasicPasswordTextBox and comes with the framework design language.

The value provided in the constructor for Bindable<T> is now used as both the initial and default value

The following lines of code are now identical.

var bindable1 = new Bindable<int>(10) { Default = 10 };
var bindable2 = new Bindable<int>(10);

PerformanceLogging was moved to DebugConfig

As seen in, some users are turning on performance logging and leaving it on. This is not intended, as it adds a noticeable overhead to retrieve and write the stack traces to disk.

This change allows the setting to reset each game execution, rather than be saved to a user's configuration file.

.NET Standard 2.1

osu!framework now targets .NET Standard 2.1. Consumers of the framework will need to install the .NET Core 3.0 SDK and change their projects to target netstandard2.1/netcoreapp3.0.

WebRequest.ResponseString and WebRequest.ResponseData properties were converted to methods

GetResponseString and GetResponseData methods are provided as a replacement. This change was done in order to indicate that these operations are expensive(they do memory allocations in the heap on each call).

Button has been made abstract

BasicButton is provided as a drop-in replacement that comes with the framework design language.

Quad.ConservativeArea has been removed

It was inaccurate for certain Quads. Use Area as a replacement.

SpriteText.UseFixedWidthForCharacter has been removed

Provide an array of chars as SpriteText.FixedWidthExcludeCharacters instead.

SpriteText.GetTextureForCharacter and SpriteText.GetFallbackTextureForCharacter have been removed.

Glyphs must now always be retrieved through an ITexturedGlyphLookupStore. The SpriteText.CreateTextBuilder() method is provided to allow overriding the store which glyphs are retrieved from.

BlendingModes are now obsoleted

Please switch to using BlendingParameters static properties instead, whcih provide the same functionality. This change was made to expose full control over blend equations and simplify the blending class structure, which previously spanned three related types.

Cached is now a class and requires object initialisation

Usages of Cached without initialising (via new Cached()) will need to be updated.

Animation no longer supports AutoSizeAxes

Animation will automatically auto-size on axes which are not relative sized (via RelativeSizeAxes) and for which Size has not been set.

Path now supports AutoSizeAxes and is set to auto-size in both axes by default

There are now three modes of operation for paths:

// Auto size
new Path()

// Static size
new Path
    AutoSizeAxes = Axes.None,
    Size = new Vector2(100)

// Relative size
new Container
    Size = new Vector2(100),
    new Path
        AutoSizeAxes = Axes.None,
        RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both

InputKey enum names for extra mouse buttons have been renamed.

MouseButtonX -> ExtraMouseButtonX

Menu and several related components have been made abstract

For each component, there are two ways to resolve resulting errors:

  1. ContextMenuContainer
    1. BasicContextMenuContainer is provided as a drop-in replacement that comes with the framework design language.
    2. Implement your own local ContextMenuContainer. The following is consumable code that matches the removed implementation. Rename it to suit your project and update your references:
      public class MyContextMenuContainer : ContextMenuContainer
          // If you have a custom menu, provide it here.
          protected override Menu CreateMenu() => new BasicMenu(Direction.Vertical);
  2. Menu
    1. BasicMenu is provided as a drop-in replacement that comes with the framework design language.
    2. Implement your own local Menu. The following is consumable code that matches the removed implementation. Rename it to suit your project and update your references:
      public class MyMenu : Menu
          public MyMenu(Direction direction, bool topLevelMenu = false)
              : base(direction, topLevelMenu)
          protected override Menu CreateSubMenu() => new MyMenu(Direction.Vertical);
          protected override DrawableMenuItem CreateDrawableMenuItem(MenuItem item) => new MyDrawableMenuItem(item);
          // If you have a custom scroll container, provide it here.
          protected override ScrollContainer<Drawable> CreateScrollContainer(Direction direction) => new BasicScrollContainer(direction);
          private class MyDrawableMenuItem : DrawableMenuItem
              public MyDrawableMenuItem(MenuItem item)
                  : base(item)
              protected override Drawable CreateContent() => new SpriteText
                  Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                  Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                  Padding = new MarginPadding(5),
                  Font = new FontUsage(size: 17),
  3. DropdownMenu / DropdownMenuItem. This is only applicable if you already implement a custom Dropdown<T>.
    1. The following is consumable code that matches the removed implementation. Rename it to suit your project and update your references:
      public class MyDropdown<T> : Dropdown<T>
          // If you have a custom header, provide it here.
          protected override DropdownHeader CreateHeader() => null;
          protected override DropdownMenu CreateMenu() => new MyDropdownMenu();
          private class MyDropdownMenu : DropdownMenu
              // If you have a custom menu, provide it here.
              protected override Menu CreateSubMenu() => new BasicMenu(Direction);
              // If you have a custom scroll container, provide it here.
              protected override ScrollContainer<Drawable> CreateScrollContainer(Direction direction) => new BasicScrollContainer(direction);
              protected override DrawableDropdownMenuItem CreateDrawableDropdownMenuItem(MenuItem item) => new MyDrawableDropdownMenuItem(item);
              private class MyDrawableDropdownMenuItem : DrawableDropdownMenuItem
                  public MyDrawableDropdownMenuItem(MenuItem item)
                      : base(item)
                  // If you have custom content, provide it here.
                  protected override Drawable CreateContent() => new SpriteText
                      Anchor = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                      Origin = Anchor.CentreLeft,
                      Padding = new MarginPadding(5),
                      Font = new FontUsage(size: 17),

DebugSetting.ActiveGCMode no longer exists

If you were manually setting this, you can do so via .NET methods.

ScrollContainer<T> is now abstract (and ScrollContainer no longer exists)

In a push to make the provided framework components design agnostic, ScrollContainer is no longer provided. As a framework consumer you have a few options to resolve this:

  • Use BasicScrollContainer

The framework now provides BasicScrollContainer and BasicScrollContainer<T>. These are drop-in replacements but come with the framework design language, so it is only recommended as a temporary solution.

  • Implement your own local ScrollContainer

Here is consumable code to provide a local implementation that matches the removed one. Rename to suit your project and update your references:

public class MyScrollContainer : ScrollContainer<Drawable>
    public MyScrollContainer(Direction scrollDirection = Direction.Vertical)
        : base(scrollDirection)

    protected override ScrollbarContainer CreateScrollbar(Direction direction) => new MyScrollbar(direction);

    protected class MyScrollbar : ScrollbarContainer
        private const float dim_size = 10;

        private readonly Color4 hoverColour = Color4.White;
        private readonly Color4 defaultColour = Color4.Gray;
        private readonly Color4 highlightColour = Color4.Black;

        private readonly Box box;

        public MyScrollbar(Direction scrollDir)
            : base(scrollDir)
            Colour = defaultColour;

            Blending = BlendingMode.Additive;

            CornerRadius = 5;

            const float margin = 3;

            Margin = new MarginPadding
                Left = scrollDir == Direction.Vertical ? margin : 0,
                Right = scrollDir == Direction.Vertical ? margin : 0,
                Top = scrollDir == Direction.Horizontal ? margin : 0,
                Bottom = scrollDir == Direction.Horizontal ? margin : 0,

            Masking = true;
            Child = box = new Box { RelativeSizeAxes = Axes.Both };


        public override void ResizeTo(float val, int duration = 0, Easing easing = Easing.None)
            Vector2 size = new Vector2(dim_size)
                [(int)ScrollDirection] = val
            this.ResizeTo(size, duration, easing);

        protected override bool OnHover(HoverEvent e)
            this.FadeColour(hoverColour, 100);
            return true;

        protected override void OnHoverLost(HoverLostEvent e)
            this.FadeColour(defaultColour, 100);

        protected override bool OnMouseDown(MouseDownEvent e)
            if (!base.OnMouseDown(e)) return false;

            //note that we are changing the colour of the box here as to not interfere with the hover effect.
            box.FadeColour(highlightColour, 100);
            return true;

        protected override bool OnMouseUp(MouseUpEvent e)
            if (e.Button != MouseButton.Left) return false;

            box.FadeColour(Color4.White, 100);

            return base.OnMouseUp(e);

LinearVertexBuffer and QuadVertexBuffer can no longer be constructed outside of osu!framework.

For existing code, LinearBatch(size, 1) and QuadBatch(size, 1) may be used to replace vertex buffer usages. Code must be updated to always invoke batch.Add(vertex) with the vertices that should be drawn.

VertexBuffer may still be derived for custom implementations.

VisibilityContainer now exposes visibility via a bindable

VisibilityContainer no longer implements IStateful<Visibility>, instead exposing a single Bindable<Visibility> State.

Texture.DrawTriangle() and Texture.DrawQuad() have been removed (#2475)

Use DrawNode.DrawTriangle() and DrawNode.DrawQuad() instead.

Global TrackStore and ResourceStores can no longer access resources that are out of their respective namespaces.

Previously, it was possible to access any resource as a part of TrackStore and SampleStore via their Get methods because the entire resource store would be nested inside them.

This nesting has been removed, so you can now only access files that are part of their specified namespaces (folders).

  • For TrackStore, this will be the Tracks namespace.
  • For SampleStore, this will be the Samples namespace.

Audio stores have been renamed

To bring naming in-line with the purpose of audio stores, the following classes have been renamed:

SampleManager -> SampleStore
TrackManager -> TrackStore

In line with this, return values of GetSampleStore and GetTrackStore now return ISampleStore and ITrackStore respectively, hiding the underlying manager logic.

The public variables relating to these stores have been renamed to reflect this change:

AudioManager.Track -> AudioManager.Tracks
AudioManager.Sample -> AudioManager.Samples

Virtual tracks must be retrieved from ITrackStore

ITrackStore now has a GetVirtual method which will create a virtual track. This will handle adding the track correctly to the audio subsystem. If one wishes to create a custom type of virtual tracks (a super-edge-case) you could implement the ITrackStore interface and manually add your component to AudioManager via AddItem.

TabControl can now select nothing #2430

While this does not match most OS implementations of a tab control, this was deemed useful for o!f usage scenarios.

Previously, this code would throw an exception.

tabControl.Current.Value = null;

Now it is allowed.

Dropdown can now select nothing #2428

Previously, this code would throw an exception.

dropdownMenu.Current.Value = null;

Now it is allowed. Note that implementations of dropdown should be updated to handle this (common scenario is that the DropdownHeader would not correctly handle a string.Empty case if it was using AutoSize in the Y axis).

TabItem.IsRemovable is true by default #2425

This felt like a more sane default. Any existing usage of custom TabItems where IsRemovable was overridden, or any existing usage where removal is explicitly not wanted need to be updated.

Game.FrameStatisticsMode is now a bindable named Game.FrameStatistics #2399

This allows consumers to hook value changed events so they can, for instance, save the (framework) FPS display's state to config and handle hotkey-based changes.

Visual TestCases are now TestScenes #2365

The term TestCase is used by testing frameworks to denote single methods inside a test class. We were using it on the class itself as a prefix, which got quite confusing. This resolves the conflict and feels more correct as these are visual tests – ie. "scenes".

Note that the TestCase prefix is still supported by tooling for the time being. We still recommend you update (via a simple rename) as soon as possible.

Drawable.ApplyDrawNode() has been removed #2314

The direction of application of DrawNode states has been inversed.


class MyCustomDrawable : Drawable
    private bool state;

    protected override DrawNode CreateDrawNode() => new CustomDrawNode();

    protected override void ApplyDrawNode(DrawNode node)

        var n = (CustomDrawNode)n;
        n.State = state; 

    private class CustomDrawNode : DrawNode
        public bool State;


class MyCustomDrawable : Drawable
    private bool state;

    protected override DrawNode CreateDrawNode() => new CustomDrawNode(this);

    private class CustomDrawNode : DrawNode
        protected new MyCustomDrawable Source => (MyCustomDrawable)base.Source;

        private bool state;

        public CustomDrawNode(MyCustomDrawable source)
            : base(source)

        public override void ApplyState()

            state = Source.state;

The namespace of EdgeEffectParameters and EdgeEffectType has changed #2314

They now reside in osu.Framework.Graphics.Effects.

Font fallback order changes #2296

Games adding their own fonts can now do so directly to Game.Fonts. Fallback (framework-side) fonts are now always at the lowest priority.


// this completely overrides the framework default. will need to change once we make a proper FontStore.
dependencies.Cache(Fonts = new FontStore(new GlyphStore(Resources, @"Fonts/FontAwesome")));
Fonts.AddStore(new GlyphStore(Resources, @"Fonts/osuFont"));


Fonts.AddStore(new GlyphStore(Resources, @"Fonts/osuFont"));

FontAwesome and SpriteIcon is provided by the framework #2293

If you manually added either of these to your project, please remove them.


new SpriteIcon
    Icon = FontAwesome.Refresh,

Parameter order of AddUntilStep / AddWaitStep reversed #2256

In order to standardise parameter order, these two methods' parameters have been reversed. Old parameter order methods are available temporarily (as [Obsolete]) to ease migration.

New attribute [SetUpSteps] added #2266

Finally allows steps to be added that will run before every [Test] method.

Implicit operator removed from Bindable #2152

In order to avoid accidental misuse / misunderstandings, .Value must always be added to Bindable when requesting its value. One such case which used to be confusing:

Bindable<Drawable> bindableDrawable = new Bindable<Drawable>();

if (bindableDrawable != null)
    // true

if (bindableDrawable.Value != null)
    // false

Drawable drawable = null;

if (bindableDrawable == drawable)
    // ???

Bindable.ValueChanged now provides ValueChangedEvent #2012

It is now possible to access the old value. This was a common requirement in bindable usage which we had issues with until now.

bindable.ValueChanged += e =>
    Console.WriteLine($"Value changed from {e.OldValue} to {e.NewValue}");

Introduction of FontUsage #2043

While old methods of setting font attributes will still work, they are now marked as [Obsoleted]. You should use Font = new FontUsage(size: 200) going forward. For convenience, you can adjust existing fonts like so:

var font = new FontUsage(family: "SourceCodePro");

var fontWithSize = font.With(size: 24);
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