- Root 5.34.32+
- OS X or Ubuntu 15.10+
- Python 3.3+
- Gammacombo sources
Nb.: Change brew to your package manager (apt-get for Ubuntu)
- brew install root
- brew install python3
- pip3 install megazord pybindgen
You can (actually now you can't) assembly gammacombo manually, take libgammacomboCoreComponents.so and put it to pygammacombo/ OR assembly it by python3 compile-gammacombo.mz.py.
Now it requires modification of gammacombo source codes. Look at proposed pull requests to the upstream to know the state of the issue.
- Put gammacombo sources (both public and private) into gammacombo folder.
- Put ExpNll into ExpNll folder
- Regenerate dictionaries by python3 prepare-dict.py
- Compile by python3 compile-gammacombo.mz.py
- Compile by python3 compile-pygammacombo.mz.py
ToDo: :) As a result, you will get PyGammaCombo.so (and soft link libPyGammaCombo.so) which can be imported in python script via import: import PyGammaCombo For example of usage you can look at https://github.com/PashaPodolsky/PyBayCor