Discord Webhook library which create object and execute it.
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
implementation 'com.github.poyrazinan:Discord-Webhook:1.0.3'
- Creating object and execute
import xyz.geik.webhook.discord.Webhook;
public static class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Webhook webhook = new Webhook(
"dataId", // Not Necessary
"webhookUrl", // Webhook url which should be taken from discord integrations tab
"userName", // Webhook username who sends
"photoUrl", // Webhook profile photo who sends
"thumbnail", // Thumbnail photo in embed
"authorName", // gets photo from photoUrl and gets link from webUrl
"description", // Embed message
"content", // which is not in embed.
"footer", // Footer text
"color", // Possibilities (ORANGE, RED, BLACK, GREEN, YELLOW, CYAN, WHITE and BLUE )
"webUrl" // Website url
// Execute webhook