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PowerSync Drizzle Driver

This package (@powersync/drizzle-driver) brings the benefits of an ORM through our maintained Drizzle driver to PowerSync.

Alpha Release

The drizzle-driver package is currently in an Alpha release.

Getting Started

Set up the PowerSync Database and wrap it with Drizzle.

import { wrapPowerSyncWithDrizzle } from '@powersync/drizzle-driver';
import { PowerSyncDatabase } from '@powersync/web';
import { relations } from 'drizzle-orm';
import { index, integer, sqliteTable, text } from 'drizzle-orm/sqlite-core';
import { AppSchema } from './schema';

export const lists = sqliteTable('lists', {
  id: text('id'),
  name: text('name')

export const todos = sqliteTable('todos', {
  id: text('id'),
  description: text('description'),
  list_id: text('list_id'),
  created_at: text('created_at')

export const listsRelations = relations(lists, ({ one, many }) => ({
  todos: many(todos)

export const todosRelations = relations(todos, ({ one, many }) => ({
  list: one(lists, {
    fields: [todos.list_id],
    references: []

export const drizzleSchema = {

// As an alternative to manually defining a PowerSync schema, generate the local PowerSync schema from the Drizzle schema with the `DrizzleAppSchema` constructor:
// import { DrizzleAppSchema } from '@powersync/drizzle-driver';
// export const AppSchema = new DrizzleAppSchema(drizzleSchema);
// This is optional, but recommended, since you will only need to maintain one schema on the client-side
// Read on to learn more.

export const powerSyncDb = new PowerSyncDatabase({
  database: {
    dbFilename: 'test.sqlite'
  schema: AppSchema

// This is the DB you will use in queries
export const db = wrapPowerSyncWithDrizzle(powerSyncDb, {
  schema: drizzleSchema

Schema Conversion

The DrizzleAppSchema constructor simplifies the process of integrating Drizzle with PowerSync. It infers the local PowerSync schema from your Drizzle schema definition, providing a unified development experience.

As the PowerSync schema only supports SQLite types (text, integer, and real), the same limitation extends to the Drizzle table definitions.

To use it, define your Drizzle tables and supply the schema to the DrizzleAppSchema function:

import { DrizzleAppSchema } from '@powersync/drizzle-driver';
import { sqliteTable, text } from 'drizzle-orm/sqlite-core';

// Define a Drizzle table
const lists = sqliteTable('lists', {
  id: text('id').primaryKey().notNull(),
  created_at: text('created_at'),
  name: text('name').notNull(),
  owner_id: text('owner_id')

export const drizzleSchema = {

// Infer the PowerSync schema from your Drizzle schema
export const AppSchema = new DrizzleAppSchema(drizzleSchema);

Defining PowerSync Options

The PowerSync table definition allows additional options supported by PowerSync's app schema beyond that which are supported by Drizzle. They can be specified as follows. Note that these options exclude indexes as they can be specified in a Drizzle table.

import { DrizzleAppSchema } from '@powersync/drizzle-driver';
// import { DrizzleAppSchema, type DrizzleTableWithPowerSyncOptions} from '@powersync/drizzle-driver'; for TypeScript

const listsWithOptions = { tableDefinition: logs, options: { localOnly: true } };
// const listsWithOptions: DrizzleTableWithPowerSyncOptions = { tableDefinition: logs, options: { localOnly: true } }; for TypeScript

export const drizzleSchemaWithOptions = {
  lists: listsWithOptions

export const AppSchema = new DrizzleAppSchema(drizzleSchemaWithOptions);

Converting a Single Table From Drizzle to PowerSync

Drizzle tables can also be converted on a table-by-table basis with toPowerSyncTable.

import { toPowerSyncTable } from '@powersync/drizzle-driver';
import { Schema } from '@powersync/web';
import { sqliteTable, text } from 'drizzle-orm/sqlite-core';

// Define a Drizzle table
const lists = sqliteTable('lists', {
  id: text('id').primaryKey().notNull(),
  created_at: text('created_at'),
  name: text('name').notNull(),
  owner_id: text('owner_id')

const psLists = toPowerSyncTable(lists); // converts the Drizzle table to a PowerSync table
// toPowerSyncTable(lists, { localOnly: true }); - allows for PowerSync table configuration

export const AppSchema = new Schema({
  lists: psLists // names the table `lists` in the PowerSync schema

Compilable queries

To use Drizzle queries in your hooks and composables, queries need to be converted using toCompilableQuery.

import { toCompilableQuery } from '@powersync/drizzle-driver';

const query =;
const { data: listRecords, isLoading } = useQuery(toCompilableQuery(query));

For more information on how to use Drizzle queries in PowerSync, see here.

Known limitations

  • The integration does not currently support nested transactions (also known as savepoints).