PowerSync is a service and set of SDKs that keeps Postgres databases in sync with on-device SQLite databases.
This package (packages/kysely-driver
) brings the benefits of an ORM through our maintained Kysely driver to PowerSync.
The kysely-driver
package is currently in a beta release.
Set up the PowerSync Database and wrap it with Kysely.
Table column object type definitions are not yet available in JavaScript.
import { wrapPowerSyncWithKysely } from '@powersync/kysely-driver';
import { WASQLitePowerSyncDatabaseOpenFactory } from '@powersync/web';
import { appSchema } from './schema';
const factory = new WASQLitePowerSyncDatabaseOpenFactory({
schema: appSchema,
dbFilename: 'test.sqlite'
export const powerSyncDb = factory.getInstance();
export const db = wrapPowerSyncWithKysely(powerSyncDb);
When defining the app schema with new TableV2
declarations, the TypeScript types for tables can be automatically generated.
See an example of defining the app schema with TableV2
import { wrapPowerSyncWithKysely } from '@powersync/kysely-driver';
import { WASQLitePowerSyncDatabaseOpenFactory } from "@powersync/web";
// Define schema as in: https://docs.powersync.com/usage/installation/client-side-setup/define-your-schema
import { appSchema } from "./schema";
// If using Schema with TableV2
export type Database = (typeof appSchema)['types'];
// If using Schema with v1 tables
export type Database = {
todos: TodoRecord; // Interface defined externally for Todo item object
lists: ListsRecord; // Interface defined externally for list item object
const factory = new WASQLitePowerSyncDatabaseOpenFactory({
schema: appSchema,
dbFilename: "test.sqlite",
export const powerSyncDb = factory.getInstance();
// `db` now automatically contains types for defined tables
export const db = wrapPowerSyncWithKysely<Database>(powerSyncDb)
For more information on Kysely typing, see here.
Now you are able to use Kysely queries:
- In Kysely
const result = await db.selectFrom('users').selectAll().execute();
// {id: '1', name: 'user1', id: '2', name: 'user2'}
- In PowerSync
const result = await powerSyncDb.getAll('SELECT * from users');
// {id: '1', name: 'user1', id: '2', name: 'user2'}
- In Kysely
await db.insertInto('users').values({ id: '1', name: 'John' }).execute();
const result = await db.selectFrom('users').selectAll().execute();
// {id: '1', name: 'John'}
- In PowerSync
await powerSyncDb.execute('INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES(1, ?)', ['John']);
const result = await powerSyncDb.getAll('SELECT * from users');
// {id: '1', name: 'John'}
- In Kysely
await db.insertInto('users').values({ id: '2', name: 'Ben' }).execute();
await db.deleteFrom('users').where('name', '=', 'Ben').execute();
const result = await db.selectFrom('users').selectAll().execute();
// { }
- In PowerSync
await powerSyncDb.execute('INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES(2, ?)', ['Ben']);
await powerSyncDb.execute(`DELETE FROM users WHERE name = ?`, ['Ben']);
const result = await powerSyncDb.getAll('SELECT * from users');
// { }
- In Kysely
await db.insertInto('users').values({ id: '3', name: 'Lucy' }).execute();
await db.updateTable('users').where('name', '=', 'Lucy').set('name', 'Lucy Smith').execute();
const result = await db.selectFrom('users').select('name').executeTakeFirstOrThrow();
// { id: '3', name: 'Lucy Smith' }
- In PowerSync
await powerSyncDb.execute('INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES(3, ?)', ['Lucy']);
await powerSyncDb.execute('UPDATE users SET name = ? WHERE name = ?', ['Lucy Smith', 'Lucy']);
const result = await powerSyncDb.getAll('SELECT * from users');
// { id: '3', name: 'Lucy Smith' }
- In Kysely
await db.transaction().execute(async (transaction) => {
await transaction.insertInto('users').values({ id: '4', name: 'James' }).execute();
await transaction.updateTable('users').where('name', '=', 'James').set('name', 'James Smith').execute();
const result = await db.selectFrom('users').select('name').executeTakeFirstOrThrow();
// { id: '4', name: 'James Smith' }
- In PowerSync
await powerSyncDb.writeTransaction((transaction) => {
await transaction.execute('INSERT INTO users (id, name) VALUES(4, ?)', ['James']);
await transaction.execute("UPDATE users SET name = ? WHERE name = ?", ['James Smith', 'James']);
const result = await powerSyncDb.getAll('SELECT * from users')
// { id: '4', name: 'James Smith' }