- Clone this repository
- Build the image with
docker build -t image_name .
- Run the container with
docker run image_name ncbiblast_lwp.pl --email docker@ebi.ac.uk --stype protein --database uniprotkb_swissprot --program blastp sp:wap_rat
- Alternatively, to save results it can be run as
docker run --rm -w /results -v /path/local/destination:/results image_name ncbiblast_lwp.pl --email docker@ebi.ac.uk --stype protein --database uniprotkb_swissprot --program blastp sp:wap_rat
- Add the jdispatcher clients' repo as a remote:
git remote add -f -t master --no-tags clients git@github.com:ebi-wp/webservice-clients.git
- Load the remote repo's master branch:
git checkout clients/master
- Remove everything from the branch except the folder with perl clients:
git subtree split -P perl/lwp -b perl_clients
- Go back to master branch:
git checkout master
- Insert the modified branch into master:
git subtree add --squash -P clients perl_clients
- Clean up the branch:
git branch -D perl_clients
How to use the clients
How to use hmmer3 hmmscan :
To use the client directly (without Docker) :
./clients/hmmer3_hmmscan_lwp.pl --email yours@email.ac.uk --hmmDatabase Pfam ./sequence/single.seq
With Docker :
docker run image_name hmmer3_hmmscan_lwp.pl --email yours@email.ac.uk --hmmDatabase Pfam ./sequence/single.seq
How to use hmmer3 phmmer :
To use the client directly (without Docker) :
./clients/hmmer3_phmmer_lwp.pl --email yours@email.ac.uk --seqdb uniprotkb ./sequence/single.seq
With Docker :
docker run image_name ./clients/hmmer3_phmmer_lwp.pl --email yours@email.ac.uk --seqdb uniprotkb ./sequence/single.seq
The recent retired tool :