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128 lines (98 loc) · 5.77 KB

File metadata and controls

128 lines (98 loc) · 5.77 KB

Install dependencies

We have two kinds of dependencies in this project: tools and angular framework code. The tools help us manage and test the application.

npm is configured to automatically run bower install and gulp. Before you run the application for the first time, simply run this command from the www/master directory:

npm install

To start the application, run this command from the www/master directory:

npm start

The gulp command will start a file watcher which will update the generated app code after any changes are saved. Note: gulp file watcher does not currently support adding or deleting files, this will require a restart of gulp). Two new directories will also be created in the project.

  • master/node_modules - contains npm dependencies
  • master/bower_components - contains the angular framework files and any custom dependencies

Bower components should be referenced in one of the vendor.json files below:

  • master/vendor.base.json - 3rd party vendor javascript required to start the app. JS is compiled to base.js and loaded before app.js
  • master/vendor.json - 3rd party vendor scripts to make the app work, usually lazy loaded. Can be js or css. Copied to vendor/*.

Serving the app during development

For development you can serve the files locally by installing a webserver as follows:

sudo npm install -g http-server

The server can then be launched:

cd app
http-server -a localhost -p 8000

Serving the app in production



Configuration settings

A json file can be used by gulp to automatically create angular constants. This is useful for setting per environment variables such as api endpoints.

  • www/master/shared/config/development.json or www/master/shared/config/production.json can be created from the www/master/shared/config/development.example.json file.
  • development.example.json should be kept up to date with default values, since development.json is not under source control.
  • Component configuration can be added to www/master/components/<component name>/config/development.json and it will be combined with the main app config files and compiled into the intermediary www/master/shared/config/generated-config.js file.
  • All generated-config.js is compiled into app.js
  • Production config can be generated using gulp config --env production or gulp --env production
  • The generated angular constant is named ENV with the shared root and each component having their own child configuration. For example,
├── shared/config/development.json
└── components
    ├── dashboard/config/development.json
    └── my_component/config/development.json

produces www/master/shared/config/generated-config.js:

angular.module('kubernetesApp.config', [])
.constant('ENV', {
  '/': <www/master/shared/config/development.json>,
  'dashboard': <www/master/components/dashboard/config/development.json>,
  'my_component': <www/master/components/my_component/config/development.json>

Kubernetes server configuration

You'll need to run hack/ to create a new pkg/ui/datafile.go file. This is the file that is built-in to the kube-apiserver.

RECOMMENDED: When working in development mode the Kubernetes api server does not support CORS, so the kube-apiserver.service must be started with --cors_allowed_origins=.* or --cors_allowed_origins=http://<your host here>

HACKS: If you don't want to/cannot restart the Kubernetes api server:

  • Or you can start your browser with web security disabled. For Chrome, you can launch it with flag --disable-web-security.

Building a new visualizer or component

See master/components/


Currently kubernetes/www includes both unit-testing (run via Karma) and end-to-end testing (run via Protractor).

Unittests via Karma

To run the existing Karma tests:

  • Install the Karma CLI: sudo npm install -g karma-cli (it needs to be installed globally, hence the sudo may be needed). Note that the other Karma packages (such as karma, karma-jasmine, and karma-chrome-launcher should be automatically installed when running npm start).
  • Go to the www/master directory, and run karma start karma.conf.js. The Karma configuration is defined in karma.config.js. The console should show the test results.

To write new Karma tests:

  • For testing each components, write test files (*.spec.js) under the corresponding www/master/components/**/test/modules/ directory.
  • For testing the chrome and the framework, write test files (*.spec.js) under the www/master/test/modules/* directory.

End-to-end testing via Protractor

To run the existing Protractor tests:

  • Install the CLIs: sudo npm install -g protractor.
  • Start the webdriver server: sudo webdriver-manager start
  • Start the kubernetes-ui app (see instructions above), assuming running at port 8000.
  • Go to the www/master/protractor directory and run protractor conf.js. The protractor configuration is in conf.js. The console should show the test results.

To write new protractor tests, put the test files (*.spec.js) in the corresponding www/master/components/**/protractor/ directory.
