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Automated case classes validation using refinement types and macros


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Currently Scala 2 only

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The validations are useless if programmers ignore them. We need to reduce an amount of boilerplate to adopt a typesafe validations for mass usage.

breif is an automated constructor generator for the case classes with a refined fields. The purpose of this micro-library is to reduce an adoption cost of a refined types.

brief is just a wrapper around powerful Refined library by Frank S. Thomas.

It will help if:

  1. I want typesafe fields validation for case classes, but I don't want to write boilerplate to its validation manually;
  2. Something went wrong and I don't want to "fail fast" on the first invalid field. I want to get all validation errors together;
  3. I want to have a failed field name in an every error message.



libraryDependencies += "com.github.poslegm" %% "brief" % "0.0.1-RC1-M1"

// for Scala 2.13
scalacOptions += "-Ymacro-annotations"
// for Scala 2.12
libraryDependencies += compilerPlugin("org.scalamacros" % "paradise" % "2.1.1" cross CrossVersion.full)

Public API of brief consists of the only one macro annotation @Validation! It creates constructor for the case class with refined fields and accumulates all validation errors to List[String].


import brief.annotations.Validation
import eu.timepit.refined._
import eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined
import eu.timepit.refined.numeric._

@Validation case class Test(a: Int, b: Int Refined Positive, c: Int Refined Negative)
object Test {
  def create(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int): Either[List[String] Refined NonEmpty, Test] =
    ).map { case (b, c) =>
      new Test(a = a, b = b, c = c)

Test.create(1, 2, -3) // Right(Test(1, 2, -3))
Test.create(1, -2, 3) // Left(List("For field Test.b: Predicate failed: (-2 > 0).", "For field Test.c: Predicate failed: (3 < 0)."))

Custom predicate example

import brief.annotations.Validation
import eu.timepit.refined._
import eu.timepit.refined.api.{Refined, Validate}

val russianPhoneNumberRegex = "\\+7[0-9]{10}".r
final case class RussianPhoneNumber()
implicit def phoneNumber: Validate.Plain[String, RussianPhoneNumber] =
    x => russianPhoneNumberRegex.matches(x),
    x => s"($x has format +7XXXXXXXXXX)",

@Validation case class Call(
  source: String Refined RussianPhoneNumber,
  target: String Refined RussianPhoneNumber

Call.create("+71234567890", "+71112223344") // Right(Call(...))

Custom errors

It's possible to return your own exception from a create method instead of raw List[String] with errors. Just define your error datatype with a contract:

  1. It should be a class or a case class
  2. It should receive List[String] or List[String] Refined NonEmpty to the constructor

And then pass it to the annotation type parameter as @Validation[CustomError].


final case class CallValidationError(msgs: List[String])
    extends Exception(s"call validation errors: ${msgs.mkString("; ")}")
    with NoStackTrace

@Validation[CallValidationError] case class Call(
  source: String Refined RussianPhoneNumber,
  target: String Refined RussianPhoneNumber

Call.create("+71234567890", "+71112") // Left(CallValidationError(...))


Generic case classes

case class with a type parameters will not compile. Feel free to fix it!

@Validation case class Test[T](a: T) // <- doesn't compile

Type aliases

There are constraints for type aliases. Feel free to fix it!

// predicate aliases are OK
type PaE = Positive And Even
@Validation case class Test(x: Int Refined PaE) // <- works good :)

// full type aliases aren't OK
type Pos = Int Refined Positive
@Validation case class Test(x: Pos) // <- will not work :(

Supported Scala versions

Currently supported versions are 2.12 and 2.13. Scala 3 support not ready yet.