Bump laravel/framework from 11.42.0 to 11.44.1
Bump laravel/framework from 11.42.0 to 11.44.1
Merge branch 'main' into portabilis-patch-2025-02-12
Merge branch 'main' into portabilis-patch-2025-02-12
Sonar qube
Sonar qube
Sonar qube
Sonar qube
Bump phpoffice/phpspreadsheet from 1.29.8 to 1.29.9
Bump phpoffice/phpspreadsheet from 1.29.8 to 1.29.9
Bump phpoffice/phpspreadsheet from 1.29.7 to 1.29.8
Bump phpoffice/phpspreadsheet from 1.29.7 to 1.29.8
Bump vite from 5.3.6 to 5.4.12
Bump vite from 5.3.6 to 5.4.12
Merge branch 'main' into community-patch-2025-01-16
Merge branch 'main' into community-patch-2025-01-16
Bump nesbot/carbon from 3.8.3 to 3.8.4
Bump nesbot/carbon from 3.8.3 to 3.8.4
Bump phpoffice/phpspreadsheet from 1.29.6 to 1.29.7
Bump phpoffice/phpspreadsheet from 1.29.6 to 1.29.7
Remove função historico_carga_horaria_componente
Remove função
Remove função get_telefone_pessoa
Remove função
Remove função get_qtde_alunos_situacao
Remove função
Remove função formata_nome
Remove função
Remove função fcn_obter_primeiro_ultimo_nome
Remove função