- Shairport Sync is an AirPlay audio player – it plays audio streamed from Apple devices and from AirPlay sources such as OwnTone (formerly
). - Shairport Sync can provide "classic" AirPlay 1 or limited Airplay 2 support. The AirPlay 2 build is much more demanding. It requires a faster system, more storage and more RAM both at build time and run time.
- Shairport Sync does not support AirPlay video or photo streaming.
For the latest on AirPlay 2, please visit AIRPLAY2.md.
- A brief guide to building classic Shairport Sync (for AirPlay 1) is available at BUILDFORAP1.md.
- A guide to building Shairport Sync for AirPlay 2 on Linux is available at BUILDFORAP2.md.
- A guide to building for AirPlay 2 on FreeBSD is forthcoming.
For more information, please visit MOREINFO.md.
For the development of AirPlay 2 support, special thanks are due to:
- JD Smith for really thorough testing, support and encouragement.
- ejurgensen for advice and code to deal with pairing and encryption.
- ckdo for pointing the way, particularly with pairing and encryption protocols, with a functional Python implementation of AirPlay 2.
- invano for showing what might be possible and for initial Python development.
- Charles Omer for Docker automation, repository management automation, testing, encouragement, enthusiasm.
And of course, thanks to everyone who has supported and improved Shairport Sync over the years.