- Claire Zuliani added config settings for MJML fonts.
- Fixed the binary check when using MRML to avoid warnings.
- Pokonski added support for MRML which is a fast Rust implementation of MJML.
- Yuta Hayashi added support for Yarn 2.
- Alan Halatian updated the MJML binary discovery when installed with Yarn.
- Florian Dütsch added the Node process exit code when the parser raises a ParseError.
- Florian Dütsch fixed a bug where Mjml::Parser#render suppresses errors in case of Tempfile exceptions.
- Florian Dütsch added RuboCop integration.
- doits simplified the MJML Handler class and regex, so rendering should be faster.
- doits added custom MJML binary location configuration via mjml_binary setting.
- Note: default validation level is now strict.
- doits fixed MJML-Rails validation level to match MJML validation.
- haffla fixed the post-install message.
- Implement denny's fix to detect MJML template errors.
- doits refactored discovery of the MJML binary.
- zeh235 added support for setting the MJML validationLevel.
- adrianob fixed discovering the npm/yarn bin path using Open3 instead of back ticks.
- Jan Sandbrink fixed discovering MJML binary, when only yarn, but not npm is installed.
- Paul Mucur added better path escaping on the IO.popen command. Markus Doits added Rails 6 support by adding the optional second source parameter to template handler calls.
- Stephan Biastoch added rendering errors to true by default - see pull request #37.
- Mandy Huang added config settings for MJML beautify and minify.
- Patrick Bougie and Daniel suggested a fix to enable alternative binary support - see #39. Also updated for MJML 4.2.0
- Patrick Bougie fixed a bug where an expanded MJML root tag resulted in the message not rendering to HTML.
- Implemented Aleksandrs Ļedovskis' fix for Haml/Slim layouts.
- Aleksandrs Ļedovskis refactored MJML layout/template support to better match Rails standards.
- Ryan Ahearn updated for 4.1.0 and improved Tempfile usage.
- Anh Tran added the use of Open3.popen3 to support error raising for Mjml::Parse#run method.
- Max Mulatz, 🧟 squisher. Fixed a zombie process from the version checker (also cutest pull-request 🏆).
- Option to raise render errors added to the config by Anh Tran.
- Updated for MJML v4.0.0 thanks to JP Boily.
- Checks if Yarn is installed for webpacker users.
- Only raise error when really using mjml if binary is not found.
- Using IO.popen from tylerhunt's branch to check if the MJML binary is installed.
- Updated to support HAML and other template languages.
- Updated to work with MJML v2.x
- Performing executable checks and version checks at initialize time.
- Removing require: 'mjml' from the Gemfile install line.
- Updated to MJML v2.1.4
- Supports new tags in MJML v2.1.1
- Version number now matches MJML.io version
- First release.
- Supports MJML 1.x
- Allows use of ERb in templates
- Allows use of partials in templates