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Releases: pointfreeco/swift-parsing


29 Dec 03:31
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  • Changed: Double.parser() has been rewritten to pass a parsed substring directly to Double.init rather than strtod_l (which Double.init uses under the hood). This avoids a crash in which an attempt to take the contiguous bytes of an unsafe buffer pointer on contiguous storage can fail. There is a slight performance cost (as seen in the benchmarks). We can probably recover this performance with a custom parser that does not simply wrap Double.init.
  • Bug fixed: all Prefix parser initializers correctly pass through their predicate parameters.
  • Simplified parse helper on strings to contiguous storage (thanks @kaandedeoglu).
  • Improved documentation.
  • Improved JSON example: it is not to-spec with properly escaped strings. Naive implementation still performs only about 2x slower than JSONSerialization.


21 Dec 19:08
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Fixes Package.swift for Swift 5.1: #1


21 Dec 07:21
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Initial release!