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An efficient and easy-to-use generator for strongly typed routes in Blazor


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PodNet.Blazor.TypedRoutes Nuget

An efficient and easy-to-use generator for strongly typed routes in Blazor.

Why Type Strongly?

I don't think there are many people that use Blazor that need convincing of the advantages of strong typing. Blazor, by default, doesn't apply strong typing to the routes defined in .razor files or component classes. You can define your component's route to be at /my-component, then pass that magic /my-component string around as if it was no one else's business! Then, just hope nobody changes the route of the component for whatever reason and breaks something seemingly unrelated. But, what if you could simply refer to the URL in a strongly typed manner, like <a href="@MyComponent.PageUri">My component</a>? Look no further, here's PodNet.Blazor.TypedRoutes to satiate all your strongly-typed component route needs!

Support and features

  • All Blazor hosting models (Blazor Web, Blazor WebAssembly, Blazor Server, ASP.NET Core hosted Blazor WASM, hybrid with MAUI, etc.).
  • .NET 8+
  • dotnet CLI, VS Code or Visual Studio 2022+
  • Supports trimming for small file sizes
  • Any number of @page directives and [Route] attributes for defining routes to be picked up, and even mix-and-match the two approaches if you want in your project, even in split code+markup components
  • Supports all Blazor route constraints (types), optional/nullable and catch-all parameters, multiple routes per component
  • The generated code is self-documenting with XML comments, so that you can see the discrete values they refer to when using IntelliSense
  • Extensible via generated interfaces: DIY sitemap, navigation, breadcrumbs, SEO etc.
  • A Roslyn incremental source generator for high performance code gen


  1. Install the NuGet package to your Blazor app (all hosting models are supported). Use NuGet Package Manager, the .N
    > dotnet add package PodNet.Blazor.TypedRoutes
  2. Define your page components as usual. Either: a. use @page directives in .razor files, or a. use [Route] attributes in .cs files - in this case, the class has to be partial.
  3. For each found route, a static member will be automatically generated for the component you can use by referring to the type itself. You don't need to do anything special for the generated code to appear, it'll automatically get refreshed as you type as needed, or be built when you run dotnet build from the command line.

    Visual Studio sometimes takes a bit of time to pick up and/or run the generator correctly. It might be time for your unscheduled restart!

The logic for generating a primary PageUri property or method and additional methods (when there are multiple routes) is a bit opinionated, but it should "just work" for most scenarios without you having to configure or modify anything.

If you have any issues after installing the package, confirm that the relevant <PackageReference> includes and does not exlude the compile;analyzers assets in your .csproj file:

<!-- By default, "all" assets are included, which is a code generator (analyzer) and a very small assembly that contains some core interfaces. In most cases, this is what you would want. -->
<PackageReference Include="PodNet.Blazor.TypedRoutes" Version="{YourVersionHere}" />

<!-- This is the minimum that's needed for the code generator to work and the generated interfaces to be visible. -->
<PackageReference Include="PodNet.Blazor.TypedRoutes" Version="{YourVersionHere}"
                  IncludeAssets="analyzers;compile" /> 

<!-- If you only need the code generator, you can omit the compilation dependency. You would have to define or reference the relevant symbols yourself. -->
<PackageReference Include="PodNet.Blazor.TypedRoutes" Version="{YourVersionHere}"
                  IncludeAssets="analyzers" />

You can also configure if you don't want other projects referencing your project to also include the analyzer or the compile and runtime dependency to be visible to them (transiently) by including them in the PrivateAssets property. More info: PackageReference in project files # Controlling dependency assets | Microsoft Learn.

Example: parameterless routes

In an example project named MyExampleBlazorApp, using the well-known FetchData component from the default project template which defines @page "/fetchdata" as its route template, the generated code for the component is as follows:

// <auto-generated />
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using PodNet.Blazor.TypedRoutes;

namespace MyExampleBlazorApp.Pages 
    partial class FetchData : IRoutableComponent, INavigableComponent
        /// <summary>
        /// The primary route template for the component, the constant string <c>"/fetchdata"</c>.
        /// </summary>
        public static string PageRouteTemplate => "/fetchdata";

        /// <summary>
        /// All available route templates for the component, containing the string: <c>"/fetchdata</c>.
        /// </summary>
        public static IReadOnlyList<string> AllPageRouteTemplates { get; } = ImmutableArray.Create("/fetchdata");

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the absolute page URI: <c>"/fetchdata"</c>.
        /// </summary>
        public static string PageUri => "/fetchdata";


To view the generated code for your project in Visual Studio, navigate in Solution Explorer to your project's Dependencies / Analyzers / PodNet.Blazor.TypedRoutes.Generator node, where all generated files should be visible.

Usage of these members is very useful in any place you'd refer to the page's URI. Instead of using the page's URL as a hardcoded value, you could instead, for example, modify the Shared\NavMenu.razor file from:

<NavLink class="nav-link" href="fetchdata"> @* Welp, this isn't really typesafe here! *@
    <span class="oi oi-list-rich" aria-hidden="true"></span> Fetch data

to instead refer to the page's URI directly by referring to it as you might expect:

<NavLink class="nav-link" href="@FetchData.PageUri"> @* MUCH better!! *@
    <span class="oi oi-list-rich" aria-hidden="true"></span> Fetch data

You can also use the URI in any place you would pass it manually:


Example: routes with parameters

Examples tell stories much better than words do.

Consider these routes:

@page "/items/{id}"
@page "/items/{category}/{id:int}"
@page "/items/{from:datetime}/{to:datetime?}"
@page "/other-pages/{*catchAll}"

The following members would be generated for each, for the component class:

/// <summary>
/// The primary route template for the component, the constant string <c>"/other-pages/{*catchAll}"</c>.
/// </summary>
public static string PageRouteTemplate => "/other-pages/{*catchAll}";

/// <summary>
/// All available route templates for the component, containing the strings: <c>"/items/{id}"</c>, <c>"/items/{category}/{id:int}"</c>, <c>"/items/{from:datetime}/{to:datetime?}"</c>, <c>"/other-pages/{*catchAll}"</c>.
/// </summary>
public static IReadOnlyList<string> AllPageRouteTemplates { get; } = ImmutableArray.Create("/items/{id}", "/items/{category}/{id:int}", "/items/{from:datetime}/{to:datetime?}", "/other-pages/{*catchAll}");

/// <summary>
/// Returns the absolute page URI: <c>"/other-pages"</c>.
/// </summary>
public static string PageUri => "/other-pages";

/// <summary>
/// Returns the URI for the page constructed from the template <c>"/items/{id}"</c> with
/// the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
public static string PageUri1(string id) => Invariant($"/items/{Uri.EscapeDataString(id)}");
/// <summary>
/// Returns the URI for the page constructed from the template <c>"/items/{category}/{id:int}"</c> with
/// the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
public static string PageUri2(string category, int id) => Invariant($"/items/{Uri.EscapeDataString(category)}/{id}");
/// <summary>
/// Returns the URI for the page constructed from the template <c>"/items/{from:datetime}/{to:datetime?}"</c> with
/// the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
public static string PageUri3(DateTime from, DateTime? to) => Invariant($"/items/{from.ToString(from.TimeOfDay == default ? "yyyy-MM-dd" : "s")}/{to?.ToString(to.Value.TimeOfDay == default ? "yyyy-MM-dd" : "s")}");
/// <summary>
/// Returns the URI for the page constructed from the template <c>"/other-pages/{*catchAll}"</c> with
/// the provided parameters.
/// </summary>
public static string PageUri4(string? catchAll = null) => Invariant($"/other-pages/{(catchAll == null ? null : Uri.EscapeDataString(catchAll))}");

Notice the following:

  • The "other-pages/{*catchAll}" route was "promoted" to be the primary route accessible via the PageUri property. That property is only available if there are any routes that have no or only optional (including catch-all) parameters. The property takes the first of these available, if any. So even though that route was the fourth, it became the "primary" route accessible via PageUri. This also made the primary PageRouteTemplate have the value of that route as well. Were there no parameterless routes available, there would be no PageUri property generated (only methods), and the PageRouteTemplate would take the value of the first available route.
  • If there is more than one route, there will be methods numbered from 1 through the number of routes available with strongly typed parameters for them. The implementation is a bit opinionated, but it essentially only "interpolates" the values into the URI and replaces the parameters with the provided values.
  • The XML comments help you identify the route you wish to pick exactly in IntelliSense, by showing the route that is being constructed.

Additional examples

You can find additional examples in the TypedRoutes.Sample project.

You can simply clone the repo and test your scenario by adding/modifying components and routes to this project. Keep in mind, however, that this differs in a few key points from installing via NuGet:

  • The demo project is set to write all source generated code to the Generated folder. It is a good idea to delete the folder before doing a build this way to avoid any leftover files. This is only so that it is convenient to see the result of the generation on GitHub. It is not advised to store generated content this way in source control in app dev projects.

Extensibility overview

You can take the routable component types and use strongly typed generics or typed components to take advantage of the power of C# and Razor. The generator references following interfaces for your perusal:

namespace PodNet.Blazor.TypedRoutes;

/// <summary>
/// Represents a component that has a primary route, that is, a route with no required parameters.
/// </summary>
public interface INavigableComponent
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the absolute page URI: <c>"{uri}"</c>. This is only possible if the page has a 
    /// primary route with no required parameters.
    /// </summary>
    public static abstract string PageUri { get; }

/// <summary>
/// Represents a component that has at least one route defined.
/// </summary>
public interface IRoutableComponent
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the page component's primary route template.
    /// </summary>
    public static abstract string PageRouteTemplate { get; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns all of the page component's route templates.
    /// </summary>
    public static abstract IReadOnlyList<string> AllPageRouteTemplates { get; }

Your components will automatically implement these interfaces as you assign routes to your components. If your component has any routes, it'll implement IRoutableComponent, and if it has a parameterless route as well, it'll also implement INavigableComponent. You can use these abstractions as you want in user code. For example, you could write a component like so:

@* Nav.razor *@
@typeparam T where T : PodNet.Blazor.TypedRoutes.INavigableComponent

<a href="@T.PageUri">@typeof(T).Name</a>

Then, you can use this component simply by providing the other component type to show a link to it with its name and URI:

<Nav T="Index" />
<Nav T="Counter" />
<Nav T="FetchData" />

Which in turn renders the following:

<a href="/">Index</a>
<a href="/counter">Counter</a>
<a href="/fetchdata">FetchData</a>

Notice that this is so very strongly typed that it will only compile if there's at least one parameterless route available for any given T component type, so either has no parameters or all parameters are optional or catch-all. I think it's quite neat.

You also could, theoretically, write something similar:

public static class MyNavigationManagerExtensions
    public static void NavigateTo<T>(this NavigationManager navigationManager, 
        bool forceReload = false, 
        bool replace = false) 
        where T : INavigableComponent
        navigationManager.NavigateTo(T.PageUri, forceReload, replace);

Then, you could use it like so:


However, as you can see, you could have already used the type itself to get the PageUri directly instead:


This is also the preferred method, because you can also use the generated methods as well (not just the property):


This is why no additional ways are provided by this package for routing (like extensions for NavigationManager or a giant class containing all routes), but if you have a suggestion, don't hesitate to tell us in the discussions.

This solution is also trim-friendly, as all types will define their own routes, and if you wish to refer to a route in a strongly typed way, you have to have a reference to the type.


The .razor files are not syntactically or semantically analyzed in the same way the Razor Language Service does it. This mainly means that when defining a route in a .razor file, all lines of code that adhere to a specific regex pattern will be considered a match. Most limitations are derived from and are dependent on the current limitation of the Roslyn source generators' architecture, where source generated code cannot depend on other source generated code.

  • If you comment out a @page directive with multiline comments, the route will still be generated for it if the directive is on its own line. You should consider removing the comment as a best practice for other reasons as well, for example as to not confuse build systems or code reviewers who only see line diffs in code comparison tools.
  • The @attribute [Route] directive to declare routes in .razor files is not supported. You can use any or all of the other approaches instead. If you wanted to define the templates in constants so that you can refer to them in [Route] attributes, it's worth considering to switch to the @page definition instead when using a .razor file, or just define the route in-place when using a class. This is because you'll get access to the page template constant values and the page URIs anyways when using this generator, so the only place you'll see the routes' magic string values appear in your code is the sole declaration. At least, preferably.

Additional notes and known limitations:

  • This is a small project and testing it properly end-to-end would require an enterprise-grade setup and effort to match (well, let's just say there is an enterprise grade setup in place now 😬). As such, you can try and use the package "as-is", but feel free to fork, contribute, help with features, report any bugs or just comment or request features. We hope you like it, and we do use it in production, but we take no responsibility or offer no guarantees for your usage of this package.

  • Lazy-loading support is untested. It works by default in most cases, but might not work in all cases out of the box. Specifically, lazy-loading assembly boundaries might result in the assembly containing the generated code be unavailable when referenced. You should try and avoid referencing code directly over lazy-loading assembly boundaries in general. If you have a specific request regarding this, we're listening.

  • The current formatting logic takes into account the type of the parameter: strings are escaped via Uri.EscapeDataString (as to prevent XSS; except for catch-alls, where you should take care yourself not to inject unsafe code into the parameter), and DateTimes either get formatted as yyyy-MM-dd or s (2008-06-15T21:15:07) depending on whether their TimeOfDay is set or not. Also, bool gets formatted as either true or false, as this is more common to see on the open web than True and False (hey, even the keywords are lowercased in C#, what is this, VB?). All other types (decimal, double, float, guid, int, long) get interpolated into the URI without modification using the invariant culture. Let us know if you need additional control over how the parameters are formatted in the constructed URI. Also, see how route contraints are satisfied in the official docs: ASP.NET Core Blazor routing and navigation # Route constraints | Microsoft Learn

  • The generation works by generating static members for the component type itself. It would be possible (quite easy, in fact) to move all generated members instead into a singular generated class, or multiple classes that mirror the namespace structure of the original components by their namespaces. However, we consider it more staightforward and logically coherent to assign the routes to the component type itself - after all, the [Route] attribute is put onto the type metadata as well, and that is a natural place one would look for this kind of information. Also, if you can already "see" a component type in code because it's namespace is in scope, you can simply access its URI as well. However, if you would need a different structure for the generated code, let's discuss it.

  • Invalid routes (eg. multiple catch-all parameters, invalid constraints, malformed strings) are not handled and might or might not emit helper code. Usually if you have invalid routes, the Razor tooling will let you know.

  • The generated code declares a primary PageUri URI if there is at least one route found with no parameters (or only optional parameters). If there are multiple routes or the only route has required parameters, additional methods are generated for each of the routes. These follow the pattern PageUri{n}, where {n} is a natural number incrementing starting from 1. We couldn't figure out a straightforward way to name multiple methods accordingly unless they are numbered, and overloading wouldn't work either as there could be collisions based on the parameters. The order of the generated members are ordered, as follows:

    1. .razor files' @page directives first, in order they appear in source,
    2. then the partial component class' [Route] attributes, in order they appear in source.

    If there's only one route, then a property or method is declared named PageUri based on if it has parameters or not.

  • A convenient side effect of generating "onto" the existing class is that you can simply refer to the component's current routes by writing @PageUri in the current razor file, because the .razor file's context is the type's BuildRenderTree method, which can obviously access to surrounding type's static members. Consider prepending the component type's name when accessing static members, so as to avoid any ambiguity, like so: @FetchData.PageUri.

  • There is currently no way to opt-out or modify the behavior of the generator from the user's end. This package is intentionally opinionated. However, there might be some additions or modifications down the line when additional configuration would be needed. As always, don't hesitate to let your thoughts known in the discussions.


A well-deserved shoutout and thanks goes to KuraiAndras for BlazingRoute, which strongly inspired this package.

Contributing and Support

This project is intended to be widely usable, but no warranties are provided. If you want to contact us, feel free to do so in the org's [Discussions] or the project's topic, at our website at, or find us anywhere from LinkedIn to Meetup, YouTube or X.

Any kinds of contributions from issues to PRs and open discussions are welcome!

Don't forget to give us a ⭐ if you like this repo (it's free to give kudos!) or share it on socials!


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An efficient and easy-to-use generator for strongly typed routes in Blazor







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