To run the SSL tests, the following properties are used:
- certdir: directory where the certificates and keys are store
- enable_ssl_tests: enables SSL tests
In order to configure PostgreSQL for SSL tests, the following changes should be applied:
Copy server/server.crt, server/server.key, and server/root.crt to $PGDATA directory
In $PGDATA directory: chmod 0600 server.crt server.key root.crt
Set ssl=on in postgresql.conf
Set ssl_cert_file=server.crt in postgresql.conf
Set ssl_key_file=server.key in postgresql.conf
Set ssl_ca_file=root.crt in postgresql.conf
Add databases for SSL tests. Note: sslinfo extension is used in tests to tell if connection is using SSL or not
for db in hostdb hostssldb hostnossldb certdb hostsslcertdb; do createdb $db psql $db -c "create extension sslinfo" done
Add test databases to pg_hba.conf. If you do not overwrite the pg_hba.conf then remember to comment out all lines starting with "host all".
Uncomment enable_ssl_tests=true in
The username for connecting to postgres as specified in tests has to be "test".
The certificates are generated with Makefile.
- To remove all certificates:
make clean
- To generate certificates:
make all
- To update a single certificate: remove the file, and execute
make all