zero-config tool for semantic version bump from git conventional commits history
Install globally:
npm i -g semverity
Or run with npx:
npx semverity
Bump version from git conventional commits history:
semverity bump [semver]
Pass semver option if you want to offset version.
Bump and patch files with new version:
semverity patch [semver]
Your package have version 0.0.1 and commmit feat: some feature
with hash 1234abcd
semverity patch
cat package.json # or package-lock.json
"version": "0.1.0+sha.1234abcd",
You can specify custom list of files (and dot-notated path to key to be patched after :
semverity patch --files package.json package-lock.json info.json:meta.version copyright.txt
It will also replace all previous *0.0.1*
strings into 0.1.0+sha.1234abcd
in copyright.txt because it's not json-parseable.
You can also pass meta.json:
with empty path to .replaceAll()
with new version.
To automatically commit patched files with bump: 0.1.0+sha.1234abcd
semverity patch --commit bump