Every widget in owlkettle is either a renderable or a viewable widget.
Renderable widgets provide declarative interfaces to GTK widgets.
For example Button
, Window
and Entry
are renderable widgets.
Viewable widgets are abstractions over renderable widgets.
Owlkettle applications are usually implemented as viewable widgets.
class Widget {
build() WidgetState
update(state: WidgetState) WidgetState
class WidgetState {
class Viewable {
view() WidgetState
class Renderable {
Viewable --> Widget: view
WidgetState <|-- Viewable
WidgetState <|-- Renderable
Widget --> WidgetState: build/update
Every widget has a state (WidgetState
) and an updater object (Widget
The updater is used to update the internal widget state.
It records which fields of the state the parent widget wants to set and which values these fields should be set to.
This allows owlkettle to preserve the rest of widget's state.
Every viewable widget has a view
method which returns the updaters for its child widget states.
Viewable widgets are expanded using view
until a renderable widget is reached.
flowchart LR
subgraph updater
direction BT
Window .->|child| Label
App -->|build| AppState -->|view| updater
updater -->|build/update| state
subgraph state
direction BT
WindowState .->|child| LabelState