Python implementation of topological sort.
This package has no dependencies.
Unsurprisingly, name topsort have been in use on PyPI for ages.
$ pip install pytopsort
from pytopsort import topsort
# This simple recipe is a complete mess, until we apply topological sort to it!
recipe = [{
# This action depends on another
"action": "spread peanut butter on bread",
"after": ["slice bread"],
}, {
# This action has no dependencies
"action": "slice bread",
"after": [],
}, {
"action": "eat the delicious breakfast!",
"after": ["spread jam on top", "make a cup of coffee"],
}, {
"action": "make a cup of coffee",
"after": [],
}, {
"action": "spread jam on top",
"after": ["spread peanut butter on bread"],
recipe = topsort(
deptest=lambda self, other: self["action"] in other["after"],
# If we then print list(recipe), it will be like:
'action': 'make a cup of coffee',
'after': []
}, {
'action': 'slice bread',
'after': []
}, {
'action': 'spread peanut butter on bread',
'after': ['slice bread']
}, {
'action': 'spread jam on top',
'after': ['spread peanut butter on bread']
}, {
'action': 'eat the delicious breakfast!',
'after': ['spread jam on top', 'make a cup of coffee']
Now we can put this recipe into the breakfast machine!
$ poetry install
$ poetry run pytest -s -v tests/ # run all tests
$ poetry run pytest --cov=pytopsort -s -v tests/ # run all tests with coverage
$ poetry run black pytopsort/ tests/ # autoformat code
$ # run type checking
$ poetry run pytest --mypy --mypy-ignore-missing-imports -s -v pytopsort/ tests/
$ # run code linting
$ poetry run pylint pytopsort/
- To be added