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A full-stack freelance project built for one of my clients using NextJS 14 with its latest features (app router, server actions, etc.), TypeScript, Next-Auth, PostgreSQL database hosted with Neon, Drizzle ORM, Zod, ShadCn UI, and Tailwind CSS. The project consists of a landing page, a booking system, and an admin dashboard for managing bookings.


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Veterinary Clinic Landing Page and Appointment Booking System

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Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Tech Stack
  3. Getting Started
  4. Contributing
  5. License
  6. Contact
  7. ToDo

About the Project




This project is a re-build of the Arka Weterynaria website I receintly build with Remix and MongoDB Atlas for one of my clients in Poland. I decided to re-build it with the latest and greatest in tech for my own learning purposes.

The client wanted a simple website with a contact form and a full booking management system, where he would be able to confirm or reject bookings and notify the client via email. The website is hosted on Vercel. When completed, I intend to replace the original website with this rebuild.

This project is currently in development. Please check back soon.

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Tech Stack

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Getting Started



  1. Clone the repo

    git clone

  2. Install the required packages

     pnpm install

  3. Rename a .env.example file in the project's root directory and fill in the required values. See below for details on obtaining the keys:

    • Clerk:

      • Create a new account with Clerk
      • ToDo: Complete the setup instructions

    • PlanetScale:

      • Create a new account with PlanetScale
      • ToDo: Complete the setup instructions

    • PlanetScale:

      • Create a new account with Resend
      • ToDo: Complete the setup instructions

    • Google Maps:

      • ToDo: Complete the setup instructions

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  1. Start the development server

    pnpm dev

  2. Your app should be available at http://localhost:3000

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ToDo: Complete the deployment instructions

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Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Run code linting (pnpm lint)
  5. Run code formatting (pnpm format)
  6. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  7. Open a Pull Request

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Distributed under the MIT License.

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Piotr Borowiecki - @pjborowiecki -

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  • Style and complete the appointment booking dialog
  • Fix urls and paths (dashboard, reservations, settings, etc.)
  • Decide on the type of time slots and update the data schema
  • Fix server actions
  • Implement the landing page:
    • Add navbar
    • Add mobile menu
    • Add hero section
    • Add about section
    • Add services section
    • Add contact section
    • Add footer
  • Investigate the opacity issue (e.g., /10)
  • Add favicon
  • Add OpenGRaph image (og.jpg)
  • Add robots.txt file
  • Add sitemap.xml file
  • Add site description in siteConfig
  • Improve README

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A full-stack freelance project built for one of my clients using NextJS 14 with its latest features (app router, server actions, etc.), TypeScript, Next-Auth, PostgreSQL database hosted with Neon, Drizzle ORM, Zod, ShadCn UI, and Tailwind CSS. The project consists of a landing page, a booking system, and an admin dashboard for managing bookings.






