Welcome to the Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts repository! In this repository, I have provided a comprehensive explanation of various OOP concepts, using practical real-life examples to enhance your conceptual understanding. The goal is to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, helping you grasp these fundamental concepts in a meaningful way.
The repository covers a wide range of OOP concepts, including but not limited to:
- Type casting
- Static variables, methods, and blocks
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
- Overriding
- Access modifiers
- super and this keywords
- Polymorphism
- final keyword
- Abstract classes and methods
- Interfaces
- Loose coupling
Feel free to contribute to this repository by adding more examples, improving explanations, or suggesting new topics. Together, we can create a valuable resource for developers seeking a deeper understanding of OOP concepts.
I hope this repository enhances your understanding of Object-Oriented Programming and empowers you to tackle interview questions with confidence. Happy coding!
Note: If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue or submit a pull request. Your feedback is highly appreciated.