A compiler for the language "Mini-python"(a language that contains a small subset of python's commands), that was created with the help of SableCC
The task was given the language's grammar in a BNF form, to build a grammar in a form that the sablecc programm can understand and then build some programms for Lexer, Syntax and Semantics check.
Step 1 : Open a command prompt and execute the grammar by typing ./sablecc MiniPythonGrammar.grammar(on Linux) or sablecc.bat MiniPythonGrammar.grammar(on Windows).
Step 2 : Compile all Java programms by typing : javac *.java
For Lexer test run : java LexerTest1 ./examples/lexer_syntax/c1.py. There are many programs to execute there beside c1.
For simple syntax test type : java ParserTest1 ./examples/lexer_syntax/c1.py. The files that start with 'c' are correct, while the ones that start with 'r' are wrong.
For syntax test that also generates the syntax tree, type : java ParserTest2 ./examples/lexer_syntax/c1.py.
Finally, for semanctics test, type: java SemanticsTest ./examples/semantics/c1.py. Again, files that start with 'c' are correct, while the ones that start with 'r' should produce errors.