Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Number | The ID of the Note | [optional] |
activeFlag | Boolean | If Note is active or deleted | [optional] |
addTime | String | The creation date and time of the Note | [optional] |
content | String | Content of the Note in HTML format. Subject to sanitization on the back-end. | [optional] |
deal | BaseNoteDealTitle | [optional] | |
dealId | Number | The ID of the Deal the Note is attached to | [optional] |
lastUpdateUserId | Number | The ID of the User who updated the Note last | [optional] |
orgId | Number | The ID of the Organization this Note is attached to | [optional] |
organization | BaseNoteOrganization | [optional] | |
person | BaseNotePerson | [optional] | |
personId | Number | The ID of the Person this Note is attached to | [optional] |
pinnedToDealFlag | Boolean | If true, then the results are filtered by Note to Deal pinning state. | [optional] |
pinnedToOrganizationFlag | Boolean | If true, then the results are filtered by Note to Organization pinning state. | [optional] |
pinnedToPersonFlag | Boolean | If true, then the results are filtered by Note to Person pinning state. | [optional] |
updateTime | String | The last updated date and time of the Note | [optional] |
user | NoteCreatorUser | [optional] | |
userId | Number | The ID of the Note creator | [optional] |