This is a covering ticket for the Pion WebRTC roadmap. If you have any requests feel free to leave them here/vote on others.
Planet Strike -- 1.0.0 (2018-06-20)
- SRTP (in Go)
- ICE-lite (We only respond to binding requests, requires host candidates. No STUN or TURN)
- DTLS (In C, using OpenSSL)
- API that allows users to receive media that closely matches the Javascript WebRTC API
- API that allows users to send media that closely matches the Javascript WebRTC API
Aliens of Gold -- 1.1.0 (2018-09-00)
- DataChannels
- Full ICE (currently ice-lite only)
- Bundling
Quest for the Sigil -- 1.2.0 (2018-12-00)
- Port DTLS to Go from cgo (currently using OpenSSL)
- Mobile Support
- Transport Refactor
Spear of Destiny -- 2.0.0 (2019-04-00)
- Unified Plan
- DataChannel improvements (configurable reliability)
- Logging and ICE debugging
- Experimental QUIC support
- Experimental WebAssembly (WASM) support
- API Cleanup to better match the WebRTC Spec.
- Reliability improvements to SCTP and therefore Data Channels.
- ICE Regular Nomination
Beyond Heretic -- 2.1.0 (2019-08-00)
- Trickle ICE
- mDNS Candidates
The HUNT Begins - 2.2.0 (2019-11-00)
- SCTP Performance Improvements (16x in some cases!)
- Extend SettingEngine to support SFU use cases
- TCP TURN Support
- PCM Support
- Add/Remove tracks at runtime
- IVF Reader to enable saving to disk
Future Shock - 3.0.0 (2020-12-14)
- ICE Restarts
- ICE TCP Candidates
- Remove non-Trickle ICE. Provide utility that emulates old behavior.
- SRTP AEAD_AES_128_GCM. Significant performance improvement in media crypto!
- Simulcast.
- Improved Media API so user doesn't need to managed PayloadType and SSRC
- Interceptor API that allows users to implement NACK, FEC and Congestion Control via Public API
Plutonia - 3.1.0 (2021-08-01)
- Transport Wide Congestion Control Interceptor, better Congestion Control then Sender+Receiver Reports
- H265 Packetizer
- FireFox Simulcast Support
- Sender/Recevier Report interceptors, can be used in pion/webrtc or outside
- UDPMux, Multiple PeerConnections can be served via the same UDP Port
System Shock 3.2.0 (2023-04-25)
- Congestion Control Interceptor
- AV1 Support
- Simulcast Sender
- Stats Interceptor
4.0.0 (2024-10-01)
- Active ICE TCP
- JitterBuffer Interceptor
No date picked
- Serialize/Deserialize PeerConnection API
- DTLS Restart
- Performance/Allocation testing to GitHub Actions
- Auto Change log generation/Remove manual process of releasing
- Automate fuzz testing, submit Pion to oss-fuzz
- H264 Interceptor (Analyze and attempt to fix common issues like no SPS/PPS with every IDR)
- Harden security (fuzzing and other automated tooling)
- TinyGo support. Pion for IoT devices
These things are ordered in the importance we have gotten from feedback. If you are building something and need a feature sooner please comment and we can move things around!
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