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ADD INDEX | TiDB SQL Statement Reference
An overview of the usage of ADD INDEX for the TiDB database.


The ALTER TABLE.. ADD INDEX statement adds an index to an existing table. This operation is online in TiDB, which means that neither reads or writes to the table are blocked by adding an index.


  • DO NOT upgrade a TiDB cluster when a DDL statement is being executed in the cluster (usually for the time-consuming DDL statements such as ADD INDEX and the column type changes).
  • Before the upgrade, it is recommended to use the ADMIN SHOW DDL command to check whether the TiDB cluster has an ongoing DDL job. If the cluster has a DDL job, to upgrade the cluster, wait until the DDL execution is finished or use the ADMIN CANCEL DDL command to cancel the DDL job before you upgrade the cluster.
  • In addition, during the cluster upgrade, DO NOT execute any DDL statement. Otherwise, the issue of undefined behavior might occur.


AlterTableStmt ::=
    'ALTER' IgnoreOptional 'TABLE' TableName ( AlterTableSpecListOpt AlterTablePartitionOpt | 'ANALYZE' 'PARTITION' PartitionNameList ( 'INDEX' IndexNameList )? AnalyzeOptionListOpt )

AlterTableSpec ::=
|   'SET' 'TIFLASH' 'REPLICA' LengthNum LocationLabelList
|   'CONVERT' 'TO' CharsetKw ( CharsetName | 'DEFAULT' ) OptCollate
|   'ADD' ( ColumnKeywordOpt IfNotExists ( ColumnDef ColumnPosition | '(' TableElementList ')' ) | Constraint | 'PARTITION' IfNotExists NoWriteToBinLogAliasOpt ( PartitionDefinitionListOpt | 'PARTITIONS' NUM ) )
|   ( ( 'CHECK' | 'TRUNCATE' ) 'PARTITION' | ( 'OPTIMIZE' | 'REPAIR' | 'REBUILD' ) 'PARTITION' NoWriteToBinLogAliasOpt ) AllOrPartitionNameList
|   'COALESCE' 'PARTITION' NoWriteToBinLogAliasOpt NUM
|   'DROP' ( ColumnKeywordOpt IfExists ColumnName RestrictOrCascadeOpt | 'PRIMARY' 'KEY' | 'PARTITION' IfExists PartitionNameList | ( KeyOrIndex IfExists | 'CHECK' ) Identifier | 'FOREIGN' 'KEY' IfExists Symbol )
|   'EXCHANGE' 'PARTITION' Identifier 'WITH' 'TABLE' TableName WithValidationOpt
|   ( 'IMPORT' | 'DISCARD' ) ( 'PARTITION' AllOrPartitionNameList )? 'TABLESPACE'
|   'REORGANIZE' 'PARTITION' NoWriteToBinLogAliasOpt ReorganizePartitionRuleOpt
|   'ORDER' 'BY' AlterOrderItem ( ',' AlterOrderItem )*
|   ( 'DISABLE' | 'ENABLE' ) 'KEYS'
|   ( 'MODIFY' ColumnKeywordOpt IfExists | 'CHANGE' ColumnKeywordOpt IfExists ColumnName ) ColumnDef ColumnPosition
|   'ALTER' ( ColumnKeywordOpt ColumnName ( 'SET' 'DEFAULT' ( SignedLiteral | '(' Expression ')' ) | 'DROP' 'DEFAULT' ) | 'CHECK' Identifier EnforcedOrNot | 'INDEX' Identifier IndexInvisible )
|   'RENAME' ( ( 'COLUMN' | KeyOrIndex ) Identifier 'TO' Identifier | ( 'TO' | '='? | 'AS' ) TableName )
|   LockClause
|   AlgorithmClause
|   'FORCE'

Constraint ::=
    ConstraintKeywordOpt ConstraintElem

ConstraintKeywordOpt ::=
    ( 'CONSTRAINT' Symbol? )?

ConstraintElem ::=
    ( ( 'PRIMARY' 'KEY' | KeyOrIndex IfNotExists | 'UNIQUE' KeyOrIndexOpt ) IndexNameAndTypeOpt | 'FULLTEXT' KeyOrIndexOpt IndexName ) '(' IndexPartSpecificationList ')' IndexOptionList
|   'FOREIGN' 'KEY' IfNotExists IndexName '(' IndexPartSpecificationList ')' ReferDef
|   'CHECK' '(' Expression ')' EnforcedOrNotOpt

IndexNameAndTypeOpt ::=
    IndexName ( 'USING' IndexTypeName )?
|   Identifier 'TYPE' IndexTypeName

IndexPartSpecificationList ::=
    IndexPartSpecification ( ',' IndexPartSpecification )*

IndexPartSpecification ::=
    ( ColumnName OptFieldLen | '(' Expression ')' ) Order

IndexOptionList ::=

IndexOption ::=
    'KEY_BLOCK_SIZE' '='? LengthNum
|   IndexType
|   'WITH' 'PARSER' Identifier
|   'COMMENT' stringLit
|   IndexInvisible

KeyOrIndex ::=
|   'INDEX'

IndexKeyTypeOpt ::=
    ( 'UNIQUE' | 'SPATIAL' | 'FULLTEXT' )?

IndexInvisible ::=

IndexTypeName ::=
|   'HASH'
|   'RTREE'


Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.11 sec)

mysql> INSERT INTO t1 (c1) VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5);
Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.03 sec)
Records: 5  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE c1 = 3;
| id                      | estRows  | task      | access object | operator info                  |
| TableReader_7           | 10.00    | root      |               | data:Selection_6               |
| └─Selection_6           | 10.00    | cop[tikv] |               | eq(test.t1.c1, 3)              |
|   └─TableFullScan_5     | 10000.00 | cop[tikv] | table:t1      | keep order:false, stats:pseudo |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> ALTER TABLE t1 ADD INDEX (c1);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.30 sec)

mysql> EXPLAIN SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE c1 = 3;
| id                     | estRows | task      | access object          | operator info                               |
| IndexReader_6          | 0.01    | root      |                        | index:IndexRangeScan_5                      |
| └─IndexRangeScan_5     | 0.01    | cop[tikv] | table:t1, index:c1(c1) | range:[3,3], keep order:false, stats:pseudo |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MySQL compatibility

  • FULLTEXT, HASH and SPATIAL indexes are not supported.
  • Descending indexes are not supported (similar to MySQL 5.7).
  • Adding multiple indexes at the same time is currently not supported.
  • Adding the primary key of the CLUSTERED type to a table is not supported. For more details about the primary key of the CLUSTERED type, refer to clustered index.

See also