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Deploy Data Migration Using DM-Ansible
Use DM-Ansible to deploy the Data Migration cluster.

Deploy Data Migration Using DM-Ansible

DM-Ansible is a cluster deployment tool developed by PingCAP based on the Playbooks feature of Ansible (an IT automation tool). This guide shows how to quickly deploy a Data Migration (DM) cluster using DM-Ansible.


Before you start, make sure you have the following machines as required.

  1. Several target machines that meet the following requirements:

    • CentOS 7.3 (64-bit) or later, x86_64 architecture (AMD64)
    • Network between machines
    • Closing the firewall, or opening the service port
  2. A Control Machine that meets the following requirements:

    Note: The Control Machine can be one of the target machines.

    • CentOS 7.3 (64-bit) or later, with Python 2.7 installed
    • Access to the Internet

Step 1: Install system dependencies on the Control Machine

Log in to the Control Machine using the root user account, and run the corresponding command according to your operating system.

  • If you use a Control Machine installed with CentOS 7, run the following command:

    # yum -y install epel-release git curl sshpass
    # yum -y install python-pip
  • If you use a Control Machine installed with Ubuntu, run the following command:

    # apt-get -y install git curl sshpass python-pip

Step 2: Create the tidb user on the Control Machine and generate the SSH key

Make sure you have logged in to the Control Machine using the root user account, and then run the following command.

  1. Create the tidb user.

    # useradd -m -d /home/tidb tidb
  2. Set a password for the tidb user account.

    # passwd tidb
  3. Configure sudo without password for the tidb user account by adding tidb ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL to the end of the sudo file:

    # visudo
  4. Generate the SSH key.

    Execute the su command to switch the user from root to tidb.

    # su - tidb

    Create the SSH key for the tidb user account and hit the Enter key when Enter passphrase is prompted. After successful execution, the SSH private key file is /home/tidb/.ssh/id_rsa, and the SSH public key file is /home/tidb/.ssh/

    $ ssh-keygen -t rsa
    Generating public/private rsa key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (/home/tidb/.ssh/id_rsa):
    Created directory '/home/tidb/.ssh'.
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:
    Your identification has been saved in /home/tidb/.ssh/id_rsa.
    Your public key has been saved in /home/tidb/.ssh/
    The key fingerprint is:
    SHA256:eIBykszR1KyECA/h0d7PRKz4fhAeli7IrVphhte7/So tidb@
    The key's randomart image is:
    +---[RSA 2048]----+
    |=+o+.o.          |
    |o=o+o.oo         |
    | .O.=.=          |
    | . B.B +         |
    |o B * B S        |
    | * + * +         |
    |  o + .          |
    | o  E+ .         |
    |o   ..+o.        |

Step 3: Download DM-Ansible to the Control Machine

  1. Log in to the Control Machine using the tidb user account and enter the /home/tidb directory.

  2. Run the following command to download DM-Ansible.

    $ wget

Step 4: Install Ansible and its dependencies on the Control Machine

Make sure you have logged in to the Control Machine using the tidb user account.

It is required to use pip to install Ansible and its dependencies, otherwise a compatibility issue occurs. Currently, DM-Ansible is compatible with Ansible 2.5 or later.

  1. Install Ansible and the dependencies on the Control Machine:

    $ tar -xzvf dm-ansible.tar.gz
    $ cd /home/tidb/dm-ansible
    $ sudo pip install -r ./requirements.txt

    Ansible and the related dependencies are in the dm-ansible/requirements.txt file.

  2. View the version of Ansible:

    $ ansible --version
    ansible 2.5.0

Step 5: Configure the SSH mutual trust and sudo rules on the Control Machine

Make sure you have logged in to the Control Machine using the tidb user account.

  1. Add the IPs of your deployment target machines to the [servers] section of the hosts.ini file.

    $ cd /home/tidb/dm-ansible
    $ vi hosts.ini
    username = tidb
  2. Run the following command and input the root user account password of your deployment target machines.

    $ ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini create_users.yml -u root -k

    This step creates the tidb user account on the deployment target machines, configures the sudo rules and the SSH mutual trust between the Control Machine and the deployment target machines.

Step 6: Download DM and the monitoring component installation package to the Control Machine

Make sure the Control Machine is connected to the Internet and run the following command:

ansible-playbook local_prepare.yml

Step 7: Edit the inventory.ini file to orchestrate the DM cluster

Log in to the Control Machine using the tidb user account, and edit the /home/tidb/dm-ansible/inventory.ini file to orchestrate the DM cluster.

Note: It is required to use the internal IP address to deploy. If the SSH port of the target machines is not the default 22 port, you need to add the ansible_port variable, as shown in the following example:

dm-worker1 ansible_host= ansible_port=5555 server_id=101 mysql_host= mysql_user=root mysql_password='VjX8cEeTX+qcvZ3bPaO4h0C80pe/1aU=' mysql_port=3306

You can choose one of the following two types of cluster topology according to your scenario:

Option 1: Use the cluster topology of a single DM-worker instance on each node

Name Host IP Services
node1 DM-master, Prometheus, Grafana, Alertmanager
node2 DM-worker1
node3 DM-worker2
## DM modules
dm_master ansible_host=

dm_worker1 ansible_host= server_id=101 mysql_host= mysql_user=root mysql_password='VjX8cEeTX+qcvZ3bPaO4h0C80pe/1aU=' mysql_port=3306

dm_worker2 ansible_host= server_id=102 mysql_host= mysql_user=root mysql_password='VjX8cEeTX+qcvZ3bPaO4h0C80pe/1aU=' mysql_port=3306

## Monitoring modules
prometheus ansible_host=

grafana ansible_host=

alertmanager ansible_host=

## Global variables
cluster_name = test-cluster

ansible_user = tidb

dm_version = latest

deploy_dir = /data1/dm

grafana_admin_user = "admin"
grafana_admin_password = "admin"

Option 2: Use the cluster topology of multiple DM-worker instances on each node

Name Host IP Services
node1 DM-master, Prometheus, Grafana, Alertmanager
node2 DM-worker1-1, DM-worker1-2
node3 DM-worker2-1, DM-worker2-2

When you edit the inventory.ini file, pay attention to distinguish between the following variables: server_id, deploy_dir, dm_worker_port, and dm_worker_status_port.

## DM modules
dm_master ansible_host=

dm_worker1_1 ansible_host= server_id=101 deploy_dir=/data1/dm_worker dm_worker_port=10081 dm_worker_status_port=10082 mysql_host= mysql_user=root mysql_password='VjX8cEeTX+qcvZ3bPaO4h0C80pe/1aU=' mysql_port=3306
dm_worker1_2 ansible_host= server_id=102 deploy_dir=/data2/dm_worker dm_worker_port=10083 dm_worker_status_port=10084 mysql_host= mysql_user=root mysql_password='VjX8cEeTX+qcvZ3bPaO4h0C80pe/1aU=' mysql_port=3306

dm_worker2_1 ansible_host= server_id=103 deploy_dir=/data1/dm_worker dm_worker_port=10081 dm_worker_status_port=10082 mysql_host= mysql_user=root mysql_password='VjX8cEeTX+qcvZ3bPaO4h0C80pe/1aU=' mysql_port=3306
dm_worker2_2 ansible_host= server_id=104 deploy_dir=/data2/dm_worker dm_worker_port=10083 dm_worker_status_port=10084 mysql_host= mysql_user=root mysql_password='VjX8cEeTX+qcvZ3bPaO4h0C80pe/1aU=' mysql_port=3306

## Monitoring modules
prometheus ansible_host=

grafana ansible_host=

alertmanager ansible_host=

## Global variables
cluster_name = test-cluster

ansible_user = tidb

dm_version = latest

deploy_dir = /data1/dm

grafana_admin_user = "admin"
grafana_admin_password = "admin"

Step 8: Edit variables in the inventory.ini file

This step shows how to edit the variable of deployment directory, and explains the global variables and DM-worker configuration parameters in the inventory.ini file.

Configure the deployment directory

Edit the deploy_dir variable to configure the deployment directory.

The global variable is set to /home/tidb/deploy by default, and it applies to all services. If the data disk is mounted on the /data1 directory, you can set it to /data1/dm. For example:

## Global variables
deploy_dir = /data1/dm

If you need to set a separate deployment directory for a service, you can configure the host variable while configuring the service host list in the inventory.ini file. It is required to add the first column alias, to avoid confusion in scenarios of mixed services deployment.

dm-master ansible_host= deploy_dir=/data1/deploy

Global variables description

Variable name Description
cluster_name The name of a cluster, adjustable
dm_version The version of DM, configured by default
grafana_admin_user The username of the Grafana administrator; default admin
grafana_admin_password The password of the Grafana administrator account; default admin; used to import Dashboard by Ansible; update this variable if you have modified it through the Grafana web

DM-worker configuration parameters description

Variable name Description
server_id DM-worker connects to MySQL as a slave. This variable is the server_id of the slave. Keep it globally unique in the MySQL cluster, and the value range is 0 ~ 4294967295.
mysql_host The upstream MySQL host.
mysql_user The upstream MySQL username; default "root".
mysql_password The upstream MySQL user password. You need to encrypt the password using the dmctl tool. See Encrypt the upstream MySQL user password using dmctl.
mysql_port The upstream MySQL port; default 3306.
enable_gtid Whether to use GTID for DM-worker to pull the binlog. It supports the MySQL (and MariaDB) GTID. The prerequisite is that the upstream MySQL has enabled the GTID mode.
flavor "flavor" indicates the release type of MySQL. For the official version, Percona, and cloud MySQL, fill in "mysql"; for MariaDB, fill in "mariadb". It is "mysql" by default.

Encrypt the upstream MySQL user password using dmctl

Assuming that the upstream MySQL user password is 123456, configure the generated string to the mysql_password variable of DM-worker.

$ cd /home/tidb/dm-ansible/resources/bin
$ ./dmctl -encrypt 123456

Step 9: Deploy the DM cluster

When ansible-playbook runs Playbook, the default concurrent number is 5. If many deployment target machines are deployed, you can add the -f parameter to specify the concurrency, such as ansible-playbook deploy.yml -f 10.

The following example uses tidb as the user who runs the service.

  1. Edit the dm-ansible/inventory.ini file to make sure ansible_user = tidb.

    ## Connection
    # ssh via normal user
    ansible_user = tidb

    Note: Do not configure ansible_user to root, because tidb-ansible limits the user that runs the service to the normal user.

    Run the following command and if all servers return tidb, then the SSH mutual trust is successfully configured:

    ansible -i inventory.ini all -m shell -a 'whoami'

    Run the following command and if all servers return root, then sudo without password of the tidb user is successfully configured:

    ansible -i inventory.ini all -m shell -a 'whoami' -b
  2. Modify kernel parameters, and deploy the DM cluster components and monitoring components.

    ansible-playbook deploy.yml
  3. Start the DM cluster.

    ansible-playbook start.yml

    This operation starts all the components in the entire DM cluster in order, which include DM-master, DM-worker, and the monitoring components. You can use this command to start a DM cluster after it is stopped.

Step 10: Stop the DM cluster

If you need to stop the DM cluster, run the following command:

$ ansible-playbook stop.yml

This operation stops all the components in the entire DM cluster in order, which include DM-master, DM-worker, and the monitoring components.

Common deployment issues

Service default ports

Component Port variable Default port Description
DM-master dm_master_port 11080 DM-master service communication port
DM-master dm_master_status_port 11081 DM-master status port
DM-worker dm_worker_port 10081 DM-worker service communication port
DM-worker dm_worker_status_port 10082 DM-worker status port
Prometheus prometheus_port 9090 Prometheus service communication port
Grafana grafana_port 3000 The port for the external service of web monitoring service and client (browser) access
Alertmanager alertmanager_port 9093 Alertmanager service communication port

Customize ports

Go to the inventory.ini file and add related host variable of the corresponding service port after the service IP:

dm_master ansible_host= dm_master_port=12080 dm_master_status_port=12081

Update DM-Ansible

  1. Log in to the Control Machine using the tidb account, enter the /home/tidb directory, and back up the dm-ansible folder.

    $ cd /home/tidb
    $ mv dm-ansible dm-ansible-bak
  2. Download the latest DM-Ansible and extract it.

    $ cd /home/tidb
    $ wget
    $ tar -xzvf dm-ansible.tar.gz
  3. Migrate the inventory.ini configuration file.

    $ cd /home/tidb
    $ cp dm-ansible-bak/inventory.ini dm-ansible/inventory.ini
  4. Migrate the dmctl configuration.

    $ cd /home/tidb/dm-ansible-bak/dmctl
    $ cp * /home/tidb/dm-ansible/dmctl/
  5. Use Playbook to download the latest DM binary file, which substitutes for the binary file in the /home/tidb/dm-ansible/resource/bin/ directory automatically.

    $ ansible-playbook local_prepare.yml