A simple console manager for OverDrive audiobook loans.
- Downloads the cover and audio files for an audiobook loan
- Supports the return of a loan
# Install / Update
pip install git+https://git@github.com/ping/odmpy.git --upgrade --force-reinstall
# Uninstall
pip uninstall odmpy
usage: odmpy [-h] [-d DOWNLOAD_DIR] [-r] [-v] odm_file
Download/return an Overdrive loan audiobook.
positional arguments:
odm_file ODM file path
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Download folder path.
-r, --return Return loan.
-v, --verbose Enable more verbose messages for debugging.
Version 0.1.0. Source at https://github.com/ping/odmpy/
# Download a book to MyLoans/
odmpy -d 'MyLoans/' MyLoans/Book1.odm
# Return Book1.odm
odmpy -r MyLoans/Book1.odm