General Faucet for Cosmos SDK testnet.
node -v
- clone code:
git clone
- setup configs, you have to change everything you need in
"port": 80, // http port
"db": {
"path": "~/.faucet.db" // db for frequency checker(WIP)
"blockchain": {
"rpc_endpoint": ""
"sender": {
"mnemonic": "surround miss nominee dream gap cross assault thank captain prosper drop duty group candy wealth weather scale put",
"option": {
"hdPaths": ["m/44'/118'/0'/0/0"],
"prefix": "cosmos" //address prefix
"tx": {
"amount": {
"denom": "uatom",
"amount": "10000" // how many does tx send for each request.
"fee": {
"amount": [
"amount": "1000",
"denom": "uatom"
"gas": "200000"
"frequency_in_24h": "1"
"client": {
"testnet": "Ping Testnet", // What ever you want, recommend: chain-id,
"logo": "",
"deployer": "heelo"
- Run faucet
node faucet.js
visit http://localhost:80
80 is default, you can edit it in the config.json