Rest remote for Chuwi iLife v7s built on ESP8266
- ESP8266 (~ 5.00€)
- IR led (~ 0.60€)
Debug endpoint just to see if it is working:
http GET http://{ip}:80
Execute an action (wake_up, clean, stop, spot, home, edge):
http POST http://{ip}:80/ilifev7s action={action}
See the previous executed action:
http GET http://{ip}:80/ilifev7s
- ESP8266WebServer Simple web server that knows how to handle HTTP requests
- ArduinoJson C++ JSON library for IoT. Simple and efficient
- IRremoteESP8266 Infrared remote library for ESP8266: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols
- Rest server example The code that I used to start my project
- IR codes The issue where I take the IR codes without pain :p