Creates pulsing particle emitters based on selected particle system whitch could be useful for music visualization. Blender does not have a way to turn on/off emission of the particles and this approach is kind of a workaround.
- Go to github repository
- Click Code -> Download ZIP
- Unzip anywhere
- Open Blender
- Go to Edit -> Preferences -> Add-ons
- Click Install
- Choose .py file from previously unzipped archive and click Install Add-on
- Enable add-on
- Select object that would be particle emitter
- Add particle system
- Tweak settings keepeing on your mind that this particle system is first pulse and every new particle system would be the same except start frame and end frame
- With particle system being selected open Particle Specials menu and choose Create Pulsing Particle Emitters
- Set inputs (see description below)
- Click OK
- BPM Beats per minute or pulses per minute. First beat frame will be taken from selected particle system from Frame Start.
- Beats per Loop Allows to skip beats in a loop. Ignore this if you don't need to skip beats.
- Skip Nth Beat Comma-separated list of beats to skip in a loop. Ranges are also accepted. Example:
1, 3-4
. Leave it empty if you don't need to skip beats. - Frame End No beats after this frame.
- Change Seed Sets seed to a different value for every created particle system.
- Size F-curve F-curve to set particle size for every created particle system. F-curve will be evaluated at a Frame Start for created particle system and this value will be used as a size. Leave it empty if you don't want this size action.