tag:github.com,2008:https://github.com/philippG777/cookieyesno/releases Release notes from cookieyesno 2021-02-04T19:51:58Z tag:github.com,2008:Repository/229456049/v1.1.1 2021-02-04T19:54:12Z FIX IE Bug and optimize size of cookieyesno.min.js No content. philippG777 tag:github.com,2008:Repository/229456049/v1.1.0 2021-01-26T08:22:19Z Version 1.1.0: Script tag blocking, new API and new License <p>This version implements script tag blocking and a new API. CookieYesNo is now even more customizable. Additionally the License information has been updated and changed.</p> philippG777 tag:github.com,2008:Repository/229456049/v1.0.4 2020-05-31T17:39:43Z Add features - library is now usable <ul> <li>Provide different dist files</li> <li>Add support for links to imprint and privacy policy</li> <li>Implement library update handling - get consent again if library has been updated</li> <li>Implement config update handling - get consent again to ensure that it's valid</li> <li>Remove dark pattern</li> <li>Fix callbacks</li> </ul> philippG777 tag:github.com,2008:Repository/229456049/v1.0.3 2020-03-07T16:06:32Z Provide browser-usable script No content. philippG777 tag:github.com,2008:Repository/229456049/v1.0.2 2020-03-07T16:04:55Z Better documentation and building command No content. philippG777 tag:github.com,2008:Repository/229456049/v1.0.1 2019-12-30T14:15:46Z Bugfix: export No content. philippG777 tag:github.com,2008:Repository/229456049/v1.0.0 2019-12-22T18:49:39Z v1.0.0 No content. philippG777