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new file mode 100755
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
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new file mode 100755
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+## My pagedown rendered CV
+__Switch to googlesheets__
+As I get older and more crotchety I find it more and more difficult to manually update a CSV. In response to this, I have moved the data-storing mechanism from a plain CSV to google sheets using the wonderful [`googlesheets4` package.](https://googlesheets4.tidyverse.org/index.html) This allows for a much more easy updating system and also makes it easy to store all the other info that didn't feel write to put into a CSV before (like the intro and aside text) right with everything as separate pages/sheets within the main sheet.
+I have attempted to keep the whole thing as easy as possible to understand and modify by using a publically available sheet and preserving the old CSV driven way behind a boolean variable that can be set in the setup chunk.
+## Structure
+This repo contains the source-code and results of my CV built with the [pagedown package](https://pagedown.rbind.io) and a modified version of the 'resume' template.
+The main files are:
+- `index.Rmd`: Source template for the cv, contains a variable `PDF_EXPORT` in the header that changes styles for pdf vs html.
+ - `index.html`: The final output of the template when the header variable `PDF_EXPORT` is set to `FALSE`. View it at [nickstrayer.me/cv](http://nickstrayer.me/cv).
+ - `strayer_cv.pdf`: The final exported pdf as rendered by Chrome on my mac laptop. Links are put in footer and notes about online version are added.
+- `resume.Rmd`: Source template for single page resume.
+ - `resume.html`/`strayer_resume.pdf`: Result for single page resume.
+- `parsing_functions.R`: A series of small functions for parsing a position entry into the proper HTML format. Includes logic for removing links if needed etc..
+- `gather_data.R`: Loads the data that makes up the body of both the CV and resume. Either pulls from a specified google sheet with info or multiple csvs. (Examples of both are provided in repo.)
+- `csvs/*.csv`: A series of CSVs containing the information CV and resume. Included as examples if the non-googlesheets method of storing data is prefered.
+- `css/`: Directory containing the custom CSS files used to tweak the default 'resume' format from pagedown.
+## Want to use this to build your own CV/resume?
+1. Fork, clone, download the zip of this repo to your machine with RStudio.
+2. Make a copy of my [info-holding google sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14MQICF2F8-vf8CKPF1m4lyGKO6_thG-4aSwat1e2TWc/edit#gid=1730172225) and fill in your personal info for all the sheets (`positions`, `language_skills`, `text_blocks`, and `contact_info`).
+ a. If you want to use CSV's instead of google sheets, update the contents of the CSVs stored in the `csvs/` folder.
+3. Go through and personalize the supplementary text in the Rmd you desire (`index.Rmd` for CV, `resume.Rmd` for resume).
+4. Print each unique `section` (as encoded in the `section` column of `positions.csv`) in your `.Rmd` with the command `position_data %>% print_section('education')`.
+5. Get the PDF out by viewing in your browser and then doing `control/command + P` and selecting "print to pdf". Alternatively use `pagedown::chrome_print()` or `knit: pagedown::chrome_print` in RMD header. See [pagedown docs on printing](https://pagedown.rbind.io/#print-to-pdf) for more details.
+6. Let the world know how awesome you are! (Also send me a tweet/email if you desired and I will broadcast your version of the CV on this repo and or twitter.)
+## Looking for the old version with just a single CSV?
+The [blog post I originally wrote about this process](https://livefreeordichotomize.com/2019/09/04/building_a_data_driven_cv_with_r/) used an older version of this document. I think that the new googlesheets method is easier to maintain and extend, however the old version is alive and well [here.](https://github.com/nstrayer/cv/releases/tag/1.0)
diff --git a/css/custom_resume.css b/css/custom_resume.css
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2c7af69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/css/custom_resume.css
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+* {
+ /* Override default right margin for sidebar*/
+ --pagedjs-margin-right: 0.2in !important;
+ --pagedjs-margin-left: 0;
+ --pagedjs-margin-top: 0.2in;
+ --pagedjs-margin-bottom: 0.2in;
+[data-id="main"] {
+ padding: 0 0.05in 0 0.05in;
+/*[data-id="title"] {
+ margin: 0 0.5in 0.08in -0.5in;
+.main-block {
+ margin-top: 0;
+ margin-left: -0.1in;
+/* Customize some of the sizing variables */
+:root {
+ --sidebar-width: 12rem; /* Shrink sidebar width */
+ --sidebar-horizontal-padding: 0.02in; /* Reduce sidebar padding */
+ width: calc(var(--main-width) + 0.2in);
+ width: calc(var(--main-width) + 0.2in);
+.aside {
+ height: 100%;
+ width: var(--sidebar-width) !important;
+ padding-left: 0.75rem;
+ padding-right: 0;
+ padding-top: 0rem;
+.aside .level2 {
+ margin-top: 0.315in;
+.aside p {
+ margin-block-start: 0.75em;
+ margin-block-end: 0;
+[data-id="skills"] ul {
+ margin: 0.05in 0 0.05in;
+[data-id="contact"] ul {
+ padding-left: 0 !important;
+ margin-top: 0.75rem;
+[data-id="disclaimer"] p {
+ margin-block-start: 0.15em;
+ margin-block-end: 0.15em;
diff --git a/css/styles.css b/css/styles.css
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d1f9731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/css/styles.css
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Sen:ital,wght@0,300;0,400;0,500;1,300;1,400&display=swap');
+@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Zilla+Slab:ital,wght@0,300;1,300&display=swap');
+/* Customize some of the variables */
+:root {
+ --pale-background-color: #EDF6F9;
+ --sidebar-width: 11rem; /* Shrink sidebar width */
+ --sidebar-background-color: var(--pale-background-color); /* Sidebar color*/
+ --sidebar-horizontal-padding: 0.01in; /* Reduce sidebar padding */
+ --decorator-outer-dim: 10px; /* Make position delineating circles larger */
+ --decorator-border: 2px solid #ACD7D4; /* Timeline line color*/
+/* Main text is Sen*/
+body {
+ font-family: "Sen", sans-serif;
+ font-weight: 300;
+ line-height: 1.3;
+ color: #444;
+strong {
+ font-weight:500;
+img {
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ margin: 0 auto;
+ display: block;
+ padding: 0.5rem;
+ margin-bottom: 1rem;
+ border: 1pt #83C5BE solid;
+[data-id="main"] {
+ padding-left: 1rem;
+ padding-right: 2.4rem;
+/* Give headers Zilla Slab font */
+ background-color: var(--pale-background-color);
+ /*border-bottom: 1pt #dedede solid;*/
+ width: var(--pagedjs-width);
+ height: 150px;
+ margin-top: calc(-1*var(--pagedjs-margin-top));
+ margin-left: -19px;
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-content: center;
+.header-block-inner {
+ /*background-color: var(--pale-background-color);*/
+ width: 100%;
+ height: 150px;
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: center;
+ /*justify-content: center;*/
+ /* border-top: 1px solid #add8e65e; */
+div.title {
+ font-family: "Zilla Slab", serif;
+ text-align: center;
+ padding: 3rem;
+ font-size: 3.5rem!important;
+ line-height: 1;
+ display: block!important;
+ color: #006D77;
+ max-width: 80%;
+.item {
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+ display: block;
+h2 {
+ font-family: "Zilla Slab", serif;
+ color: #000;
+ text-transform: none;
+ color: silver;
+ font-weight: normal;
+ display: none;
+h2 {
+ letter-spacing: 1pt;
+.aside h2,
+#aside h2 {
+ color: #83C5BE;
+h3 {
+ font-family: "Sen", sans-serif;
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+ letter-spacing: 1pt;
+ font-weight: 500;
+/* When in PDF export mode make sure superscripts are nice and small and italic */
+sup {
+ font-size: 0.45rem;
+ font-style: italic;
+/* Avoid the breaking within a section */
+.blocks {
+ break-inside: avoid;
+* {
+ /* Override default right margin for sidebar*/
+ --pagedjs-margin-right: 0.2in;
+ --pagedjs-margin-left: 0.2in;
+/* sidebar left border */
+.pagedjs_sheet::before {
+ content: "";
+ display: block;
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 0;
+ left: 14.5rem;
+ top: 0;
+ bottom: 0;
+ width: 1px;
+ /*background-color: #f0f7fa;*/
+ height: 100%;
+.pagedjs_first_page .pagedjs_sheet::after {
+ content: "";
+ display: block;
+ position: absolute;
+ z-index: 0;
+ left: 0;
+ width: 14rem;
+ /*background-color: #f0f7fa;*/
+.pagedjs_first_page .pagedjs_sheet::after {
+ height: 75.9%;
+ top: 248.1px;
+.pagedjs_sheet::after {
+ height: 98.7%;
+ top: 7px;
+a {
+ color: #e43b07;
+a:hover {
+ text-decoration: underline;
+.section.level1.aside {
+ height: 74.9%;
+ padding-top: 1.6rem;
+[data-id="skills"] {
+ line-height: 1.2;
+[data-id="disclaimer"] {
+ position: static;
+ text-align: left;
+ opacity: 90%;
+.aside {
+ width: var(--sidebar-width);
+ padding: 0.9in 5px 0.9px 10px;
+ font-size: 0.8rem;
+ float: right;
+ position: absolute;
+ /*left: 0;*/
+[data-id="subtitle"] {
+ width: var(--main-width);
+ padding: 0 0.25in 0 0.25in;
+ font-size: 0.8rem;
+ float: left;
+[data-id="main"] {
+ width: var(--main-width);
+ padding: 0 0.25in 0 0.25in;
+ font-size: 0.7rem;
+ float: left;
+.aside {
+ z-index: 3;
+ color: #004346;
+#aside a,
+#aside p,
+#aside ul li{
+ color: #004346;
+.details .place {
+ margin-top: 0.25rem;
+.main-block:not(.concise) .details div {
+ padding-top: 0.005rem;
+/* Laptop icon isn't centered by default which is lame */
+.fa-laptop {
+ margin-left: -3px;
+/* When we have links at bottom in a list make sure they actually are numbered */
+#links li {
+ list-style-type: decimal;
+/* Dont put the little fake list point in front of links */
+.aside li::before {
+ display: none;
+/* Move closer to start and up towards header */
+.aside ul {
+ padding-left: 0rem;
+.aside li::before {
+ position: relative;
+ margin-left: -4.25pt;
+ content: "• ";
+/* Make sure elements in aside are centered and have a nice small text */
+.aside {
+ width: calc(var(--sidebar-width) + 9px);
+ line-height: 1.2;
+ font-size: 0.75rem;
+/* Make little circle outline */
+.decorator::after {
+ background-color: #83C5BE;
+/* Remove the fake bullets from lists */
+.aside li::before {
+ content: auto;
+.skill-bar {
+ color: white;
+ padding: 0.1rem 0.25rem;
+ margin-top: 3px;
+ position: relative;
+ width: 100%;
+/* When the class no-timeline is added we remove the after psuedo element from the header... */
+/* Removes the psuedo element on h2 tags for this section */
+.section.no-timeline h2::after {
+ content: none;
+/* Without adding padding the content is all up on the title */
+.section.no-timeline h2 {
+ padding-bottom: 1rem;
+/* Add styles for little cards */
+ width: 220px;
+ float: left;
+ padding: 0.5rem;
+ margin: 0.5rem;
+ box-shadow: 1px 1px 4px black;
diff --git a/cv.pdf b/cv.pdf
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a7e3998
Binary files /dev/null and b/cv.pdf differ
diff --git a/gather_data.R b/gather_data.R
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6e6175f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gather_data.R
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# =================================================================================
+# This code uses google sheets to store the position info
+ library(googlesheets4)
+ if(sheet_is_publicly_readable){
+ # This tells google sheets to not try and authenticate. Note that this will only
+ # work if your sheet has sharing set to "anyone with link can view"
+ sheets_deauth()
+ } else {
+ # My info is in a public sheet so there's no need to do authentication but if you want
+ # to use a private sheet, then this is the way you need to do it.
+ # designate project-specific cache so we can render Rmd without problems
+ options(gargle_oauth_cache = ".secrets")
+ # Need to run this once before knitting to cache an authentication token
+ # googlesheets4::sheets_auth()
+ }
+ position_data <- read_sheet(positions_sheet_loc, sheet = "positions")
+ skills <- read_sheet(positions_sheet_loc, sheet = "language_skills")
+ text_blocks <- read_sheet(positions_sheet_loc, sheet = "text_blocks")
+ contact_info <- read_sheet(positions_sheet_loc, sheet = "contact_info", skip = 1)
+} else {
+ # Want to go oldschool with just a csv?
+ position_data <- read_csv("csvs/positions.csv")
+ skills <- read_csv("csvs/language_skills.csv")
+ text_blocks <- read_csv("csvs/text_blocks.csv")
+ contact_info <- read_csv("csvs/contact_info.csv", skip = 1)
diff --git a/index.Rmd b/index.Rmd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a52f16b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+title: "Curriculum Vitae"
+author: Alison Presmanes Hill
+date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
+ pagedown::html_resume:
+ css: ['css/styles.css', 'resume']
+ # set it to true for a self-contained HTML page but it'll take longer to render
+ self_contained: true
+```{r, include=FALSE}
+ results='asis',
+ echo = FALSE
+# ======================================================================
+# These variables determine how the the data is loaded and how the exports are
+# done.
+# Is data stored in google sheets? If no data will be gather from the csvs/
+# folder in project
+using_googlesheets <- TRUE
+# Just the copied URL from the sheet
+positions_sheet_loc <- "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11owj8kHEnOpShQZNpNzrZRzQAvdhRv_NkVy46J1u2bQ/edit?usp=sharing"
+# Is this sheet available for anyone to read? If you're using a private sheet
+# set this to false and go to gather_data.R and run the data loading manually
+# once to cache authentication
+sheet_is_publicly_readable <- TRUE
+# Is the goal of this knit to build a document that is exported to PDF? If so
+# set this to true to have links turned into footnotes at the end of the
+# document
+CV_PDF_LOC <- "github.com/dcossyleon/cv/raw/master/cv.pdf"
+CV_HTML_LOC <- "dcossyleon.github.io/cv/"
+# A global (gasp) variable that holds all the links that were inserted for
+# placement at the end
+links <- c()
+# ======================================================================
+# Now we source two external scripts. One contains functions for building the
+# text output and the other loads up our data from either googlesheets or csvs
+# Functions for building sections from CSV data
+# Load data for CV/Resume
+# When in export mode the little dots are unaligned, so fix that.
+ cat("
+ ")
+::: {.header-block}
+::: {.header-block-inner}
+::: {.title}
+`r rmarkdown::metadata$author`
+::: {#subtitle .subtitle}
+```{r intro}
+ print_text_block(text_blocks, 'intro')
+# Aside
+# When in export mode the little dots are unaligned, so fix that.
+ glue("View this CV online with links at _{CV_HTML_LOC}_")
+} else {
+ glue("[ Download CV as a PDF]({CV_PDF_LOC})")
+## Contact {#contact}
+contact_info %>%
+ glue_data("- {contact}")
+## Skills {#skills}
+R Markdown
+Statistics & Machine Learning
+## Disclaimer {#disclaimer}
+Source code available: [github.com/apreshill/cv](https://github.com/apreshill/cv).
+Updated: `r Sys.Date()`.
+# Main
+## hello {#title}
+## Experience {data-icon="suitcase" data-concise="true"}
+print_section(position_data, 'experience')
+## Education {data-icon="graduation-cap" data-concise="true"}
+print_section(position_data, 'education')
+## Honors & Awards {data-icon="trophy"}
+print_section(position_data, 'honors_awards')
+## Research & Data Science Experience {data-icon="laptop"}
+::: {.aside}
+print_text_block(text_blocks, 'data_aside')
+print_section(position_data, 'research_data')
I am a former research scientist turned data scientist, with over 15 years of experience using data science to understand how people learn. I am also an international keynote speaker, author, team leader, and award-winning educator. I research, teach, and design software tools to improve the user experience for beginners, advanced users, and everyone in between.
Distinguished Faculty Awards Nominee for Outstanding Teaching
Oregon Health & Science University
Portland, OR
Invited Participant
ROpenSci Unconference
A yearly invite-only event that brings together scientists, developers, and open data enthusiasts from academia, industry, government, and non-profits to make an impact on open science.
School of Medicine Faculty Compact
Oregon Health & Science University
Awarded to researchers with a consistent track-record of external grant-funding.
Paths to Leadership Fellow
Oregon Health & Science University
A six-month program for a small group of individuals identified as emerging faculty leaders.
Catalyst Award
Oregon Clinical & Translational Research Institute, Oregon Health & Science University
Sanford Fellow
School of Social & Family Dynamics, Arizona State University
2010 - 2008
Julius Seeman Award
Department of Psychology & Human Development, Vanderbilt University
Awarded to the graduate student who exemplifies the department’s ideals of scholastic, personal and professional achievement.
Graduate Honors Fellowship
Vanderbilt University
2008 - 2003
Susan Gray Award
Department of Psychology & Human Development, Vanderbilt University
For excellence in scholarly writing to the graduate student who is sole or first author with the most distinguished scholarly publication during the previous year.
Graduate Travel Grant
Vanderbilt University
David Zeaman Award
Gatlinburg Conference on Research & Theory in Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Pre-Doctoral Fellow
2006 - 2003
T32 HD07226: Research Behavioral Training in Developmental Disabilities.
Peabody College Travel Grant
Vanderbilt University
Outstanding Undergraduate Award
Department of Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technology
Research & Data Science Experience
I also write about my data science projects on my blog desiree.rbind.io.
Co-delivered international webinar on quickly building R Markdown websites and hosting online.
The Wonderful World of R Markdown
Online workshop
Marcus Autism Center Coding Club
Taught an introduction to R Markdown and hosting HTML pages on Netlify.
Introduction to Machine Learning with the Tidyverse
rstudio::conf 2020
San Francisco, CA
Served as a TA for a two day workshop on introducing users to tidymodels, tidyverse packages for doing machine learning.
Undergraduate mentor
Young Lab
Atlanta, GA
2019 - 2018
Supervised undergraduate for honors thesis research projects
Atlanta Chapter for Society for Neuroscience
Graduate representative
Emory University
2017 - 2015
Coordinated a program to pair neuroscientists from 3 universities to 60 local K-12 schools for outreach visits, reaching over 5,000 students, and increasing rate of successful pairs by 22% from previous year.
Planned series of hands-on science demos at the Atlanta Science Festival, presenting to 1000+ public visitors.
Graduates in Neuroscience Curriculum Committee
Elected representative
Emory University
2017 - 2015
Redesigned course evaluations, increasing student response rate from 53% to 90% and increasing the proportion of descriptive feedback for each lecturer by a factor of 4.
Implemented online system that improved ease of access and timeliness for 40+ instructors to receive their evaluations.
Introduced teaching technique called “Checks for Understanding” and provided guidance to over 40 lecturers on its implementation, which 93% of students rated as having had a positive and helpful effect on first year neuroscience courses.
Atlanta Brain Bee
Atlanta, GA
2017 - 2015
Led neuroscience Q&A competition for teens.
Managed 4 coordinators and 49 volunteers to hold the largest Atlanta Brain Bee, including pre-Bee workshops.
Designed and led trainings for local winner to prepare for nationals, ultimately placing 3rd at nationals (2016) and top 20 (2017)
Teach For America/ YES Prep Public Schools
Founding 7th Grade Science Teacher
Houston, TX
2013 - 2011
Selected as one of 5,066 from 47,900 applicants to work in national service corps and teach in under-resourced communities.
Analyzed achievement data regularly for 145 students to inform instruction and create personalized goals for all students.
Increased average student achievement in 7th grade science by 12% from the previous year.
Talk about how to use narrative, design, and interactivity within R Markdown materials to enhance online content for learners.
How to avoid pseudoreplication in experimental design and analysis
Methods Aside: Institute for Quantitative Theory and Methods,
+Data Science for Scientists ATL & Graduate Research Interdisciplinary Team of Scholars
Emory University
Focused on statistical concepts and presented to an interdisciplinary audience
Pseudoreplication: How to avoid it in experimental design and analysis
Data Science for Scientists ATL
Atlanta, GA
Co-developed with Hasse Walum.
Calculating heritability of rhesus’ social traits using the animal model
Neuroscience Work-in-Progress (WIP) Seminar
Yerkes National Primate Research Center
Demonstrated Bayesian methods for estimating heritability in a large group of rhesus macaques
Inter-departmental seminar
Poster Presentations
Effects of social subordination and consumption of an obesogenic diet on total brain size and structural development of cortico-limbic regions: a longitudinal study in infant and juvenile macaques.
49th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN).
Chicago, IL
Kyle MH, Kaldas A, Pincus M, Godfrey JR, Kovacs-Balint ZA, Morin EL, De Leon D, Li L, Howell BR, Styner M, Payne C, Ethun K, Wilson M, Sanchez MM
Peripheral methylation of macaque OXT and OXTR genes, oxytocin levels in cerebrospinal fluid, and social behavior.
15th Annual GDBBS DSAC Student Research Symposium
Emory University
De Leon D, Nishitani S, Walum H, McCormack KM, Wilson ME, Smith AK, Young LJ, Sanchez MM
Peripheral methylation of macaque OXT and OXTR genes, oxytocin levels in cerebrospinal fluid, and social behavior.
Presented at workshop Understanding the Neuroregulatory Actions of Oxtyocin and its Potential Clinical Applications.
Erice, Sicily, Italy
De Leon D, Nishitani S, Walum H, McCormack KM, Wilson ME, Smith AK, Young LJ, Sanchez MM
Sex differences and genetic variation in oxytocin receptor gene of monogamous prairie voles.
Neuroscience and Behavioral Biology Symposium.
Emory University
Rubin KF, De Leon D, Walum H, Inuoe K, Young LJ
Peripheral methylation of macaque OXT and OXTR genes, oxytocin levels in cerebrospinal fluid, and social behavior.
Yerkes Research Symposium
Yerkes National Primate Research Center
De Leon D, Nishitani S, Walum H, McCormack KM, Wilson ME, Smith AK, Young LJ, Sanchez MM
One of five winners for best presentation
Peripheral methylation of macaque OXT and OXTR genes, oxytocin levels in cerebrospinal fluid, and social behavior.
47th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (SfN).
Washington, DC
De Leon D, Nishitani S, Walum H, McCormack KM, Wilson ME, Smith AK, Young LJ, Sanchez MM
Peripheral methylation of macaque OXT and OXTR genes, oxytocin levels in cerebrospinal fluid, and social behavior.
Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience (S4SN)
Washington, DC
De Leon D, Nishitani S, Walum H, McCormack KM, Wilson ME, Smith AK, Young LJ, Sanchez MM
diff --git a/logo.jpg b/logo.jpg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98d1bcd
Binary files /dev/null and b/logo.jpg differ
diff --git a/parsing_functions.R b/parsing_functions.R
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b6477f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parsing_functions.R
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# Regex to locate links in text
+find_link <- regex("
+ \\[ # Grab opening square bracket
+ .+? # Find smallest internal text as possible
+ \\] # Closing square bracket
+ \\( # Opening parenthesis
+ .+? # Link text, again as small as possible
+ \\) # Closing parenthesis
+ ",
+ comments = TRUE)
+# Function that removes links from text and replaces them with superscripts that are
+# referenced in an end-of-document list.
+sanitize_links <- function(text){
+ str_extract_all(text, find_link) %>%
+ pluck(1) %>%
+ walk(function(link_from_text){
+ title <- link_from_text %>% str_extract('\\[.+\\]') %>% str_remove_all('\\[|\\]')
+ link <- link_from_text %>% str_extract('\\(.+\\)') %>% str_remove_all('\\(|\\)')
+ # add link to links array
+ links <<- c(links, link)
+ # Build replacement text
+ new_text <- glue('{title}{length(links)}')
+ # Replace text
+ text <<- text %>% str_replace(fixed(link_from_text), new_text)
+ })
+ }
+ text
+# Take entire positions dataframe and removes the links
+# in descending order so links for the same position are
+# right next to eachother in number.
+strip_links_from_cols <- function(data, cols_to_strip){
+ for(i in 1:nrow(data)){
+ for(col in cols_to_strip){
+ data[i, col] <- sanitize_links(data[i, col])
+ }
+ }
+ data
+# Take a position dataframe and the section id desired
+# and prints the section to markdown.
+print_section <- function(position_data, section_id){
+ position_data %>%
+ filter(section == section_id) %>%
+ arrange(desc(end)) %>%
+ mutate(id = 1:n()) %>%
+ pivot_longer(
+ starts_with('description'),
+ names_to = 'description_num',
+ values_to = 'description'
+ ) %>%
+ filter(!is.na(description) | description_num == 'description_1') %>%
+ group_by(id) %>%
+ mutate(
+ descriptions = list(description),
+ no_descriptions = is.na(first(description))
+ ) %>%
+ ungroup() %>%
+ filter(description_num == 'description_1') %>%
+ mutate(
+ timeline = ifelse(
+ is.na(start) | start == end,
+ end,
+ glue('{end} - {start}')
+ ),
+ description_bullets = ifelse(
+ no_descriptions,
+ ' ',
+ map_chr(descriptions, ~paste('-', ., collapse = '\n'))
+ )
+ ) %>%
+ strip_links_from_cols(c('title', 'description_bullets')) %>%
+ mutate_all(~ifelse(is.na(.), 'N/A', .)) %>%
+ glue_data(
+ "### {title}",
+ "\n\n",
+ "{loc}",
+ "\n\n",
+ "{institution}",
+ "\n\n",
+ "{timeline}",
+ "\n\n",
+ "{description_bullets}",
+ "\n\n\n",
+ )
+# Construct a bar chart of skills
+build_skill_bars <- function(skills, out_of = 5){
+ bar_color <- "#969696"
+ bar_background <- "#d9d9d9"
+ skills %>%
+ mutate(width_percent = round(100*level/out_of)) %>%
+ glue_data(
+ "
+ "{skill}",
+ "
+ )
+# Prints out from text_blocks spreadsheet blocks of text for the intro and asides.
+print_text_block <- function(text_blocks, label){
+ filter(text_blocks, loc == label)$text %>%
+ sanitize_links() %>%
+ cat()
diff --git a/resume.Rmd b/resume.Rmd
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..93b4b2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/resume.Rmd
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+title: Nick Strayer's Resume"
+author: Nick Strayer
+date: "`r Sys.Date()`"
+ pagedown::html_resume:
+ css: ['css/custom_resume.css', 'css/styles.css', 'resume']
+ # set it to true for a self-contained HTML page but it'll take longer to render
+ self_contained: true
+```{r, include=FALSE}
+ results='asis',
+ echo = FALSE
+# ======================================================================
+# These variables determine how the the data is loaded and how the exports are
+# done.
+# Is data stored in google sheets? If no data will be gather from the csvs/
+# folder in project
+using_googlesheets <- TRUE
+# Just the copied URL from the sheet
+positions_sheet_loc <- "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eTpZBkKZH8gZJXyilYMwVmcna96mBdyhLxBB_DjQwAM/edit?usp=sharing"
+# Is this sheet available for anyone to read? If you're using a private sheet
+# set this to false and go to gather_data.R and run the data loading manually
+# once to cache authentication
+sheet_is_publicly_readable <- TRUE
+# Is the goal of this knit to build a document that is exported to PDF? If so
+# set this to true to have links turned into footnotes at the end of the
+# document
+# A global (gasp) variable that holds all the links that were inserted for
+# placement at the end
+links <- c()
+# ======================================================================
+# Now we source two external scripts. One contains functions for building the
+# text output and the other loads up our data from either googlesheets or csvs
+# Functions for building sections from CSV data
+# Load data for CV/Resume
+# Now we just need to filter down the position data to include less verbose
+# categories and only the entries we have designated for the resume
+position_data <- position_data %>%
+ filter(in_resume) %>%
+ mutate(
+ # Build some custom sections by collapsing others
+ section = case_when(
+ section %in% c('research_positions', 'industry_positions') ~ 'positions',
+ section %in% c('data_science_writings', 'by_me_press') ~ 'writings',
+ TRUE ~ section
+ )
+ )
+Contact {#contact}
+contact_info %>%
+ glue_data("- {contact}")
+Language Skills {#skills}
+Open Source Contributions {#open-source}
+All projects available at `github.com/nstrayer/`
+- `shinysense`: R package to use sensor data in Shiny apps
+- `tuftesque`: Hugo theme (behind LiveFreeOrDichotomize.com)
+- `sbmR`: R package for fitting stochasitic block models
+More info {#more-info}
+See full CV at nickstrayer.me/cv for more complete list of positions and publications.
+Disclaimer {#disclaimer}
+Made w/ [**pagedown**](https://github.com/rstudio/pagedown).
+Source code: [github.com/nstrayer/cv](https://github.com/nstrayer/cv).
+Last updated on `r Sys.Date()`.
+Desirée De Leon {#title}
+print_text_block(text_blocks, 'intro')
+Education {data-icon=graduation-cap data-concise=true}
+position_data %>% print_section('education')
+Selected Positions {data-icon=suitcase}
+position_data %>% print_section('positions')
+Selected Writing {data-icon=newspaper}
+position_data %>% print_section('writings')