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Xiaomi Redmi K70 Pro

Shadchamp edited this page Jul 23, 2024 · 1 revision

📱 Xiaomi Redmi K70 Pro - Manet

⚠️ This page is work-in-progress

Device Info
Name Redmi K70 Pro
Codename Manet
Architecture ARM64
System-as-Root Yes
VNDK Lite? No

📃 Steps to install

  • Unlock the bootloader
  • Grab the vbmeta_system.img of your current install. (You can find stock firmware archives here)
  • Reboot into fastboot (Hold Volume Down + Power when the device is off)
  • Flash using the following commands:
fastboot flash --disable-verity --disable-verification vbmeta_system_ab vbmeta_system.img
fastboot reboot fastboot
fastboot erase system
fastboot delete-logical-partition product_a
fastboot delete-logical-partition product_b
fastboot flash system system.img
fastboot -w reboot

DO NOT flash vbmeta, only do vbmeta_system.

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