- [X] BUG: Tall/Wide layout constant root node issue
- [X] BUG: Handle node_transfer
- [X] Generalize bspwm default layouts into this
- [ ] Use desktop ids instead of names while saving state
- [ ] Add disable all layouts command
- [ ] Just spawn one daemon that manages all desktops
- [ ] Clean up code duplication with tall and wide layouts
- [ ] Improve overall performance of each layout
- [X] Runtime changes will be saved seperately and will not be persist
- [X] Load layout specific config
- [ ] Generalize bspwm’s ratio config for tiled layout
- [ ] Allow configuring where new nodes that spawn will go (New master or not)
- [ ] Add manpage entry
- [ ] Document all commands in readme
- [X] Monocle
- [X] Tiled (instead of default)
- [ ] Centered stack layout
- [ ] Grid layout
- [ ] All floating