This is an open source project to adap e learing system basic on GateIn portal framework gatein.org
public page: http://phamtuanchip.github.io/estudy
wiki page: http://wiki.vfossa.vn/mhst:ideas:mhst2013:gatein01
discussion: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/open-estudy
project manager tool: http://www.hostedredmine.com/projects/estudy
integration build test: https://travis-ci.org/phamtuanchip/estudy
social group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/open.estudy
issue report http://www.hostedredmine.com/projects/estudy/issues
mailinglist: open-estudy@googlegroups.com
Developing environment:
-Maven 3.0.4
-Java 1.6.x
-Tomcat application server 7
-Eclipse for j2ee
-Git client tool
Development guide:
Specification https://github.com/phamtuanchip/estudy/tree/master/docs/specification
Documentation https://github.com/phamtuanchip/estudy/tree/master/docs/project
Quick run guide:
clone repository
build with maven by : mvn clean install -s settings.xml
using "mvn clean install -s settings.xml -Ppkg-tomcat" to deploy tomcat binary
Known issue with windows OS http://www.hostedredmine.com/issues/229072
go to "packaging/tomcat/tomcat7/target/tomcat/bin" and run command "gatein.sh run" for unix base (mac, linux) or "gatein.bat run" for windows
login page http://localhost:8080/portal by root with pass gtn
import all application in application registry page
create new page and add estudy portlet to that page
Guide for connecto to MySql DB http://docs.exoplatform.com/public/topic/PLF40/PLFAdminGuide.Configuration.DatabaseConfiguration.html