Since there is a problem with the Tag::emailField. I'm a Volt template there is a simple login form using the helpers email_field and password_field.
<form action="{{ baseUri }}/accedi/" id="signinform" name="signinform" method="post" role="form">
{{ email_field("email", "placeholder": "E-mail") }}
{{ password_field("password", "placeholder": "Password") }}
<button type="submit" name="signin" class="btn blue">Accedi</button>
In the compiled template version you can see clearly that the password_field tag is properly converted, instead the email_field is not. I'm using the 1.2.4 version, I have checked the C code of tag.c and I can't see any difference between the email and the password tags, but the generated PHP is different. I think the problem is located in the Volt engine code. The email_field produces an invalid syntax and the template doesn't work. See below:
<form action="<?php echo $baseUri; ?>/accedi/" id="signinform" name="signinform" method="post" role="form">
<?php echo $this->tag->emailField('email', 'placeholder' => 'E-mail'); ?>
<?php echo $this->tag->passwordField(array('password', 'placeholder' => 'Password')); ?>
<button type="submit" name="signin" class="btn blue">Accedi</button>
The only way it works is using a different syntax for email_field, putting the parameters between brackets, like follows:
{{ email_field(["email", "placeholder": "E-mail"]) }}
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