[2.1.x] $form->isValid() doesn't merge validators (separate Validation class) #11500
Hi there,
I use the version of 2.1.0RC1 Phalcon and I think there is a bug in the function isValid class Phalcon\Forms\Form. When a separate Validation class is used andbinded with a form, the method isValid() overwrite validators declared in the initialize() method of the Validation.
Sorry for my English and see below the context, bug and correction (if I'm not wrong).
Validation class
namespace App\Validations;
use Phalcon\Validation;
use Phalcon\Validation\Validator\StringLength;
class SaveValidation extends Validation
public function initialize()
$this->add('name', new StringLength(array(
'min' => 3,
'messageMinimum' => "Name too short (3 chars min)"
Controller class
namespace App\Admin\Controllers;
use App\Models\Category;
use App\Validations\SaveValidation;
class CategoryController extends ControllerBase
public function newAction()
// Create new form
$form = new NewForm();
// IF is POST
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
// Create the new category
$category = new Category();
// Updates entity attributes
$form->bind($_POST, $category);
// Set form validation
$form->setValidation( new SaveValidation() );
// IF the form is valid, save the category
if ($form->isValid($_POST, $category)) {
// Save in DB
if ($category->save()) {
Phalcon\Forms\Form class with the bug and correction
* Phalcon\Forms\Form
class Form extends Injectable implements \Countable, \Iterator
public function isValid(var data = null, var entity = null) -> boolean
/* [....] */
* Prepare the validators
let preparedValidators = [];
for validator in validators {
let preparedValidators[] = [name, validator];
let validation = this->getValidation();
if typeof validation == "object" {
if validation instanceof Validation {
* Set the validators to the validation
validation->setValidators(preparedValidators); // Replace this line (326) by the next line
validation->rules(preparedValidators); // Replace with rules method to add and not override validators
} else {
* Create an implicit validation
let validation = new Validation(preparedValidators);
/* [....] */
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