Currently the setup is for es
This task needs to be done when the English changes.
Although it is automatically done in the github action from time to time it might be desirable to build the locale locally.
Only files that changed need to be added to the commit. Sometimes the change is only a timestamp those files are not to be commited.
Note: This is done automatically on the action.
for line in `cat build/doc/locale_changes_po_pot.txt`; do git add "$line"; done
After the files are added and before the commit, restore the files that only have changes on timestamps
git restore .
Resources are updated on transifex automatically from the develop branch.
Be patient takes time (I like the -d
flag just to know what is being
- this pulls all the translations
tx -d pull -f
- this pulls the Spanish translations
tx -d pull -f -l es
For this example the translator is translating pgr_createVerticesTable
Step 1: Build a local documentation
cd build
rm -rf *
cmake -D HTML=ON -D ES=ON ..
make html-es
Step 2: Navigate to the page you are translating:
On the Browser go to:
Step 3: Pull the translation & build the documentation & refresh browser
tx pull -r pgrouting.pgr_createVerticesTable -l es
make html-es
Refresh browser
NOTE: in any case English is always build
make doc
This example shows Spanish:
cmake -DWITH_DOC=ON -DES=ON ..
make html