A verbose implementation of a regular expression engine.
NOTE: This is a work in progess.
This projects purpose is to help me with learning about formal automata.
The implementation follows a strict by-the-book approach. The regular expression gets converted to an ε-NFA, that can be converted to an NFA, which gets converted to a DFA. The DFA can actually run the matching.
Clone this repo and run
python3 main.py
- The input alphabet has to be {0, 1}, only strings consisting of 0 and 1 are supported.
- Only the following operations are supported:
- Concatenation ('01')
- Union ('0+1')
- Kleene star ('0*')
- Precedence orders with parenthesis is supported
The implementation has 4 main parts, Regex, e-NFA, NFA and DFA. The processing of the matching of a string to a regular expression happens as follows.
Using the Shunting-Yard algorithm, the regex is converted from infix to postifx notation. This helps
to eliminate having to parse parenthesis. For example the regex (0+1)*0+11
would be transformed
to 01+*0.11.+
Out of the postfix regex the ε-NFA is created using the Thomsons's construction.
The epsilon-NFA is converted to an NFA by removing all ε transitions.
The non-deterministic format automaton is converted to a DFA.
The deterministic formal automaton can be easily executed and matched against the input string.